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Exalted Fire PvP deck

Mar 02, 2015
Hello everyone!

I just started with exalted fire pvp and I would like to know your opinions what should be in main deck and what should be in side deck. Any examples of decks would be really great. I try to develop my own style but I need something basic to start with.

My gear is:

Hat: Dessert Traders Shroud (crafted 96) I have Malistaire Hat but without darkmoor athame i like crafted more because it gives me maximum accuracy.
Robe : Malistaire Ire Robe
Boots: Malistaire Ire Boots
Wand: Malistaire Frenzy Staff
Athame: Blade of Felled Titan - Trying to farm darkmoor athame for that extra 2% accuracy
Amulet: Darkmoor amulet ( need to farm morganthe or buy mastery amulet(myth or life) any tips would be nice
Ring: Alpha and Omega
Deck: Morganthe deck with 1 extra pip
Pet: Double resist Pain giver may cast fairy and failed at mega with life ward
Crafted spells: Krampus, Brimstone Revenant

Which hat is better? Malistaire or crafted 96? I use crafted now cause i dont have max accuracy with Blade of Felled Titan.

Currently i combine fire beetle with brimstone into ffa or king artorius into ffa, placing traps, i carry only couple of blades. I heal with power link but mostly rely on pressure.

I would appreciate any tips on the gear, but mostly about deck building and strategies.

Thank you in advance :)