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Max PvP is unbalanced

Sep 30, 2018
One cannot stressed out how many times, on why (MAX) pvp is such in an unbalance state, so i think its time for me to lay down some points and issues that contributes to this factor. Lets begin by stating some facts Fire,Ice andBalance are just way too broken. There i said it and even if it doesn't reach the post just so you know that this post is actually meant for you developers, yes you loving content creators that we appreciate so much for putting such an amazing story together. Heck id might even say the game in itself because lets be real we are never going to find a game that is in equal to that nature as this, with such diversity and simplified mechanics that even an elderly player could learn so quickly.

With that being said, I'm going to target these 3 specific schools and explain base on my experience on why you contradicted on certain key elements that should have been checked thoroughly before releasing designs of spells and gears towards these 3 classes. Starting off with the infamous Icegiants the tankiest school in the game boasting the best natural universal resist of 65% or higher whom lets be clear, is suppose to have theLOWESTdamage in the game both stats wise and spells.

So please KI for the love of mother's nature and her loving creations, why on gods green earth did you gave them a spell that does 950-1150(1450) damage max enchanted with epic to match the power of aglow bug squall spell on single target despite glow bug being a AOE spell? Why is ice even able, with onebale frostGlobal spell able to just sky rocket their lowest base damage at max level of 105% to 130% while being able to keep their resist of 65% or higher and pierce of 31%??? How does this make it right K I? on top of that you gave ice 3 spells that literally shuts you down from even trying to make come backs.

For example Steal Ward allows ice to freely steal any kinds of tower shield you try to use to protect yourself without any cost. Snow drifts allows ice to steal any kind of dot heals to prevent their opponent from healing mainly used as a counter to, and ice bird treasure card allows them to simply take off shields and let them have a free blade for it. Not to mention that ice have access to 2 dot spells that allows them to by pass shields and deal damage while having a set up to more damage and more damage?REAL BALANCE KI.

Dec 09, 2008
Thanks angellifeheart for the great points! I'll see about getting some answers here on the spell balance.

To note, you had two other posts that continued this discussion. Unfortunately we had to remove those due to length. Apologies about the limited text count in the forums, but please keep each discussion to its own thread. You can reply to the thread after it's been posted with any follow-up replies that you wish.

Sep 30, 2018
Its fine, and thank you Mr Spark the intelligent being i must say your avatar was one of the most intuitive creations i love about empyrea along with pork and beans you guys are the best. Just please show some love for storm as i don't see how fire can have all those perks and storm being the lowest health has to suffer so much along with death of course.

Sep 30, 2018
Also Mr spark can you pass a message to the balance team about the new thor hammer spell. That to justify the spell potential would be to increase the damage to 500 flat and decrease the pip value to 4? even if storm can't get a damage overtime right away can this be made possible? i believe this would help storm alot against efreet spammers and lore spammers. It would be a huge buff for the already distressed storm pvp. even if it means to leave the damage at 475 at least lower the pip cost from 5-4 since calypso already do 505-535 with an extra 20% windstorm.#stormlifematters

Sep 30, 2018
By the way mr spark were you saying that the other 2 follow post were automatically removed without giving a consideration of being read first? all good because i saved the other 2? Ok well resending as toward my reply.
Speaking of Balance *cough*cough* no pun intended lets be real here giving the state of this school nothing is actually balance with this school, other than the fact that out of the 3 S tier schools, some minor adjustments can put it in place. The main problem as everyone knows is LORE MASTER. A spell that boast 390-470 damage(770) max damage with epic enchant, not only gives one but 2 debuffs for only 4 pips which according to the community is highly unfair. Yes, i do agree with this because it seems the cost of this spell should actually be 5 and not 4. I do believe if you do not want to take away lore master power to keep its uniqueness, increasing the pip cost would actually balance the spell. This would prevent it from being a reliable source of power spike and defense at the same time for balance mains and making sure they use it under the right circumstances. This would also be some adjustment fix to lower level pvp to were accuracy is not even a thing and multiple fizzle is expected.

KI this need to stop, its been going on 8+ years and you have yet to fix MANA BURN. The spell DOES NOT do what it states and a lot of balance mains pretends to ignore the truth. The spell clearly stats that it does 80damage per pip and target looses 3 pips. So please explain to me why am i losing 6 pips or all 5 pips? at max level. This is a X damage per pip spell meaning it can do damage at all 14 pips this needs to be fix asap. This prevents their opponent from setting up counter play and shouldn't even exist to begin with because balance can do damage and play defense at the same time. For an all around school this should not be reliable.

