Rental Mounts vs Perm Mounts Prices: Saddle Sore over the price
I recently recieved a 7 day Anklysaurous mount from the Daily Assignment reward. The Anklysaurous mount has been around for a while so its not particularly new, and I have had it as a temporary mount several times. There is nothing particukarly special about it as mounts go, as it gives a +40% movement rate. It's appearence is nice and the animation is good. Still it is not a rare mount nor does it stand out in the face of other mounts that offer the same or better stats. It did however give me cause to look at it in the crown shop.
In the crown shop there is the 7 day temporary (rental) version for 2000 crowns with no gold option, and there is the Permanent version for 6500 crowns also with no gold option. This struck me as a tiny bit odd as to why anyone would buy the temoporary version over the permanent one. The fact is that many of the temporary mounts that have permenant versions are like this.
I collect mounts, as do many players, and the anklysaurous mount is one that I actually do not have as a perm. I do have several of the 7 day versions though. I usually trash them to clear up space in my bank or backpack, since you cant sell them. Yet I started to wonder why there is no gold option for the ANY OF the rental mounts.
Gold is pretty easy to get if you work at it, so why not offer the rental mounts with a gold option to purchase?
I propose to the Developers that 7 day rental mounts come with a GOLD option to buy/rent Going through the Rental Mounts offered in the crown shop I saw the Enchanted Broom, Black Stallion, Swift Shark, Sea Turtle, and Chestnut Pony all have a GOLD option to buy. They offer the same bonuses as the Anklysaurous mount. Thus there is no advantage or disadvantage in having one over the other. There is a significant crowns price difference between them though. A few of the other mounts are 1000 Crowns WITH a gold option to rent, and some are 2000 crowns to rent which is the same as the Anklysaurous rental that is also 2000 crowns.
Lets try to bring some consistancy and fairness in the prices of rental mounts vs permanent mounts.