I mean, life has been utterly destroyed as a school over the years and I don't understand why it seems ice keeps getting buffed despite being the best school for pvp. Like Life cannot pvp without jading which is just awful and even then it doesn't even work that effectively.
Our bubble is 3 pips compared to every other school having theirs 2 pips (death does the polar opposite and is better than life's). We cant even get a maycast damage aura for life (devotion) since it wasn't even made
Our attacks are meh Our heals aren't effective enough to do anything.
Our stats are outclassed by all schools.
Ever since the critical guardian spirit nerf occurred, the schools deficiencies have been exposed since that spell single handily carried us. Death is a better jade since its more versatile and the best universal heal is one everyone can get. Even ice jades in pve are better than life ones. PVP and PVE for life is to be frank, dead since everyone can do critical life heals. Not to even mention critical heals were nerfed to like 1. something which means heals haven't been that effective.
Storms have so much health for supposedly being glass cannons. They like 2k away from life which with their amazing utility spells and normal spells they better. Myth and Death are better at blading and hitting have more utilities. Fire's damage is just... Balance gets these amazing utilities. Ice is just ridiculously bad its a joke What does life have?
Is this going to be addressed at some point? Can there be buffed heals or add more utilities to life or maybe even make life gear have way more heal boost so its useful to heal while also not being jade which is why life keeps getting nerfed to begin with.
I think the more we can get life away from jading, the better. The whole point of life was to be able to heal yourself and others- prolonging a fight and sustaining yourself to continue.
Now it's just super high resist where damage can't even be done to you at all
And offensive life... ouch. Aside from spamming weaver and brown spider, forget it.
I think the more we can get life away from jading, the better. The whole point of life was to be able to heal yourself and others- prolonging a fight and sustaining yourself to continue.
Now it's just super high resist where damage can't even be done to you at all
And offensive life... ouch. Aside from spamming weaver and brown spider, forget it.
Honestly, I kind of agree. In order to get good healing or resist, we have to sacrifice a ton of damage. I have found that my life tends to have less damage than ices. Also spamming lum just doesn't work anymore due to solar surge and limited deck space. Every school has 8k+ health now minimum and has high resist and resist jewels making any form of non blade stacking impossible. Since every school has access to our utility spells, our overtime hits aren't useful and we have a really hard time dealing with set shields; we don't have good enough damage or pierce to go through shields.
We also have inferior everything compared to other schools (as I mentioned previously all our best spells are avaible to everyone in tc form or from packs... cough pigsie cough).
Our bubble is the only bubble that costs more than 2 pips. Initially I got the argument about school consistency but the newer updates have thrown that away with gear making every school have monster stats and new spell changes. Why does balance get a bubble for their own damage when they don't even have a blade that does that but life keeps getting a 3 pip bubble. Sanc should be made 2 pips with lower heal boost like 35%.
As I said above, we dont have may cast damage auras, even our tcs our inferior like rat magician compared to brown spider or life scarab compared to death scarab.
Our minion is honestly awful and its embarrasing how bad it is in pvp. No other minion passes as much as the fairy minion. The fairy minion spends 70% of its time passing then does a random trap or heal on like round 3-4 which is useless since it is just killed with a wand hit since it has like no health despite being the most expensive minion pip wise compared to other schools. Myths baba yaga egg is a better healer than our life minion.