I purchased a bundle from KI and it came with a Balance pet. This pet is pretty awesome for Balance with all talents ranking in the ultra-rare (4 pips), but he wouldn't be great for a non-Balance wizard since the talents are strictly Balance talents. The strange thing is that it comes with an Ice Card which kind of ruins the otherwise perfect pet for me. I don't know why it didn't just come with a Balance card of some sort.
If I purchase another of the same bundle and get the same pet, if I then train that pet with a wizard from a school that is NOT Balance, then will this Balance pet develop skills useful to the wizard or will it just be more Balance stuff?
I'm trying to determine what has greater influence, the pet's school or the wizard's.
I purchased a bundle from KI and it came with a Balance pet. This pet is pretty awesome for Balance with all talents ranking in the ultra-rare (4 pips), but he wouldn't be great for a non-Balance wizard since the talents are strictly Balance talents. The strange thing is that it comes with an Ice Card which kind of ruins the otherwise perfect pet for me. I don't know why it didn't just come with a Balance card of some sort.
If I purchase another of the same bundle and get the same pet, if I then train that pet with a wizard from a school that is NOT Balance, then will this Balance pet develop skills useful to the wizard or will it just be more Balance stuff?
I'm trying to determine what has greater influence, the pet's school or the wizard's.
If you check the Wizard101 wiki it should show you the potential talents your pet has in it's talent pool. First generation pets have a fixed pool of 10 talents but you can always hatch with other pets to transfer other more useful talents on to your pet. Your wizard has no influence on what talents the pet may get. If you don't have a friend with the talents you desire you can always search the pet kiosk in the pet pavilion. There's tons of amazing pet to hatch with but it can be costly, so you will likely want to farm for gold at somewhere like Halfang in Wintertusk.