Is this some kind of glitch because today i saw a legendary storm warlord with 110 win and 220 losses.
Dont say i read it wrong and that it was 220 wins and 110 losses because i looked at it for over 2 minutes and i am positive it said 110 wins 220 loses.
My record is 293 wins and 232 losses with a 764 rating and a Captain rank which seems pretty resonable, but having double the losses than wins and being a warlord makes no sense.
Wow, that is odd, but stuff like that can happen. Once, for no reason at all, my health suddenly dropped to -6785470597856723097 or something like that. also, 110 could have been 1100 wins. William Crowthistle Legendary Pyromancer
Is tis some kind of glitch because today i saw a legendary storm warlord with 110 win and 220 losses. Is this some kind of glitch because he has exactly double the wins as losses and he is a warlord with a rating of over 1100.
Dont say i read it wrong and that it was 220 wins and 110 losses because i looked at it for over 2 minutes and i am positive it said 110 wins 220 loses.
My record is 293 wins and 232 losses with a 764 rating and a Captain rank which seems pretty resonable, but having double the losses than wins and being a warlord makes no sense.
Thanks, Dlyan Death level 60 Necromancer
The player likely purposely downranked his wizard for quite awhile at start to bolster their other wizards and then decided to rank up with it afterwards.