Technically this should be under bugs section of the message boards but it affects PvP directly so move it if you feel it doesn't belong here.
People who log out during a match do it for whatever reason they may but what I'm here to talk about is what happens afterwards.(similar things might happen if they flee but don't quote me on that) P.S feel free to correct me if I'm wrong
Regardless if its 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4 sometimes when someone flees strange things happen the turn after. I'm sure most of us have had the moment in a pvp of: "What I didn't pass I casted something kind of important!" or "I meant to cast that on myself(someone) but someone else got it!" (anyone else can include other possible side effects)
This isn't just the side of the person who fled but its also the opposing side, and there are many, MANY instances when important spells can't be cast or someone is granted slight protection because they can't have attacks casted directly at them. It can greatly and unfairly spoil matches because not everyone is affected by it, just some.
I don't feel inclined to enhance the penalty for logging out of a match (maybe fleeing, feel free to correct) I however would love for this glitch to be resolved.