Another spell of the school to be noted is the star explosive super nova. Apparently who ever thought of this spell that deals 535 (835) base damage for only 2 pips and destroy aura without any counter play made a mistake for it to be BALANCE get it? cause i don't lol. The cost value does not match the damage value and should be increase to 4 pips period. I don't think its fair for a school that can shut you down from using auras especially when their able to use it themselves and if this was the case increasing the pip value can prevent them from completely shutting you down. With that being said i think that's all the adjustment needed for this school and no guys i don't believe gaze of fate should be nerf its their only power source and sure it can deal damage through shield and what not but lets be fair for a school that's not high damage or blade reliable give them some respect at least.

Now we reach to my Number #1 most hated and least respected school in the game Fire. With that out of the way some of you may think that everything i say after that line is gonna be bias but ya know what? i really don't care and do think some bias points should make its way out because i can't think of a word other than disgust for this school. I love you Dalia Falmea but i don't love your school at all and for all those pesky fire wizards your raising deserve immediate detention, because lets be real kids shouldn't be playing with fire otherwise they'll burn your house down literally!

What i said may sound toxic but let me express some MAJOR concerns i have towards this school. The number one major concern i have towards this school is the fact that they are now able to surpass storm not only in damage, resistance and health but the fact that they have access to DAMAGE OVERTIME something you refused to give storm in the pass because a lot of ignorant ideas passed by that validated absolutely nothing. You not only gave them a damage over time you gave them a GUARANTEED first position winning card namely the infamous Burning Rampage that has zero counter from going second. As if that wasn't enough you invented EFREET ,a card yes ya'll fire know's what am talking about, a card that not only does 895(1195) max base damage with epic enchant for 4 power pips at max level ki but also puts a free juju on ur opponent. What the heck is that? What made you believe a school that suppose to be the second strongest hitter in the game now being #1 in damage can have a spell like that? REAL BALANCE Kings isle. Oh and might add that fire has total control over multiple traps like fuel and the fire beetle tc cards? luckily i have 50 of those because of how broken they are free shield breaker and fuel wohoo! So i can set up INSTA KILL combos that gives my opponent ZERO chance of retaliating. Sigh! FIX YOUR GAME.

Finally just to include my conclusion towards my depressing journey as a Storm my #1 favorite school KI i am depress, depress because I am force to make a ward pet for these 3 schools and i still don't understand why of all the schools in the game being the lowest health and resist, WHY DO YOU HATE US! YOU GAVE US A GO KILL YOURSELF SPELL (insane bolt) THAT IS OUR ONLY WAY OF HAVING A TINY CHANCE OF BY PASSING SHIELD SPAMMERS. OR JUST PLAIN SUICIDE. but you would let fire laugh at us right? is this your idea of a joke because its not funny anymore Kings Isles. And for anyone saying buy Storm hound tc's, ARRIVERDERCI . FIX YOUR GAME. am done with wiz until u fix this am done investing time in something that clearly a problem.It's unacceptable for a pay to play game.

Mar 09, 2018
angellifeheart on Jul 25, 2019 wrote:
By the way mr spark were you saying that the other 2 follow post were automatically removed without giving a consideration of being read first? all good because i saved the other 2? Ok well resending as toward my reply.
Speaking of Balance *cough*cough* no pun intended lets be real here giving the state of this school nothing is actually balance with this school, other than the fact that out of the 3 S tier schools, some minor adjustments can put it in place. The main problem as everyone knows is LORE MASTER. A spell that boast 390-470 damage(770) max damage with epic enchant, not only gives one but 2 debuffs for only 4 pips which according to the community is highly unfair. Yes, i do agree with this because it seems the cost of this spell should actually be 5 and not 4. I do believe if you do not want to take away lore master power to keep its uniqueness, increasing the pip cost would actually balance the spell. This would prevent it from being a reliable source of power spike and defense at the same time for balance mains and making sure they use it under the right circumstances. This would also be some adjustment fix to lower level pvp to were accuracy is not even a thing and multiple fizzle is expected.

KI this need to stop, its been going on 8+ years and you have yet to fix MANA BURN. The spell DOES NOT do what it states and a lot of balance mains pretends to ignore the truth. The spell clearly stats that it does 80damage per pip and target looses 3 pips. So please explain to me why am i losing 6 pips or all 5 pips? at max level. This is a X damage per pip spell meaning it can do damage at all 14 pips this needs to be fix asap. This prevents their opponent from setting up counter play and shouldn't even exist to begin with because balance can do damage and play defense at the same time. For an all around school this should not be reliable.

Another spell of the school to be noted is the star explosive super nova. Apparently who ever thought of this spell that deals 535 (835) base damage for only 2 pips and destroy aura without any counter play made a mistake for it to be BALANCE get it? cause i don't lol. The cost value does not match the damage value and should be increase to 4 pips period. I don't think its fair for a school that can shut you down from using auras especially when their able to use it themselves and if this was the case increasing the pip value can prevent them from completely shutting you down. With that being said i think that's all the adjustment needed for this school and no guys i don't believe gaze of fate should be nerf its their only power source and sure it can deal damage through shield and what not but lets be fair for a school that's not high damage or blade reliable give them some respect at least.

