KI PLEASE consider this idea. I think it would be fun if you could watch PVP battles between bosses in Wizard 101. For example, you could watch Rattlebones vs. Lady Blackhope by going to the kiosk built for Boss vs. Boss and pick the battle you want to watch. battles could range from Foulgaze vs. Lord Nightshade to Meowwiarty vs. Jade Oni. There can also be 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 matches as well. Thanks. Ethan Iceblood lvl.32 life wizard
KI PLEASE consider this idea. I think it would be fun if you could watch PVP battles between bosses in Wizard 101. For example, you could watch Rattlebones vs. Lady Blackhope by going to the kiosk built for Boss vs. Boss and pick the battle you want to watch. battles could range from Foulgaze vs. Lord Nightshade to Meowwiarty vs. Jade Oni. There can also be 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 matches as well. Thanks. Ethan Iceblood lvl.32 life wizard
Heh heh, I would like to see Malistare getting owned by Jade Oni or something...