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Again, It happens.

Mar 16, 2010
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.

Jul 27, 2009
if you read the wording of the judgment card it says
Deal 100 per pip to target.

100 time the number of pips the caster has.

so if the caster has a ton of pips and you are less then 800 life you can be sure you will die as the caster has probably has blades hexes feints and traps up as well

largest i have seen judgement hit for was about 3000 plus

so if it is thrown at you be prepared to die

Mar 22, 2009
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.
it is fixed from a spell called unjudgment in colossus boulevard from mildred farseer

Apr 18, 2010
chatter2000 wrote:
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.
it is fixed from a spell called unjudgment in colossus boulevard from mildred farseer

its called unbalance

Jan 24, 2010
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.

Well, woot000, did you expect that the balance dispel would mean that you will never lose to a skilled balance wizard? Balance is still powerful, and you still need to cultivate a clever strategy to beat a sorcerer or sorceress.

If you're going to PVP, expect to lose sometimes and win sometimes, depending on your skill AND that of your opponent.

Mar 15, 2009
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.

I bet that if he hit an killed you with another balance spell an killed you you would be crying about that spell needing "fixed" to,just like your typical PvPers always crying about a school spell thay dont know how to defend against, guess it is just easyer to cry to have a spell changed then it is to find a way to defend against it.

Most not all PvPers just have to cry "I dont like that spell change it KI" and the sad part is KI will listen to them at the cost of the quest player,take away from the quest players and give to the PvPers because if KI dont PvPers will cry!!! BOOHOO.

Michael RedBlood Death School

Mar 16, 2010
DavidStronghunter1... wrote:
chatter2000 wrote:
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.
it is fixed from a spell called unjudgment in colossus boulevard from mildred farseer

its called unbalance
I got it already, but I dont seem to be pvping balance people a whole lot.Oh david, I already got it before you said that.

Apr 18, 2010
Ugh, all spells can kill you realize that! plus a simple tower or efreet will work

Aug 14, 2009
This is why you need a strategy rather then going to KI and start complaining to them. Pvp is ruining the whole game, it ruined wild bolt already and we don't want it to ruin judgement. Pvp is optional, you dont have to do it at all

Mar 16, 2010
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
Ugh, all spells can kill you realize that! plus a simple tower or efreet will work
Your saying a fire cat or wand attack can kill me in one hit?

Apr 18, 2010
woot000 wrote:
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
Ugh, all spells can kill you realize that! plus a simple tower or efreet will work
Your saying a fire cat or wand attack can kill me in one hit?

well i once made firecat hit over 2,000. It was just luck but still...

Aug 12, 2009
woot000 wrote:
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
Ugh, all spells can kill you realize that! plus a simple tower or efreet will work
Your saying a fire cat or wand attack can kill me in one hit?

I've seen a wand boosted to do over 10k damage, so yes, a WAND can kill you in one hit if its boosted right and not shielded against. In fact, they used such a wand to kill Malistaire in one hit. If Mali can be one-hit with a Wand, why can't you? You can only stack so many shields, and there's no proof that they won't just quake you before the wand thrower wands. Quake Treasures are no longer 'Rare'. They are frequently given off by Silver Trumpet Vines.

Apr 18, 2010
woot000 wrote:
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
Ugh, all spells can kill you realize that! plus a simple tower or efreet will work
Your saying a fire cat or wand attack can kill me in one hit?

yes it can

Sep 23, 2008
Hehe one word............. EFREET! Fire people are good for Judgment users ;)

Jan 24, 2010
LOL, My wand did just that yesterday. It went critical and, with all the boosts in my gear, my CL wand did over 500. I was very surprised :) Oh, and it did kill my opponent.

Yeah, woot000,

You gotta expect to lose in pvp. It's a hard system to master. That warlord badge doesn't come easy.

Mar 02, 2009
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.
So your saying that no spell should ever be able to kill anybody in one hit with traps and blades? ANY spell can kill someone with proper blades and traps so if you want a card that can't kill someone in one hit then you don't want cards with damage to exist at all.

Mar 06, 2010
DavidStronghunter1... wrote:
chatter2000 wrote:
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.
it is fixed from a spell called unjudgment in colossus boulevard from mildred farseer

its called unbalance

did you really need to say that?

Dec 04, 2010
Dude, one hit kills are possible. Any spell from any school may be able to kill in 1 hit with the right blades and traps(well, maybe not life, no offense). Remember, all magics are powerful in some way.

Mar 16, 2010
Tom5194 wrote:
Dude, one hit kills are possible. Any spell from any school may be able to kill in 1 hit with the right blades and traps(well, maybe not life, no offense). Remember, all magics are powerful in some way.
I already knew that, no need to tell me again.

Mar 16, 2010
Zzatdragon wrote:
woot000 wrote:
Ok, the post that said the judgement problem is fixed, it isnt.My last battle, I got killed by a judgement.So how in the world is it fixed if it STILL KILLS???The balance guy that killed me said ha ha to me.More noobs of the bat.

I bet that if he hit an killed you with another balance spell an killed you you would be crying about that spell needing "fixed" to,just like your typical PvPers always crying about a school spell thay dont know how to defend against, guess it is just easyer to cry to have a spell changed then it is to find a way to defend against it.

Most not all PvPers just have to cry "I dont like that spell change it KI" and the sad part is KI will listen to them at the cost of the quest player,take away from the quest players and give to the PvPers because if KI dont PvPers will cry!!! BOOHOO.

Michael RedBlood Death School
Seriously, I didnt say change spell but in june and no one is crying just cause they lose.I said this once and you arent stopping.