Now we reach to my Number #1 most hated and least respected school in the game Fire. With that out of the way some of you may think that everything i say after that line is gonna be bias but ya know what? i really don't care and do think some bias points should make its way out because i can't think of a word other than disgust for this school. I love you Dalia Falmea but i don't love your school at all and for all those pesky fire wizards your raising deserve immediate detention, because lets be real kids shouldn't be playing with fire otherwise they'll burn your house down literally!

What i said may sound toxic but let me express some MAJOR concerns i have towards this school. The number one major concern i have towards this school is the fact that they are now able to surpass storm not only in damage, resistance and health but the fact that they have access to DAMAGE OVERTIME something you refused to give storm in the pass because a lot of ignorant ideas passed by that validated absolutely nothing. You not only gave them a damage over time you gave them a GUARANTEED first position winning card namely the infamous Burning Rampage that has zero counter from going second. As if that wasn't enough you invented EFREET ,a card yes ya'll fire know's what am talking about, a card that not only does 895(1195) max base damage with epic enchant for 4 power pips at max level ki but also puts a free juju on ur opponent. What the heck is that? What made you believe a school that suppose to be the second strongest hitter in the game now being #1 in damage can have a spell like that? REAL BALANCE Kings isle. Oh and might add that fire has total control over multiple traps like fuel and the fire beetle tc cards? luckily i have 50 of those because of how broken they are free shield breaker and fuel wohoo! So i can set up INSTA KILL combos that gives my opponent ZERO chance of retaliating. Sigh! FIX YOUR GAME.

Finally just to include my conclusion towards my depressing journey as a Storm my #1 favorite school KI i am depress, depress because I am force to make a ward pet for these 3 schools and i still don't understand why of all the schools in the game being the lowest health and resist, WHY DO YOU HATE US! YOU GAVE US A GO KILL YOURSELF SPELL (insane bolt) THAT IS OUR ONLY WAY OF HAVING A TINY CHANCE OF BY PASSING SHIELD SPAMMERS. OR JUST PLAIN SUICIDE. but you would let fire laugh at us right? is this your idea of a joke because its not funny anymore Kings Isles. And for anyone saying buy Storm hound tc's, ARRIVERDERCI . FIX YOUR GAME. am done with wiz until u fix this am done investing time in something that clearly a problem.It's unacceptable for a pay to play game.
someone's a bit angry

Storm just isn't a good school to PvP with, but people do make it work. You have spells like Wild Bolt that, when rolling max, do 2000+ damage with a crit and enough damage, all for two pips. Not to mention storms have the highest damaging spells in the game anyway. Plus thunderbird exists

Sep 30, 2018
JewelKI on Jul 26, 2019 wrote:
someone's a bit angry

Storm just isn't a good school to PvP with, but people do make it work. You have spells like Wild Bolt that, when rolling max, do 2000+ damage with a crit and enough damage, all for two pips. Not to mention storms have the highest damaging spells in the game anyway. Plus thunderbird exists
Angry? far from it lol just because you type a certain way doesn't necessarily brings out the emotion in you. I'm rather quite very calm in nature hardly shout like a bunny rabbit. Am just a bit skeptic on how many schools are able to flat out- damage storm with tons of utility spells to back those hits up. Meanwhile storm has to depend on as you stated rng spells. I think storm needs rework to adjust it to the meta not to mention some health, a damage overtime just like every other school who has to deal with set shields because lets be real no one likes them. Especially, when these set shields are backed up by ward resistance etc. My thoughts specifically on those 3 schools remains quite the same. Its just basically reminds me of how easy it is too win with them vs storm.

Dec 16, 2009
JewelKI on Jul 26, 2019 wrote:
someone's a bit angry

Storm just isn't a good school to PvP with, but people do make it work. You have spells like Wild Bolt that, when rolling max, do 2000+ damage with a crit and enough damage, all for two pips. Not to mention storms have the highest damaging spells in the game anyway. Plus thunderbird exists
See I don't get this line of reasoning. Why is it ok that a school is just bad at an area of the game? If a school is struggling in PvE people rightfully give feedback and changes are made. However, when it comes to PvP people just shrug and say "oh well".

Now, I'm a storm main that makes it work in PvP, I have achieved warlord in every age of PvP since first age. That being said it is incredibly frustrating how much more difficult it is to achieve warlord on the school I enjoy playing most. It gets even more frustrating when proposed fixes are rejected by the developers for unknown reasons. The most recent example of this are the spells in the soon to be released Grizzleheim Lore pack. On social media a developer put out a series of polls:

In the Life poll- a Life 4 pip AoE won and bam they have a Life 4 pip AoE in the new pack
In the Myth Poll- a Myth heal won and bam they have a Myth heal in the new pack
In the Storm Poll- A Storm DoT won, not once but twice and what do the developers do? Develop a spell based on the losing option in the new pack instead of a DoT.

