It seems that everytime i look at the pvp players board/kiosk that after a few minutes or seconds (it's random) it makes my game crash. I have talked to others that have that same problem. This makes it very hard to see what players you could be up against and also to seek a game to watch.
Also it makes it hard to stay away from chain stun players if you can watch the board.
If anyone has an answer or more so a solution to why this happens so often please fill me in.
We need to know what is going on - do you get a message when the game crashes that gives you the option to report this problem? If so, please send us as much information as you can, otherwise we cannot reproduce this crash.
You can also submit this information directly to Mr Lincoln via the Help & Support tab on the left side of this page.
No, I find that my game crashes when I look at the 1v1 boards when I am not already in que for match. It just goes into a little quare corner on my screen and goes irrisponsive. Hope they can fix this.