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Has PVP turned into a Complaining World?

Jul 18, 2009
Hey guys! I dont know if you have heard of me, But the complainers do. Now I have 4 accounts and I have taken lots of interest into PvP. I dont know if you are a "complainer" or not, But I have seemed to notice that the language and poor sportsmanship has highly increased over the past few months. It's a very sad thing I think. Today I was doing some 4v4 with my Fire,Ice, and 2 Lifes. Their names were Jack DawnBlade Jack BearRider and 2 Jack EarthHammers. I dont know if you have heard of me but I am not tryingto brag here. So today I won a PvP match and you wouldnt BELIEVE the complaints I got. Such negativity I just couldn't believe my eyes. I got things like "No life" "Nerd" "You only won cause you went first!" "You only won because you used a stun spell!" "Dispel Noob" "You must have no life kid, Get one please" And a TON of swearing and cussing. I was just very upset that people had to think these negative things. I don't want to share to much but I am a younger age still in school and I am actually very active and I'm not on to much. And I have developed many strategies that are undefeatable.(NOT chain stunning) Have any of you been in a 1v1 and had a bad attitude opponent? I know from experience that I always get the "Pet Noob" "Croen Gear Noob" "Or your a Noob cause you go for the big hit"(For that one I was shocked cause I got called a Noob for just hitting 1 collosus.) I just think that we all need to think about what we say. KI created each and every spell for a reason, And just because you may have lost or someone may have used a spell you think is "unfair", That doesn't give you the right to complain. Everyone should think about what they say from now on :) You could really be hurting someone. It alsoruins your reputation. Having 4 accounts comes responsibility. I know that I am always nice and usually say "You guys played great! Cya around :)" But what do I get in return?! "Oh shut up" "Shut up Noob" "Oh just get a life". Just plain old mean. I just hope everyone can think about what we do. Most importantly remember, Its just a game, No need to get fired up and mad :)

Thanks so much guys! All of you who are the nice ones, Please spread the word :)

-Jack WildHammer

Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack EarthHammer lvl60 Life
Jack BearRider lvl60 Ice
Jack BearRider lvl50 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl 50 Ice
Jack WikdHammer lvl60 Storm
Jack TitanBlade lvl60 Storm
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Balance
Jack WildHammer lvl50 Balance
Jack ShadowShard lvl 50 Balance
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack Dawnblade lvl60 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl23 Fire (lvl60 In progress lol)

*Master of PvP ;)

May 10, 2010
First off, you are absolutely right about the attitudes of people in PVP. Everyone there is a sore loser! If, and when I lose, fine! Does not happen often, but I do occasionally make mistakes.

Yet, every time, and I do mean every time, that I beat someone, there is always an excuse or name calling. I am a critical hit noob, a shield noob, I got lucky cause I went first, or I am a stun noob!

Every school has it's perk and spells, use them! There are Stun and Critical Block Auras that you can learn from Diego.

Learn How to Play and you will have no reason to whine and complain. You either win or lose. Take it from yoda, there is no try!

So, learn from your losses and move on, no need to be disrespectful and mean to others. It just shows how childish you really are!

I do have one thing to say to the kid that posted the original message though. No matter how good you think you are, always remember, there is someone better!

Another thing, it is much easier to beat a team when 4 players are the same person working on the same goal, than to actually have 4 individuals trying to work together to accomplish the same task. So, if you are such a master of PVP, you might want to try working with others, than yourself and see just how truly challenging it is!

Aug 21, 2009
a lot of the complaints you heard are valid complaints on issues that Wizard101 has done absolutely nothing about

Aug 31, 2010
skier339 wrote:
I am a younger age still in school and I am actually very active and I'm not on to much.

skier339 wrote:

Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack EarthHammer lvl60 Life
Jack BearRider lvl60 Ice
Jack BearRider lvl50 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl 50 Ice
Jack WikdHammer lvl60 Storm
Jack TitanBlade lvl60 Storm
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Balance
Jack WildHammer lvl50 Balance
Jack ShadowShard lvl 50 Balance
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack Dawnblade lvl60 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl23 Fire (lvl60 In progress lol)

*Master of PvP ;)

LOL, before I begin, I must point out those two quotes to see if anyone else catches them.

