People work hard in PvP to get their Commander Gear so why doe it have a -100% mana on it? I understand that it USED to be because Commander gear was too powerful and was deemed "unfair"; however, now Ice Wizard's regular gear is more powerful than Commander gear in many many ways. Why on earth should Commander Gear remain gimped while Ice Wizards are allow to roam free like demi-Gods?
There are a few fixes for this inconsistency:
1) Weaken Ice Wizard gear so it's on par with other Wizard's gears (below Commander Gear level)
2) Strengthen Commander Gear past Ice Gear level
3) Allow Commander Gear to be used outside of PvP and write it off as simply another "decent piece of equipment" --- rather than its old status as "unfair ultimate PvP prestigious gear"
4) Strengthen all other school's gear to above Commander level (then maybe add a set of Warlord gear that's stronger than all of them as the new "Prestigious PvP gear".
People work hard in PvP to get their Commander Gear so why doe it have a -100% mana on it? I understand that it USED to be because Commander gear was too powerful and was deemed "unfair"; however, now Ice Wizard's regular gear is more powerful than Commander gear in many many ways. Why on earth should Commander Gear remain gimped while Ice Wizards are allow to roam free like demi-Gods?
There are a few fixes for this inconsistency:
1) Weaken Ice Wizard gear so it's on par with other Wizard's gears (below Commander Gear level)
2) Strengthen Commander Gear past Ice Gear level
3) Allow Commander Gear to be used outside of PvP and write it off as simply another "decent piece of equipment" --- rather than its old status as "unfair ultimate PvP prestigious gear"
4) Strengthen all other school's gear to above Commander level (then maybe add a set of Warlord gear that's stronger than all of them as the new "Prestigious PvP gear".
Here we go again, someone that doesn't understand the overall setup of the game, wizard's spells , and the Critical Ratings. Please read some of the other post before bashing ICE, because ICE is the weakest school in the group, as far as Ciritcal rating and Hitting power. Please read "Are all Wizards equal" posting, so you can understand the Balance that KI has setup. Imo, Commander Gear should just be replaced with Level 58 gear. Or if updated, it needs to be locked into just PvP, as that would make PvE unfair.
Once you have read the other posts, you will understand why Commander gear will still seem unequal once it's released. If you don't understand what KI has done with the level 58 gear (especially the Critical ratings), you wont understand or feel that any new Commander gear will be equal.
I will say though, the following statement is the funniest one I have ever seen. " while Ice Wizards are allow to roam free like demi-Gods?". But it also tells me that you don't understand the Balance set up in the game.
People work hard in PvP to get their Commander Gear so why doe it have a -100% mana on it? I understand that it USED to be because Commander gear was too powerful and was deemed "unfair"; however, now Ice Wizard's regular gear is more powerful than Commander gear in many many ways. Why on earth should Commander Gear remain gimped while Ice Wizards are allow to roam free like demi-Gods?
There are a few fixes for this inconsistency:
1) Weaken Ice Wizard gear so it's on par with other Wizard's gears (below Commander Gear level)
2) Strengthen Commander Gear past Ice Gear level
3) Allow Commander Gear to be used outside of PvP and write it off as simply another "decent piece of equipment" --- rather than its old status as "unfair ultimate PvP prestigious gear"
4) Strengthen all other school's gear to above Commander level (then maybe add a set of Warlord gear that's stronger than all of them as the new "Prestigious PvP gear".
Demi-Gods? Are there any Demi-gods left? Now boarding Extiction, ALL ABOARD.
GUYS! think of this... Every rose has a thorn now that you have thougth about it ok ice in pvp is the thorn, now whats the rose? cant think of it, think of this Snow angel-100+610? over 3 round+a A TAUNT TO ALL ENEMIES!!! now think of why they would put that there coupled with the fact of insane health and resist TO ALL SCHOOLS. if they used snow angle in group play and didnt have those stats, they would be eaten up and spat out a long time ago!!! so before you come up and whine about ice in pvp look at ALL OF THE ANGLES! you are just looking at the "oh i only care about myself and have to get my way about this thorn" angle. everything has a reason
Ever notice the people who get most defensive are the ones who have an ice wizard lately?
Go observe who is dominating in pvp now and I think it is rather obvious.
Ice has a HUGE advantage now in game due to superior health and resist.
As a storm if I go second I will ALWAYS lose to an ice no matter what I do.
This isn't good design.
Ever notice the topic was commander gear issue?
I have a wizard in every school and have no problem beating ice with any school. Sorry you are such a loser you have to whine and complain about it. Try forming a strategy!
I have observed who is in PVP, and for those that are like you, it is easier for ice, because you are not smart enough to form a strategy.
Ice has the same advantages as any other school in the game, too bad you just don't take the time to learn how to play.
