For the sake of player vs player integrity when it comes to tournaments not turn-based, can you please implement a change to hide player names or give them team names or something? My main character I play on is named '_____ Fireflame' and is a (Obvious, I know). I made this character years and years ago and it's still one of my main wizards. Unfortunately with the current way tournaments are displayed, it's very easy to set your deck shields to specifically be against a player simply based off of their name that you are allowed to check before you accept your match. With this ability you can have a clear advantage just based off of names alone. Something needs to change to remove this extremely unfair advantage if as company you're not going to allow name changes. Either that or make all tournaments turn-based so displaying names does not matter. Either way, the current advantage of seeing names before the tourney is a ridiculously strong advantage that does not have a counter for other than name changing or hiding names. I'd love to talk about this in detail if at all possible simply to help improve the game you all care for as much as I do.
I sent an email about this personally and got an automated response in regards to it.