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Player vs. Player

TopicRepliesAuthorViewsLast Message
Arena Tickets?
2 2673
very angry
1 2378
Balance's weakness
16 26850
Why balance is not unfair
0 1629
What does KI mean?
3 4133
Arena entrances in different worlds?
3 2971
School Vs Treasure in Arena
2 2527
Please kill the stuns
55 31055
The answer to these "problems"
3 3125
People complain about myth, don't!
3 2703
Pvp Partners
0 1630
4 3982
Running out of cards
12 14192
Is anyone else having this problem?
3 2973
Death overlords
14 8465
What seems like cheating and not
10 4867
Doom and gloom - needs to change!
9 6427
cyrus match
3 2889
2 2553
4 3621
balance 101
1 2309
Overlord rank?
4 7352
Not fair
2 2501
7 3976
0 1774
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