The pvp should be cut into sections. Example: Have defined levels that can pvp each other.
Lvl 1-25 Lvl 26-47 Lvl 48-60
This way the level cap for each section does NOT include major enhancements, such as lvl 26 spells, or lvl 48 spells. Also, it would prevent people from making friends teams with a lower lvl and a legendary to rank up easily. Also, in each section of pvp, rank should be decided be not only current rank difference but also level difference.
Example: A lvl 5 with 800 rank loses to a lvl 25 with 500 rank. In the old/current system of pvp, the lvl 25 would gain a lot of rank (close to 30) which is not fair considering the level difference. In the new system I am proposing, it would be half rank, and half level that decides rank lost/gained. So instead of 30 rank lost to the lvl 5, it would be closer to 10-15