Jack, have you heard of the term "hater"? I've once heard, "from an intelligent person" *chuckles*, that if you don't have any haters, then you are not doing the job right. The term is used for labeling someone who disliked someone else for doing a job well done. I.E. You doing a job well done, and the other players (haters) are hating on you for doing better than they. You should not be upset when you have haters, because they will always be there to be envious of you when you do something that they cannot.

One of my favorite quotes is this, "HEADSHOTS: Those who can, do. Those who cannot, complain."

Hope this helps.

Feb 14, 2009
skier339 wrote:
Hey guys! I dont know if you have heard of me, But the complainers do. Now I have 4 accounts and I have taken lots of interest into PvP. I dont know if you are a "complainer" or not, But I have seemed to notice that the language and poor sportsmanship has highly increased over the past few months. It's a very sad thing I think. Today I was doing some 4v4 with my Fire,Ice, and 2 Lifes. Their names were Jack DawnBlade Jack BearRider and 2 Jack EarthHammers. I dont know if you have heard of me but I am not tryingto brag here. So today I won a PvP match and you wouldnt BELIEVE the complaints I got. Such negativity I just couldn't believe my eyes. I got things like "No life" "Nerd" "You only won cause you went first!" "You only won because you used a stun spell!" "Dispel Noob" "You must have no life kid, Get one please" And a TON of swearing and cussing. I was just very upset that people had to think these negative things. I don't want to share to much but I am a younger age still in school and I am actually very active and I'm not on to much. And I have developed many strategies that are undefeatable.(NOT chain stunning) Have any of you been in a 1v1 and had a bad attitude opponent? I know from experience that I always get the "Pet Noob" "Croen Gear Noob" "Or your a Noob cause you go for the big hit"(For that one I was shocked cause I got called a Noob for just hitting 1 collosus.) I just think that we all need to think about what we say. KI created each and every spell for a reason, And just because you may have lost or someone may have used a spell you think is "unfair", That doesn't give you the right to complain. Everyone should think about what they say from now on :) You could really be hurting someone. It alsoruins your reputation. Having 4 accounts comes responsibility. I know that I am always nice and usually say "You guys played great! Cya around :)" But what do I get in return?! "Oh shut up" "Shut up Noob" "Oh just get a life". Just plain old mean. I just hope everyone can think about what we do. Most importantly remember, Its just a game, No need to get fired up and mad :)

Thanks so much guys! All of you who are the nice ones, Please spread the word :)

-Jack WildHammer

Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Life
Jack EarthHammer lvl60 Life
Jack BearRider lvl60 Ice
Jack BearRider lvl50 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Ice
Jack WildHammer lvl 50 Ice
Jack WikdHammer lvl60 Storm
Jack TitanBlade lvl60 Storm
Jack WildHammer lvl60 Balance
Jack WildHammer lvl50 Balance
Jack ShadowShard lvl 50 Balance
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack SkyVault lvl60 Myth
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl 50 Fire
Jack Dawnblade lvl60 Fire
Jack DawnBlade lvl23 Fire (lvl60 In progress lol)

*Master of PvP ;)

i have to AGREE! some people can be so rude! its KRAZY! i get cussed off and negitivity ALL the time! its so over rated! its just a game people! srsly!

Feb 15, 2009
darthjt wrote:
First off, you are absolutely right about the attitudes of people in PVP. Everyone there is a sore loser! If, and when I lose, fine! Does not happen often, but I do occasionally make mistakes.

Yet, every time, and I do mean every time, that I beat someone, there is always an excuse or name calling. I am a critical hit noob, a shield noob, I got lucky cause I went first, or I am a stun noob!

Every school has it's perk and spells, use them! There are Stun and Critical Block Auras that you can learn from Diego.

Learn How to Play and you will have no reason to whine and complain. You either win or lose. Take it from yoda, there is no try!

So, learn from your losses and move on, no need to be disrespectful and mean to others. It just shows how childish you really are!

I do have one thing to say to the kid that posted the original message though. No matter how good you think you are, always remember, there is someone better!

Another thing, it is much easier to beat a team when 4 players are the same person working on the same goal, than to actually have 4 individuals trying to work together to accomplish the same task. So, if you are such a master of PVP, you might want to try working with others, than yourself and see just how truly challenging it is!
This the problem with pvp this is why you should NOT say gg it will infuriate people.

