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Talent Tokens

Jul 20, 2009
So I finally trained my pet to Ultra in order to get the Locked Talent Spell that came with the pet. I understand that I need talent tokens to unlock this spell, but I did not receive the tokens I needed to unlock it - even when the pet is at the highest level it can go. Is there a reason for this? I spent a lot of time grinding to finally get my pet to ultra, and am a little disappointed that I wasn’t received the required tokens to do so.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Jamesmichel on Jan 25, 2022 wrote:
So I finally trained my pet to Ultra in order to get the Locked Talent Spell that came with the pet. I understand that I need talent tokens to unlock this spell, but I did not receive the tokens I needed to unlock it - even when the pet is at the highest level it can go. Is there a reason for this? I spent a lot of time grinding to finally get my pet to ultra, and am a little disappointed that I wasn’t received the required tokens to do so.
I think you get a random token for leveling your pet up, but depending on what the Talent is you need different types of tokens. I would search for the type of token that you need on the wiki and see what's the best way to get that particular type.