I'm a lvl 39 and I just made it up to the Shirataki Temple (to defeat the plague oni) and I was wondering if I am under-leveled. When I walk around in Mooshu I usually just see people that are around level 42-49 and idk if I should start doing a bit more side quests. I actually have done a lot of them, like mostly all in Wizard City, a few in Krok and quite a lot in Marleybone and a tiny bit in Mooshu. Also tips on defeating Shirataki Temple dungeon??
am i under leveled my character is in level 28 and i need to kill supply runners and they are hard i got to mooshu at level 26 so am i under leveled i hope not
No way. No way at all. Every other wizard you've been seeing has been doing side quests. A lot of them. Like me. (Decided to omit this part because it sounds like bragging.)
BTW, to the person whose comment I saw while browsing the comments and anyone else who is in the same situation: Level 28 is under-leveled (And I congratulate you for making it this far. Use good strategy skills and/or do side quests. So much xp.), in a way. If you can make it through, then go on ahead.
-Alia NightStalker (I wish I could change that username for obvious reasons...) Level 43
No, your not under-leveled. If you see someone that seems to be higher than you by a few levels, it probably because they did side quests! Keep that in mind. I've seen a lot of people asking if they're too high or too low for a certain area. You guys don't need to worry.
No bro. Many ppl get there at like level 30 to 35 so you're fine. Don't worry about it anyways. If you are underleveled then you would level up easier since it gives a lot of xp.
You're fine in Mooshu. When you get to Dragonspire you won't be able to do any side quests unless you are at least level 40. And you can't complete Grizzleheim until you are level 40. But you don't need to be level 40 for Mooshu. I am running my life wizard through Mooshu, I'm level 35 at the moment, and everything seems pretty easy.
Note that having good gear and a good pet make more difference than a few levels in any case. You can get decent gear by going to the bazaar and simply buying all the best gear for your class and level, the best bazaar level 35 gear is fine for Mooshu. Getting good pets is more complicated.