this is getting really annoying in pvp since i see it is getting more frequent. doing a regular and a treasure smoke screen every round you get about 90% fiz and i dont think its too fair. i no that you can get out of it with pets and good accuracy but otherwise its pretty overpowering. tell me about your opinions.
this is getting really annoying in pvp since i see it is getting more frequent. doing a regular and a treasure smoke screen every round you get about 90% fiz and i dont think its too fair. i no that you can get out of it with pets and good accuracy but otherwise its pretty overpowering. tell me about your opinions.
Even as a Legendary Pyromancer I somewhat agree. I think there should be a shield for smokescreen and other negetive accuracy wards like they do for stuns. They had the same problem with ice people (and other schools such as stormand fire) stunning people every round using stormlord and choke and frost giant. That is why they made the stun shield. I am sure they will fix this problem or at least make it so only 1 triggers at a time. Justin ThunderSword, Legendary Pyromancer
this is getting really annoying in pvp since i see it is getting more frequent. doing a regular and a treasure smoke screen every round you get about 90% fiz and i dont think its too fair. i no that you can get out of it with pets and good accuracy but otherwise its pretty overpowering. tell me about your opinions.
well - if they make you fizzle one round, I suppose that is good strategy. If they make you fizzle throughout the ENTIRE match - that's just bad game design.