Critical and Block calculations still have a lot of unknowns. Progress has been made in determining the best way to increase critical/block and what one's true percentage is. However, in PvP, the chance of the critical actually going through means more than simply knowing your percent chance of getting a critical. I used a test from duelist101 and did one myself.
From Duelist101: Wiz1 has 50% critical, Wiz2 has 25% block In 200 attacks, Wiz1 had 108 criticals (54%), 45 of which were not blocked (42%).
My test: Wiz1 has 83% critical, Wiz2 has 59% block In 50 attacks, Wiz1 had 45 criticals (90%), 13 of which got through (28.89%)
I noticed a nice relation between getting a critical %, block %, and not blocking it:
Putting this to test: test #1: (50 - 25)/50 = 50% not blocking The actual was 42%, which is not very far off.
test #2: (83 - 59)/83 = 28.92% Actual is 28.89%. These two numbers are remarkable close.
I think its fair to say that the formula above at least deserves to be tested more, if not already being the correct formula.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that this formula is representing the chance the critical will go through ASSUMING a critical has already happened. Thus, a more complete formula is: