balance is kinda unfair is 1v1. Dont you think? now that there is balance dispel that helps people stop form judgeing. But there should be a balance shield because dispel will only help if the balance goes second.
Have you not heard about "Tower Shield" thats a SHIELD against Balance so stop asking for something that there already is and I think KI made a really bad mistake bringing unbalance back its not fair for Balance to not have specific blades or traps but yet it can get a specific dispel? COME ON thats just plain unfair Anyways my point is there already is a shield so stop asking for one Fire is the True Balance
Have you not heard about "Tower Shield" thats a SHIELD against Balance so stop asking for something that there already is and I think KI made a really bad mistake bringing unbalance back its not fair for Balance to not have specific blades or traps but yet it can get a specific dispel? COME ON thats just plain unfair Anyways my point is there already is a shield so stop asking for one Fire is the True Balance
Hey calm down, no there is most certainly not a balance shield and unbalance is completely fair, if there is a dispel for every other school balance needs to have one too. Tower shield is not a balance shield, its an everything shield. Yes okay maybe i do want a balance shield but there's not going to be one because balance is supposed to be a sorta different school. People have been complaining about balance constantly and it is annoying but you don't need to go off on the person who posted this. The point of balance is to not have specific blades or traps, its like a helping school. But there is basically no way to stop a balance attack, yeah you said get a tower shield but who wants to waste their training points on getting one? And even then its only a 50% shield. Balance is not like the other schools, shouldn't be viewed as being like the other schools, hmm I guess when you put it like that maybe they shouldn't have a dispel, but you must admit that it makes pvp more fair, and at least with that you don't have to treasure towers to stop balance.
I don't think balance should get a shield, it is perfectly fine the way it is right now. Sure, there aren't any balance shields, but there isn't any balance-specific blades or traps to boost balanced attacks. If you are having trouble with balance, stock up on absorbs, tower shields, and weakness. If none of that works, try teaming up with friends.
Ugh, quit complaining about that balance is over powered and un fair cuz it isn't. the reason why everybody says that is because a lot of players lose to a balance. of course, i DO agree it's really difficult to kill one myself alone, since i am a ice wizard. but i think you should try to find his weak point.
idk if you understand his/her weak point but to the older players, try to find it.
As a Balance Student, I happen to think Storm is unfair because of the high hit points. Life is unfair because they can heal constantly. Ice is unfair because they get better health points. Death is unfair because they can steal my health and use it to heal themselves. Fire is unfair because they have kill-over-time spells. Myth is unfair because of the muscles. Yeah, sure we got Judgement, but while we're trying to save up the pips for a decent shot, you can kill us. Think about that.
balance is kinda unfair is 1v1. Dont you think? now that there is balance dispel that helps people stop form judgeing. But there should be a balance shield because dispel will only help if the balance goes second.
No, I don't think that balance is kinda unfair! Seriously, you need to stop and think before you whine and cry about this!
First off, Balance does not have a shield? Tower shield works against all school.
Secondly, Every other school has a convert, balance does not.
Finally, Balance only gets 50% shields to schools vs all other schools getting 70% shields to their counterparts and 80% shield to their own school!
Yes, UnBalance, the Dispel, is very fair, since all other schools have one, so it my opinion, the game and Balance is very fair, and people need to stop whining and crying. I have called a whambulance, it will be here shortly!
Balance is supposed to be outside of the normal spirit/elemental schools... That's why it doesn't get a blade/trap... It SHOULD and NEED to at least have the small peak that it cannot be specifically blocked by a shield.
This peak is mostly useless in any serious battle (PvP) because anyone worth their salt will have Tower Shields trained with Tower TCs. Yet, there are nothing that will improve a Balance's damage beyond BalanceBlade (blade-wise).
Every spell gets a Dispel because their belong to that spirit/elemental school. Balance doesn't. How do you "dispel" something that's supposedly outside the normal schools of magic?
The Unbalance spell is a typical example of over-whining causing the game to lose integrity and over-all playability. People need to THINK before they whine and not just think of how it benefits them. "Oh, I can't beat Balance cause I can't PvP well... Let me whine and see if something gets changed. I am not responsible for my words or actions or anything..."
