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change to efreet

Jul 10, 2009
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer

Jan 05, 2010
niyadjahan wrote:
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer

Go buy the cleans ward treasure card, it reduces efreet weakness by 100% and you keep your blades. KI gave you the tools already, it's up to you to figure out how to use them. Why not post here asking for help with efreet rather than trying to change or alter spells that have been carefully designed for this game?

May 10, 2010
Yeah, knew you were not a Fire Wizard....

Well, how about we take Talos, Orthrus, and Medusa from Myth then, that would be fair...

Oct 11, 2009
niyadjahan wrote:
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer

If efreet is weakened then remove one of medusa's stuns to compensate. Just deal with the weakness, use a wand attack, think of a strategy against fire and their efreet.

Feb 16, 2009
niyadjahan wrote:
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer

Efreet's weakness can be easily waved away with a simple wand spell.

Besides, there's more to W101 than PVP. Lowering Efreet's weakness will be a big blow to Pyromancers in PVE combat. That weakness can severely cripple powerful enemies for one turn and turn their powerful attacks into almost nothing. Diminishing that will make it a lot harder for questing Pyromancers.

Nov 04, 2010
niyadjahan wrote:
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer
*GASP*! No. never. Fires greatest hit will never be de- awesomeized!

Jul 30, 2010
niyadjahan wrote:
hey guys,

i want a change to efreet i want the weakness lowered. The weakness from efreet is way to strong i mean, a 90% weakness? isn't that too high? i thinkthe weakness should be lowered to 50% or something. So kingsisle, PLZ lower the efreet weakness

-blaze duskstone legendary conjurer

i am sorry but sometimes the efreet wekness can actually be quit useful for me because i am death so i my strategy for facind fire that looks like he will efreet is to wait till he does with out bladeing and once he does use sacrifice or dark pact in which case it helps me take less damage and keep the normal benifits. for myth against fire a good strategy would probably have a few treasures in your deck like fire cat or fire elf to get rid of it without using yuor blades.

Jul 09, 2009
because stunning for two rounds is fair right? A whole bunch of people worked hard to get efreet and it just has an added affect. Snow Angel tuants, and is an aoe DoT, Levy removes two charms which is pretty cool, Forest Lord what some life wizards consider life's first attack, Ra an epic aoe attack,Skeletal Dragon every good Dot, Medusa good damage two turn stun. Now how would like it if Kingsisle made Medusa stun for one round or got rid of stun completely and made it some like on trap. A lot of people would be really angry. The level 58 spells are supossed to be extremely strong and annoy people because we all worked hard to get them explaining why Kingisle doesnt make any changes to the spells. :)

Aaron Drakewalker Level 60

Aug 04, 2009
Getting a weakness off is easy just use a low level attack, maybe just use your wand, or they even have cleanse spells, and you can get the cleanse spells from amulets and treasures if your not storm.

Jul 10, 2009
darthjt wrote:
Yeah, knew you were not a Fire Wizard....

Well, how about we take Talos, Orthrus, and Medusa from Myth then, that would be fair...
You're kidding, right? now i change my mind bout efreet weakness.