As storm you have the same resist ice has to you. Yes, they have more health, but figure out your damage ratio of 65% to ice's 28%. Now figure in your double attack ratio considering storms attacks are double that of ICE. Now, you are complaining why>? Oh right, because you are a cry baby that can't form a strategy to win.
Candy land might be a better game for your skill level, maybe you should check it out!
Nice abusive language and insult to me as the player, but it still doesn't address the FACTS that ice is now dominating in pvp. As a storm I can not win vs. a ice unless I go first and critical. FACT.
Ever notice the people who get most defensive are the ones who have an ice wizard lately?
Go observe who is dominating in pvp now and I think it is rather obvious.
Ice has a HUGE advantage now in game due to superior health and resist.
As a storm if I go second I will ALWAYS lose to an ice no matter what I do.
This isn't good design.
First, let me state, the person that goes second has a good chance of losing, that is the way the game was designed. I agree on this point, and only this point in your posting.
Just last night I saw balance that had 24 hitting power and 37 resist to all schools. Now look at Balance's health, one of the highest in the game behind Ice. Now look at their spells, they hit much higher damage than Ice. Now, to look at the key point that you missed, they can go critical close to 33% of the time and Ice can go critical 12% of the time. Now, take a close look at what Darthjt just wrote, it's facts. If you can't win, it's your strategy, ,,, nothing more.
A few mintues ago, I was just looking at a Balance, who was Level 47, with 2801 health, and 453 Mana. Thirdteen levels to go, and he almost has 3000 health. My Ice wizards only has 3620 and he is level 60. Now, I expect that he will easily hit 3200 plus in health, don't you. He has alot more hitting power than Ice, and almost as much life.
Anyone that goes second in PvP has a good chance of losing, it's not just Storm. Storm has the most hitting power in the game, it should always win when it goes first. Plus you can stack shields in your side deck,,,,, defense should not be an issue for you or anyone else.
Yes, as Ice I am defensive, because no one looks at the whole game or the other players. I get beat all the time in PvP, so it's not just Ice is so strong or a "Demi god" as the one person stated. Not one person states, Yes we have criticals that go off every 33% and Ice has criticals go every 12%. Or, 1 in 3 for most wizards, versus Ice's 1 in 9 times..... That is the whole key to the game and why Ice was moved up in stats.
-->"""ICE has Criticals that are so low, they are useless in PvP""""".
I have watched Fire, Balance, storm, Life and ofcourse Balance go critical over and over again in PvP. Why doesn't someone whine about that, and ask that Criticals be removed from PvP. Know why, they can't because Criticals are what gives Balance to the game.
This is a game of Strategy, gear setup, deck setup and Chance, and you need all of them to win in PvP (but the strategy is the key).
The problem was at first Wild bot was unfair, and it was because it was not really hitting at 10%. It was really hitting at around 30%, and this was unfair, especially in the lower levels of PVP. The Whiners got it changed, and that was not a bad idea, but I don't like how it was changed, it should have been fixed correctly or just removed from PVP at certain levels. Now you are complaining about Ice, but Ice is not unfair was Wild Bolt was in the Lower Levels of PvP. Ice is equal, but you don't seem to understand that, as you don't understand the Criticals or the percentages.
This is why I defend Ice, because all Wizards are balanced, but no one wants to take the time to do the math or the time to work out a good strategy.
Joseph (yes, my real name). Joseph LionHunter Level 60 Ice.
People work hard in PvP to get their Commander Gear so why doe it have a -100% mana on it? I understand that it USED to be because Commander gear was too powerful and was deemed "unfair"; however, now Ice Wizard's regular gear is more powerful than Commander gear in many many ways. Why on earth should Commander Gear remain gimped while Ice Wizards are allow to roam free like demi-Gods?
There are a few fixes for this inconsistency:
1) Weaken Ice Wizard gear so it's on par with other Wizard's gears (below Commander Gear level)
2) Strengthen Commander Gear past Ice Gear level
3) Allow Commander Gear to be used outside of PvP and write it off as simply another "decent piece of equipment" --- rather than its old status as "unfair ultimate PvP prestigious gear"
4) Strengthen all other school's gear to above Commander level (then maybe add a set of Warlord gear that's stronger than all of them as the new "Prestigious PvP gear".
Make Ice weaker? Ice is already weak. Why would Ice want their resist and power to be lowered. -37 resist is 1 more than other school's resist, except Balance. The Commander Gear resist is -35. Commander gear was made before the Level 58+ Gear, so back then, the level 50+ gear was weaker than Commander gear. So to make it fair, they made Storm's damage 60+! Ice needed defense since it's what their for, so -37 is good. If you can't win against Ice, or Commander gear isn't working out, you either need to 1, switch gear and farm for the best in your opinion, or 2, getting a better strategy to fight Ice! I just fought Ice in 1v1. I am also Ice. Ice can't always have tower shields. Also, you can probably beat an Ice in 6 or less turns if you work it out.
"All schools are equal, there in no best school, though at times it may seem like it"