I don't think it's all about just getting out of Krok. It's about being ready for Grizzle and that means being at a level where you are able to buy the gear which is going to give you better pip chance, life, mana etc; and have trained the spells you need. I know this isn't an issue which you will fully understand on your first wiz, but I recently started a new myth/fire wiz. She is level 21 and has the keys to grizzle, but i have decided to keep her back until she can get level 25 gear and has trained humungofrog and meteor strike. That means grizzle will be more fun, and less grind. The game can be really hard work if you don't set up your wiz for a good time. Miranda Fire Song - Transcended Pyromancer
I don't think it's all about just getting out of Krok. It's about being ready for Grizzle and that means being at a level where you are able to buy the gear which is going to give you better pip chance, life, mana etc; and have trained the spells you need. I know this isn't an issue which you will fully understand on your first wiz, but I recently started a new myth/fire wiz. She is level 21 and has the keys to grizzle, but i have decided to keep her back until she can get level 25 gear and has trained humungofrog and meteor strike. That means grizzle will be more fun, and less grind. The game can be really hard work if you don't set up your wiz for a good time. Miranda Fire Song - Transcended Pyromancer
Grizzleheim is a voluntary side world that has nothing to do with Krokotopia or anything else. Waiting until you need it for your level 35 spell makes it much easier, and it goes much, much faster. As for the original question, everyone gets into and out of each world at their own pace. Some hit Krok at level 11 or 12, some not until level 20 or so. It depends on how many side quests you do.
I did a LOT of side quests in Pyramid Of The Sun and Krokosphinx and got into the Tomb of Storms two days ago. And I'm level 29. With the Temple Of Storms on my quest list, I guess I'll be leaving Krok at level 30 or so.
On my first wizard, I didn't do many side quests. I completed Krokotopia at about level 22 I think.... On my new character, I'm doing all side quests, so I left at around level 30. Like someone already said, there is no certain level. I think you just have to defeat Krokopatra.
it does not matter on the level. you have to do a quest and some dungeon. like i was like level 36 when i got out. good luck guy!
I agree. I was about a level 20 when I got out, but that's because I didn't do any of the side quests. Once you do the major quests like Tomb of storm, Kroktopia or whatever her name is, and the ice vault and other dungeons similar to those. Good luck in Kroktopia!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox, Paige Rainbowleaf lvl 34 Life wizard
I was 28 when I got out and I personaly think that 25-28 is the average time to get out .I was going to be 27 when I got out, but I gained a level in the last dungen.
I was doing good until my membership ended, I couldnt top up yet, so i had to do side quests. I got to the last part of KT at lvl 35. But i finished around lvl 37
_______________________________________________________ See ya in the spiral!