As a Balance Student, I happen to think Storm is unfair because of the high hit points. Life is unfair because they can heal constantly. Ice is unfair because they get better health points. Death is unfair because they can steal my health and use it to heal themselves. Fire is unfair because they have kill-over-time spells. Myth is unfair because of the muscles. Yeah, sure we got Judgement, but while we're trying to save up the pips for a decent shot, you can kill us. Think about that.
Your post is funny, but I find it to be totally true! Everyone complains about balance and judgement, life and healing, ice and resist, myth and minions, storm and high hits, fire and DOT and death with heal and hit spells. Everyone needs to chill. You are complaining about the differences that make each school unique and you need to learn to work around those differences there are ways to defeat all schools. I love PVP but I also go into knowing that you are going to win some and lose some, thats the nature of the beast. If you look at a warlords PVP stats most of them have as many loses as wins, so just keep that in mind. It takes a long time to rank up for most wizards. I just hope that KI doesn't listen to all the kid complaniners and ruin PVP. And yes, I do think changing bolt was fair, it was way overpowered for a 2 pip spell, and yes I have a storm wiz.
I think some people go a little far. I myself am a balance student, and yes I think there should be a shield, but there isn't, and that doesn't mean we're unfair/too powerful.
Balance is again designed to be outside of the normal elements, "the gap in between them all." We are actually rather different because we have to wait on pips and some of our high pip attacks are really weak, like hydra. (my opinion, I mean spectral blast has a higher amount of attack points for less pips!) But we also can be very useful for other wizards and ourselves because we have blades and shields for all elements. (not bragging lol) This can make us deadly, but it does not guarantee our win.
There is a downside to every element. Life: For the life wizard: Most strong spells are healing spells. For the opponent: Life can constantly heal. Myth: For the myth wizard: You need a lot of boosts sometimes for strong spells. For the opponent: Strong attacks. Storm: For the storm wizard: Fizzles a lot. For the opponent: High damage. Fire: For the fire wizard: I'm not sure what yours is, but I think you guys have a little lower health. For the opponent: Stronger over 3 turns spells. Death: For the death wizard: Most bosses can resist, and not many shields/power ups For the opponent: They can steal your health and take half for themselves Ice: For the Ice wizard: same as life, your attacks are rather weak... For the opponent: They have powerful blades and traps. Balance: For the Balance Wizard: Most of our attacks are weak and need boosts. This is why we have so many. For the opponent: We have many traps and power ups to support us, and our minions listen to us. (this works for me, if it works for you, tell me)
So now can you see we all have our goods and bads?
I think that balance is really unfair. There are 7 advantages a balance wiz has.
1. It shields every school because the elemental and spirit shield give 3 shields and costs 0 pips.
2. All a balance needs is 4 power pip judge to kill you without a tower because does 800 base plus the 63% attack boost makes judge do 1,304 but you can enchant judge to make it really do 325 base with gargantuan and that 63% power boost makes judge then do like around 5,000 damage, for storm tower can't even block that. And consider that you only need 2 turns so it's not fair. The only way you can win is if you're first if they do that.
3. The only schools that can take out a legendary balance are fire because efreet. And ice because the ice resist and tower are the only way you can block judge.
4. Even with the balance dispel it still takes 1 training point to learn it unless you're balance which is a bad idea because you're wasting a training point really, plus the decks only can give you 5 copies and it takes 2 pips so the only way you can have the balance dispel actually work is if you're first.
5. If you are going to leave balance the way it is now... at least include a balance shield because their power boost takes off the tower and adds some damage so please KI make a balance shield. I have a legendary fire and even when he's first he has a hard time, plus he has a 6% fire power boost from a talent from the helephant.
6 The balance legendary if wears the gear has resist of every school, elemental schools 14, spirit schools 9. And with the elemental and spirit shields it gives a little more than a treasure tower on spirit, and elemental almost the level 8 shields as a resist. So that is no fair because you can resist a spell so much then use judge for the kill if you don't die, it's no fair.
7. I also noticed some of the balance wizards with a power pip chance over 100% and that's not fair because when the battle starts like I said it takes 2 turns for the kill, a different school if they get one pip they die unless a fizz. So when the balance always gets the power pips they need then they just judge with that balance blade and it's unfair that a balance only needs 2 turns to win a battle really. So KI I think have a balance shield and make judge do 90 or make the dispel one pip so if a other school does get a pip they can dispel the balance. Or fix the legendary gear so someone stands a chance besides fire and ice at least.
