A lot of you probably have experienced this unfairness in pvp. Whoever goes first has the advantage and control of the game over the other. They can always read their moves and take advantage of that. It would be better for both players to have the option of going first by taking turns for each round. This will balance the PVP more and make it more fair for everyone.
If you support my post please reply and put in your comments as well.
If you mean, like in the game of Chess, where player one moves, then player 2 moves, yes, I completely agree! This will help even things out on the playing field!
the player with two consecutive turns will be able to break shield and strike in the same turn. not sure this would resolve matters but if the second turn were starting with a shield, it could even first turns shielding advantage.
I know they are small but there are actually some advantages to going second. Few but still there lol
For example if one of your team mates heals you when going second and the team going first knocked you out. If you team mate did heal you, you will be able to still cast despite being knocked out. If you were going first and KOed then you lose all your pips and just have to wait to be healed.
Yeah I really wish they make it so that player 1 goes first in round 1. Then player 2 goes first in round 2. Constantly taking turns going first every round. Hopefully this clarifies the post.
Try being unpredictable.. There are many ways to control the fight from second, fire is a great school to keep the person on point ( first position) on the defensive. Train cloak and hide your shields and attacks. The path to victory is there you just have to look for the best way to get there.
Yeah I really wish they make it so that player 1 goes first in round 1. Then player 2 goes first in round 2. Constantly taking turns going first every round. Hopefully this clarifies the post.
This creates a wizard that is not only breaking you shield but striking you immediately. You will complain about this proposed fix a lot if it goes into effect.
Yeah I really wish they make it so that player 1 goes first in round 1. Then player 2 goes first in round 2. Constantly taking turns going first every round. Hopefully this clarifies the post.
This creates a wizard that is not only breaking you shield but striking you immediately. You will complain about this proposed fix a lot if it goes into effect.
That's exactly what I'm saying, if the person that goes 1st see that the second person puts up a shield, the 1st person can break it and if the second person puts up a blade, he will be open to attack from the 1st person. The second person is always reactive and never gets an open attack unless he stuns the first person. Tell me how you can fix this problem?