Aug 04, 2009
Bad sportsmanship is always their because there are spells like that dispell and go first are somethings that do give you an advantage that may seem unfair to whoever playing i done over 1000 matches and won 600 of them and what i have learned about complainers its all about how you respond to when they start complaining how you played the best thing is to just walk away. Bad sportmans ship spreads because i will have to admit it myself that when we win and the people that lost complain and make fun of you, you are really tempted to say something back and just keep it going.

Anything of a competetive nature will bring out the best and the worst of people, this is just another example of it.

Feb 11, 2010
cba to read the wall of text through based on the title.

But in short; No pvp has not turned into a complaining world, it was that to begin with.

Sep 11, 2010
It seems to be a growing trend that people will mock you if you lose, and insult you if you win... Doesn't matter who you're up against - even those with Menu Chat will do their best to mock you or insult you if you try to offer them a good game.

And if you admit that you are a bit new to PVP and learning the ropes of how it works vs. PVE, do you get any advice or friendly aid in the practice matches? No, you get told to go die in a fire and get a life instead of wasting someone's time with a practice battle. The few, very rare, polite ones usually end up clinging to you like a barnacle once they find out that you're a friendly person who actually wants to discuss strategy and learn from them.

I personally blame the whole Anonymous With Net thing. There's little to no repurcussions of being a jerk, and people hide behind the screen and a false name. In other words, you get to kick puppies and throw mud on people without getting dirty hands or told off by anyone - and even if you do, you can just declare, "This game stinks!!11!!one!" and go be a jerk elsewhere. No lasting punishment of any kind.

So, rude jerks have sadly come to stay, and they only grow in statistical numbers as the game grows (friendly people will be playing elsewhere or helping people, and only the jerks remain in the common areas). All we can do is to report rude behaviour and partake in providing a hopefully rising trend in being polite and friendly in PVP.

Jun 04, 2010
BrutalTooth wrote:
I've once heard, "from an intelligent person" *chuckles*, that if you don't have any haters, then you are not doing the job right.

Is this person's hair luxurious? LOL

BrutalTooth wrote:

One of my favorite quotes is this, "HEADSHOTS: Those who can, do. Those who cannot, complain."

I suddenly feel less motivated. :)

Apr 18, 2010
i agree. pvp complains need to STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there ruining the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 19, 2010
BrutalTooth wrote:
One of my favorite quotes is this, "HEADSHOTS: Those who can, do. Those who cannot, complain."

I love it.

I also have to agree with people going on about how complaining is ruining the game. PVP in any game has ALWAYS had its haters and skilled players. I have been a skilled player and a dead player but thats life, its a game and get over it. Cause one day it will come back to you and you will think that they are being immature when they are just being you when you were younger.
The question of why cant everybody just get along always comes up and the answer is simple, People dont care about what they say or do. People dont care about what others think of them. People mostly think of them selves first over others, when its so much easier to say 'gg' then leave it at that.
In sports you have to be sportsman-like or you will be penalized, its the rules. So why not online?? A game is nothing more than a game whether its baseball or W101, its all for fun.

Apr 18, 2010
bravevline wrote:
darthjt wrote:
First off, you are absolutely right about the attitudes of people in PVP. Everyone there is a sore loser! If, and when I lose, fine! Does not happen often, but I do occasionally make mistakes.

Yet, every time, and I do mean every time, that I beat someone, there is always an excuse or name calling. I am a critical hit noob, a shield noob, I got lucky cause I went first, or I am a stun noob!

Every school has it's perk and spells, use them! There are Stun and Critical Block Auras that you can learn from Diego.

Learn How to Play and you will have no reason to whine and complain. You either win or lose. Take it from yoda, there is no try!

So, learn from your losses and move on, no need to be disrespectful and mean to others. It just shows how childish you really are!

I do have one thing to say to the kid that posted the original message though. No matter how good you think you are, always remember, there is someone better!

Another thing, it is much easier to beat a team when 4 players are the same person working on the same goal, than to actually have 4 individuals trying to work together to accomplish the same task. So, if you are such a master of PVP, you might want to try working with others, than yourself and see just how truly challenging it is!
This the problem with pvp this is why you should NOT say gg it will infuriate people.

dude its GOOD sportsmanship.