Dylan StrongBlood lv.60 Pyromancer Ryan StrongBlood lv.32 Sorcerer David StrongBlood lv.11 Conjurer
I think balance vs other schools is fair to me. I am a balance level 58 and if any of you crazy people think balance vs other people is unfair then hear this! i was doing ranked pvp and i lost to a storm legend! I: I know stupid of me.but i think its fine
Will people give it a rest!!! I am SICK of hearing "balance is too powerfull because I can't come up with a stratagy for it to save my life" (yes, that is what I see when I look at these posts), I have tryed to say this a little nicer, but no one seems to listen to me. Basicly, your mad at balance for using a spell (ONE SPELL, THAT'S ALL IT IS), which is like saying, "let's take efreet from fire, and leviathan from storn, oh and I don't like healing, let's take that out to, oh not to mention I'm annoyed by ice's health, that should be gone, oh and death heals when they attack, that's not right, I can't do it." (Not what I say, I don't care when someone kills me with their spell, its what they are supposed to do!) is that right? Do you want to hear people take your spells? Didn't think so. Sorry if this might have affended someone, I'm just sick of not being heard.
Amber Sandrunner level 30 balance
Amber Stormsong level 44 storm (yes, I have been on the receiving side of judgment)
Have you not heard about "Tower Shield" thats a SHIELD against Balance so stop asking for something that there already is and I think KI made a really bad mistake bringing unbalance back its not fair for Balance to not have specific blades or traps but yet it can get a specific dispel? COME ON thats just plain unfair Anyways my point is there already is a shield so stop asking for one Fire is the True Balance
ok chill people as i have only played this game 1 day so far , there dose not need to be a shield to block balance because balance is prity much every school combined and thats why if you go to krok island and go to the other part of the balance school there and read the book while in there is states that balance is one of the harder schools to master because you need to find the right balance of cards from other schools to make you power worth while ,
and at this moment in time im only lvl 22 and i am balance and storm
ty for your time, p.s with the recent update why wont wizzy load for me now?
The only problem i have with balance is when i faced a balance wizard and all he did was use shields then reshuffled and kept doing the same process, well you can see where this is going I ran out of cards and I couldn't hurt him that much so I lost.
balance is kinda unfair is 1v1. Dont you think? now that there is balance dispel that helps people stop form judgeing. But there should be a balance shield because dispel will only help if the balance goes second.
Dude that's the whole point of balance! thats why the only really good cards of balance are judgement and power nova, because balance changes the rules and gets around things.
i think balance is unfair because there is no shield against it. I mean there is shields for all the other schools why cant there be any for balance.
You have to thik about the other things that would need to be added to the balance school if there waas a new balance shield: 1)Balance buffs made for balance only and a little more powerful 2)Balance convert(to the three spirit schools) 3)Due to 1), change bladstorm to one player and not cost a pip 4)Remove weakness also due to 1)
Now you see all the changes that are to be made to balance.
TOWER SHIELD. Balance doesn't have a shield because its attacks are so weak, only judge does any decent damage and a tower will kill HALF that. I am sick of seeing all these whiners going 'Balance is so unfair because I'm not smart enough to think of a way to beat them. I'm going to go whine so I don't have to actually think to win a duel!' Seriously people, Balance is completely balanced!
I think that balance is really unfair. There are 7 advantages a balance wiz has.
1. It shields every school because the elemental and spirit shield give 3 shields and costs 0 pips.
Balance only gets 50% shields to each school!
2. All a balance needs is 4 power pip judge to kill you without a tower because does 800 base plus the 63% attack boost makes judge do 1,304 but you can enchant judge to make it really do 325 base with gargantuan and that 63% power boost makes judge then do like around 5,000 damage, for storm tower can't even block that. And consider that you only need 2 turns so it's not fair. The only way you can win is if you're first if they do that.
Ok, you are correct, a 4 power pip judge with 63% boost is 1304, however, if you add in gargantuan, it does not make 5000, not sure where you got your math skills there, but it only adds in 225 points of damage, not 225 per pip of damage, so get for facts straight before you whine!
