Lets get to the facts. Life wizards heal very well, and have good health.
Life wizards rely on one healing spell and one attack spell (as of a legendary) Those two spells are: Rebirth Forest Lord
You should get:
A life dispel (not that important, just to prevent a rebirth) Some life shields Some healing spells, like satyr (in case of forest lord) Some weak spells ( to break absorb)
The first thin you should expect a legendary life wizard to do is to use an absorb, or a healing blade, for a strong heal. Most storm wizards should expect a blade like this. Why use an absorb when you've got rebirth? They do this to distract you, to keep you from using something strong. Break the absorb wit a quick 3 or 4 pip spell. Now, the wizard should see that you can break absorbs fast, and he will prepare to use forest lord. If you're a fire wizard, now is your chance to efreet, and weaken the forest lord spell. While they're getting powered up, you should also absorb, tower shield, etc. If they powered up good enough, they should of had a forest lord that was bladed, and trapped at minimum. if they have level 58 gear, it should do something like 2000 damage, if you didn't shield with absorb or something. lucky for you, you did shield, so it should do 700 at least with that absorb and tower shield. Now you get attacking. If you used efreet, you should be aware that they will heal. Blade up! if this legendary life wizard is smart, it should absorb. if this happens, you should immediately stop blading and use a 3 or 4 pip spell, and ten start blading all over (if you used up your blades). once you're ready, use your level fifthty eight spell! you should of killed them, or almost killed them, (that is if you have your level fifthty eight gear) If they're still alive, they're probably going to rebirth now. I know, all that work for nothing. I warn you, the battle might be long, but just do this process over and over again.
I can't say that this is exactly what they're going to do, but they should do something similar to this.
1.I am a life and hate healing. 2.I only heal when necessary 3.Absorbs is a waste of pips because it can go away way to fast now with critical and stuff
and uh ... dont post stuff like this ... people will read this and i have a feeling and ill lose more now
Rebirth and Forest lord are useless in 1v1 PVP, a waste of 7 and 8 pips spell when smaller heals will do and Centaur will give a good hit at 6 pips. If you meet a life wizard that casts spells as the original poster described with due respect , you should win the match. Absorb is not a good thing either. Death spells goes under it (crow, wrath). As a life in 1v1, use forest lord only if needed specially if your opponent has a minion. Use rebirth only if you want to shield your own minion.
The key to win against life is to hit and hit hard and lessen the healing ability.
To hit hard, you need to blade up (at least double blade) , boost. Pip up to enough make for a follow up second attack (with the second set of blade). When you attack wait when there isnt enough pip for life to heal big (Thus you keep boosting, double blading), and your infection/dispel ready , as well as attack small here and there (forcing life to heal instead). Summon a minion if you can, forcing the life to use 8 pips spell (forest lord). Doom and gloom, bring some treasures of it if you arent death. Bring your own bubble if you arent death (to burst life's bubble and to boost your own attacks). Infection and if you have life dispel, might as well use it. Always bring reshuffle, although the arena fights are very short now a days, but against life, it could be very handy.
Warlords in all schools (2 life, death, 2 storm, ice, fire, 2 myth, 2 balance)
OP... First thing is... What level of PvP are you talking about?
Forest Lord is useless, Absorb is useless and Rebirth is situational...
You seem to misunderstand what Absorb actually do; it's just a shield that absorbs up to 400 damage. You don't need to "break it" like it's a Tower Shield.
Basically, if you can do 1400 damage to the opponent in one shot, it's the same as doing 400, then doing 1000 damage next. You don't need to "break the shield" in advance at all.
If you are worried about healing... Use Infection. Life Wizards are not the biggest threat in high level PvP, Ice Wizards are --- Fire Wizards are a distant second.