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life types in pvp

Jun 09, 2010
did a match with a life type I killed him then he come back with that spell with the wings I think it was regenerate. I don't think that is fair then he healed himself up and used another wing spell so if I did kill him again he would have came back it was one on one and I lost because of that he killed me with a critical forest lord which I didn't critical block even though I had 65 block. please tell me what that spell is that lets you come back. I would like to remove or change that spell if I could.

Oct 30, 2011
This spell is guardian spirit. I think a change that would work for it would be only allowing 1 or 2 of them in pvp the whole match.

Oct 22, 2011
It's called Guardian Spirit, and KingsIsle is not going to change it just for you. It's part of Life's spells which is what they are good at, which is healing.

Sorry, but this game is about PvE, which is the main focus. Nerfing or getting rid of a particular school spell isn't fair to any wizard. In PvP, you must understand each school. What are their strengths and their weaknesses, then you prepare a deck that will help you in the battles.

Jun 09, 2010
I am not saying to ban the spell I just want it so it is no pvp or at least so you can only use it once in a pvp match

Jun 01, 2012
well i am a life wizard and i know it is annoying that life heals and spirit armor it just life's way

Feb 25, 2009
fish101202 on Jun 18, 2013 wrote:
I am not saying to ban the spell I just want it so it is no pvp or at least so you can only use it once in a pvp match
That spell was purposely NERFED for PvP which also affected those who do not PvP but PvE only. Therefore, nothing more needs to be done to this spell. It is almost virtually useless now for PvE in the upper worlds. As a life wizard, I don't even load it anymore since it does more harm than good. Yes, I have used it but won't waste the pips on it again.

You also need to remember that when Guardian spirit is used and activated, that player comes back with NO, PIPS, NO BLADES, NO WARDS and very little health. The only way this wizard survives is if s/he can use another heal before getting hit again or the wizards pet or friends put some heals on that player as soon as possible

Dec 07, 2011
I'm myth, and I find no problem with people using heals of any sort. In my opinion, if its in your deck, you can use it as much as you like

Mar 07, 2011
Alexis sparklehear... on Jun 19, 2013 wrote:
I'm myth, and I find no problem with people using heals of any sort. In my opinion, if its in your deck, you can use it as much as you like
Not if the card in question is reshuffle.

May 21, 2013
that is kind of an irritating spell since life wizards keep using sanctuary which is annoying. but i think it should work like they made the reshuffle update which i also hate it should be only one use only and it won't get reshuffled only discarded guardian spirits or unused ones get reshuffled that would be fair considered they made balance people miserable they should put a nerf on guardian spirit. (Blaze ravenmender level 59 Blaze moonmender promethean)

Mar 16, 2011
In defense of my amazing spell,
guardian spirit has already been nerfed already and is basically available to everyone through the Mandolin of Evermore as a 20% revive.

As far as the tactical advantage of guardian,
it mainly combats the ever so popular strategy of stacking a million blades and killing with one huge hit.
Assuming that is your grand plan, it will cause big problems in that you can't immediately kill again with your drained pips that you just used on your mega hit.

you can kill a guardianer by maintaining sufficient pips when you kill the first time, then following up with a second 4 to 6 pip hit the next round.

This spell is only overpowered because of it being one of the few counters to the most prevalent pvp strategy in the game.