After many years of collecting Animus and House Guests, I have recently finally become Monstrology Level 25, the highest possible rank of "Exalted Monstrologist." Shameless boasting aside, upon closer inspection I have noticed something rather interesting, and I want to raise a point about it
In order to reach Monstrology Level 25, you have to extract the Animus of creatures that are rank 19 and higher. But considering that Lemuria introduced creatures that are Rank 20 and 21, and that at least one creature from each rank is able to have its Animus extracted, it is theoretically possible for a Wizard to achieve Monstrology Level 26 and 27.
Thus, I feel that it is time for the Monstrology level to be raised just a little higher, in order so that Monstrologists like myself can slowly crawl our way towards higher Monstrology levels.