Jun 06, 2009
seasnake wrote:
a lot of the complaints you heard are valid complaints on issues that Wizard101 has done absolutely nothing about

Right. :? I suppose that's why so many people beat these posters down. :| Because nobody wants a balanced game. That makes sense.

Also, the corporation is called KingsIsle, not Wizard101. That's the game.

Jun 13, 2009
There is never any excuse for people to be rude. You can say what you have to say in a respectful manner or just not say anything at all.

PVP has turned into a complaining world because players in the arena have resorted to colorful ways of cheating other playing out of a win just so that they can increase their rank ( I have posted a new thread "PVP will be your demise).

PVP should be about sportsmanship and skill but it's not about that; it's about do whatever it takes to become the Warlord of the arena.

Saying "GG" is not in the spirte of the game anymore, it has become an insult. How can you say "GG" to someone after you spammed tower shields then kill them with Judgement. take this example, i was doing 1v1 PVP yesterday and I went up against this life commander wizard. I have no idea what her lvl was because she never said a word.

I thought I was in for a fair match but first she shields, then she then she used the spirit armour, then she summons her Life minion and that was it for the entire hour that I lasted against her and her minion! She practically came into the battle with only shields and minions and treasure reshuffle! it got to the point where i just passed until she summoned the minion, then I'd take out minion and she'd used up all the shields until she ran out of cards then she reshuffle and summon the minion again.

In the end she won because i was determined not to flee even if I had ran out of cards, there was no way I was fleeing! I couldn't heal because she and her minion keeps dispelling me and my pet. None of us could heal and she eventually defeated me after about an hour or more.

How is this good sportsmanship? And how can you say "GG" after what just transpired? People are cheating their way to warlord, it's no longer skill and strategy. So of course people are gonna be upset and complain.

You probably don't see a problem with it because you are doing the same thing. But it is not right. How many people can afford 4 accounts to be a one man army in PVP? I sure can't. i f you have 4 wiards in one battle against 4 different players, of course you have the advantage. You have 4-8 different class of spells at your disposal while the other players have 1-3. So, it's easier for you to win.

Use your balance to buff your fire and use your ice to shiield him while your death is casting feints. You basically can kill all in a few round with fire dragon whether or not they have shields especially if you critical.

People don't say "HI" to you in PVP because they are being polite. They do it so that they can check out your stats and shield against you or use a dispel. For that reason-to be safe- no one answers, they just play. This is not pleasant but it's the only way to keep a level playing field. Sometimes they even know what school you are from even though you have not said anything and don't have a school pet and is wearing stitched clothing. How they know, i couldn't say.

I have a Legendary Knight Pyromancer and I plan strategy and contingencies and mostly i win but I never go to the bazaar and buy tower shields or feints or whatever. i used the spells that are available to me through my training points. if i got a good treasure from a drop or plant, such as steal ward then I'll put it in side deck.

If people play fair,i think the complaints will get less, Of course you'll still have sore loosers but at least they lost in a fair fight.

Don't be too quick to jump on complainers because i have had the misfortune of experiencing some of what they are complaining about and trust me it is not pleasant. I don't have a problem loosing if someone got me with a strategy i guard against it. Someone heckhound me and defeated me? I go up against him again, I Efreet him before he hecks. Someone spamming towers? i dispel him on his 6 power pips.

it's harder to defned against cheaters, How do you defend against someone who speed hacks so you fizzle? or Put up loads of shields and wait on thier minion to kill you or you run out of cards? And don't say criitcal beause i was using a lvl 39 storm amd he doesn't have critical nor does he learn lord yet.

Dec 21, 2008
Once a level 49 life called me a noob just for casting one beguile and I was on the level 49 life's team! :x . And besides, I'm not just a little baby level 3 wizard, I was level 33!

Jun 13, 2009
Rihanna12 wrote:
Once a level 49 life called me a noob just for casting one beguile and I was on the level 49 life's team! :x . And besides, I'm not just a little baby level 3 wizard, I was level 33!

I'm not sure what "noob" means anymore because everyone is being called a "noob' these days, even Legendary wizards. Beguile have been used on me in PVP before and I just passed until i get my deck back because the person usually have to pass as well. Only way beguile should get you is if they put in on you just before you attack.

Nowadays, I don't just attack because i have the pips because you never know when they might put up a shield, use dispel or beguile. Sometimes you just have to shield and see what they use (if they are they ones going first).