3. The only schools that can take out a legendary balance are fire because efreet. And ice because the ice resist and tower are the only way you can block judge.
Don't speak for everyone, because I have wizards in all schools and every single wizard can beat a Legendary Balance Wizard. If you don't have the skill then I suggest, you hit the studies a little harder!
4. Even with the balance dispel it still takes 1 training point to learn it unless you're balance which is a bad idea because you're wasting a training point really, plus the decks only can give you 5 copies and it takes 2 pips so the only way you can have the balance dispel actually work is if you're first.
Yes, for other schools it costs 1 training point to learn the Balance Dispel, however, for balance to learn it, it does not cost any training points, or do you forget that your school spells don't cost training points?
5. If you are going to leave balance the way it is now... at least include a balance shield because their power boost takes off the tower and adds some damage so please KI make a balance shield. I have a legendary fire and even when he's first he has a hard time, plus he has a 6% fire power boost from a talent from the helephant.
Funny that you mention that, because balance only has 100 damage per pip spell called judgment, that you can tower shield and treasure tower shield against, while Fire, has heck hound at 130 damage per pips that lasts for 3 rounds, has a higher damage boost and critical boost than balance and is a DOT spell to eat through any and all shields! Boo Hoo for YOU!
6 The balance legendary if wears the gear has resist of every school, elemental schools 14, spirit schools 9. And with the elemental and spirit shields it gives a little more than a treasure tower on spirit, and elemental almost the level 8 shields as a resist. So that is no fair because you can resist a spell so much then use judge for the kill if you don't die, it's no fair.
Again, read my answer to 5 for 6 because all you state here is you like to whine and cry that nothing is fair!
7. I also noticed some of the balance wizards with a power pip chance over 100% and that's not fair because when the battle starts like I said it takes 2 turns for the kill, a different school if they get one pip they die unless a fizz. So when the balance always gets the power pips they need then they just judge with that balance blade and it's unfair that a balance only needs 2 turns to win a battle really. So KI I think have a balance shield and make judge do 90 or make the dispel one pip so if a other school does get a pip they can dispel the balance. Or fix the legendary gear so someone stands a chance besides fire and ice at least.
Every School does have a chance and there is not a school that can't beat balance. If you are having problems, I suggest you study and find new and better strategies rather than whining and crying. The game is fair, the spells are accurate, the shields ar good, and nothing is wrong with dispels. The only thing wrong, is your lack of vision!
Have you not heard about "Tower Shield" thats a SHIELD against Balance so stop asking for something that there already is and I think KI made a really bad mistake bringing unbalance back its not fair for Balance to not have specific blades or traps but yet it can get a specific dispel? COME ON thats just plain unfair Anyways my point is there already is a shield so stop asking for one Fire is the True Balance
I agree fire is great lol (as I am one) but I could never beat them in a 1v1 if I efreet and then they judgment day me it still doesnt matter they still win even if I gobbler polymorph and steal their tower shields I still always die against balance. Even if I satyr and it does critical.
Ugh, quit complaining about that balance is over powered and un fair cuz it isn't. the reason why everybody says that is because a lot of players lose to a balance. of course, i DO agree it's really difficult to kill one myself alone, since i am a ice wizard. but i think you should try to find his weak point.
idk if you understand his/her weak point but to the older players, try to find it.
what I think you're a balance yourself :) ~James Iceheart Legendary Pyromancer
TOWER SHIELD. Balance doesn't have a shield because its attacks are so weak, only judge does any decent damage and a tower will kill HALF that. I am sick of seeing all these whiners going 'Balance is so unfair because I'm not smart enough to think of a way to beat them. I'm going to go whine so I don't have to actually think to win a duel!' Seriously people, Balance is completely balanced!
Yeah, says the balance. James Iceheart Legendary Pyromancer
TOWER SHIELD. Balance doesn't have a shield because its attacks are so weak, only judge does any decent damage and a tower will kill HALF that. I am sick of seeing all these whiners going 'Balance is so unfair because I'm not smart enough to think of a way to beat them. I'm going to go whine so I don't have to actually think to win a duel!' Seriously people, Balance is completely balanced!
Yeah, says the balance. James Iceheart Legendary Pyromancer
You do realize that going around calling everyone a balance wizard because they support them doesn't help your cause at all?