Hey there, I'm a level 50 Ice Wizard, and I've been trying at PvP lately, but I always lose. What are some good strategies? The best thing I know is Ice Armor lol. Oh, I forgot to say, I'm talking about 1v1 strategies. I've never really come up with a strategy, except for an okay one for 4v4. But please, I love to collect pets, and I really want to get some of the special pets! And I just want to look like a boss with the special PvP gear. 8) All ideas are welcome, and I thank you already for helping me! Well, at least I hope you're going to.
Here. It's not full but here is what deck you should get. The Frosbit Deck, Level 50+ Ice School Only.
First, you don't need to worry about traps. Waste of time. Ice Armour, it's not that big anymore, I mean I never see anyone use it.
So now you have a good deck and all but what pet? Your Level 48 School Pet. It gives +Ice Damage and other goodies. If your in Celestia get the StarFish. It is 12,000 gold but worth it. It may give heals and other surprises along the way.
Deck, covered, pet covered, cards, no!
So put in 6 Ice Blades. 4 Elemental Blades. 5 Ice Minions. 5 Pixies, or 3 Pixies, and 2 Satyr, 4 BaleFrost, 7 Tower Shields. You may disagree, but tower shields are better than -70 shields. Why? Is your fighting a death, he looks like fire, then you might use a shield to block fire. I use treasure shields just in case. 6 for each school, and an extra -55 for balance. Call me a noob but this is how I win! Next you need 5 FrostBites, 4 Frost Giants, and 6 Colossus. This should work I hope!