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Lvl 5 storm pvp to warlord need help

Oct 31, 2014
Can anyone tell me if my strategy is good for a lvl 5 storm thx

Gear: midsummers cowl, jacket of withstanding, footgear of Malidiction, heartsteel, ascendant staff, and band of Attunement, and antique deck.

Deck setup: 3 tower shields, 1 infallible, 1 fient, 2 judgement

Strategy: first check there resist by wand hit.Then tower shield if necessary. Wait until you get the max pips while waiting fient them and cast the hex trap that comes with the footgear of Malidiction.if they tower shield cast infallible to pierce there tower shield.Finally with max pips cast judgement.

Please add anything and comment anything if this strategy is good for a lvl 5 storm Ty

Aug 17, 2009
This strategy will carry you into the higher ranks, most likely. However, I'd be wary past that - if I saw a feint go up, followed by infallible, I'd stack tower shields, making the strategy rather hard to execute (even more so if I have commander gear). I personally would change out a tower shield for a fire shark, which are rare in the bazaar but deal a good 375 damage for 2 pips, good if you need a backup hit.