Sep 30, 2018
Just an add on why does lord of winter do 950-1050(1350)max damage base for 5 power pips, while offering a free mana burn mean while myth calendar for 120 damage extra only steals 1 pip? I mean why does ice even get to have a mana burn effect i though that was balance role even tho its a been broken?

Jun 01, 2014
angellifeheart on Jul 23, 2019 wrote:
One cannot stressed out how many times, on why (MAX) pvp is such in an unbalance state, so i think its time for me to lay down some points and issues that contributes to this factor. Lets begin by stating some facts Fire,Ice andBalance are just way too broken. There i said it and even if it doesn't reach the post just so you know that this post is actually meant for you developers, yes you loving content creators that we appreciate so much for putting such an amazing story together. Heck id might even say the game in itself because lets be real we are never going to find a game that is in equal to that nature as this, with such diversity and simplified mechanics that even an elderly player could learn so quickly.

With that being said, I'm going to target these 3 specific schools and explain base on my experience on why you contradicted on certain key elements that should have been checked thoroughly before releasing designs of spells and gears towards these 3 classes. Starting off with the infamous Icegiants the tankiest school in the game boasting the best natural universal resist of 65% or higher whom lets be clear, is suppose to have theLOWESTdamage in the game both stats wise and spells.

So please KI for the love of mother's nature and her loving creations, why on gods green earth did you gave them a spell that does 950-1150(1450) damage max enchanted with epic to match the power of aglow bug squall spell on single target despite glow bug being a AOE spell? Why is ice even able, with onebale frostGlobal spell able to just sky rocket their lowest base damage at max level of 105% to 130% while being able to keep their resist of 65% or higher and pierce of 31%??? How does this make it right K I? on top of that you gave ice 3 spells that literally shuts you down from even trying to make come backs.

For example Steal Ward allows ice to freely steal any kinds of tower shield you try to use to protect yourself without any cost. Snow drifts allows ice to steal any kind of dot heals to prevent their opponent from healing mainly used as a counter to, and ice bird treasure card allows them to simply take off shields and let them have a free blade for it. Not to mention that ice have access to 2 dot spells that allows them to by pass shields and deal damage while having a set up to more damage and more damage?REAL BALANCE KI.
Yeah I agree max pvp is just whoever can critical and land really. Many things are wrong about it maycasts wands, jade gear, spells etc. I was watching this one match balance vs fire and the fire was second. The Balance just shield spam and wand hit until she got a maycast Judgement. She got a free 4k judgement off from a wand. You should not be able to get a free 4k hit off a wand that has a base of 140.

Just heads up best max pvp schools are
1. ICE
2. Balance

Mar 10, 2014
Its just who ever goes first and gets shadow pips wins regardless of school. Its all luck

Sep 30, 2018
Eric Stormbringer on Jul 27, 2019 wrote:
See I don't get this line of reasoning. Why is it ok that a school is just bad at an area of the game? If a school is struggling in PvE people rightfully give feedback and changes are made. However, when it comes to PvP people just shrug and say "oh well".

Now, I'm a storm main that makes it work in PvP, I have achieved warlord in every age of PvP since first age. That being said it is incredibly frustrating how much more difficult it is to achieve warlord on the school I enjoy playing most. It gets even more frustrating when proposed fixes are rejected by the developers for unknown reasons. The most recent example of this are the spells in the soon to be released Grizzleheim Lore pack. On social media a developer put out a series of polls:

In the Life poll- a Life 4 pip AoE won and bam they have a Life 4 pip AoE in the new pack
In the Myth Poll- a Myth heal won and bam they have a Myth heal in the new pack
In the Storm Poll- A Storm DoT won, not once but twice and what do the developers do? Develop a spell based on the losing option in the new pack instead of a DoT.
Exactly which i keep on recommending them, if your gonna release thor hammer as it is, reduce the pip cost to 4 and buff the damage to 500 damage to match calypso while keeping the the cleanse mechanic. It might not be a damage overtime but its a start and a very good way to counter lore and efreet spammers. Storm suppose to be the damage school and if your just able to stack weakness on top of weakness against storm where is the balance in that?
Meanwhile fire gets to do every x2 better than storm. 140% damage with 59 resist and 40% pierce, while being able to easily boast 6k+ health and have access to damage overtime get out of here! lol.

Sep 30, 2018
jashelper on Jul 28, 2019 wrote:
Yeah I agree max pvp is just whoever can critical and land really. Many things are wrong about it maycasts wands, jade gear, spells etc. I was watching this one match balance vs fire and the fire was second. The Balance just shield spam and wand hit until she got a maycast Judgement. She got a free 4k judgement off from a wand. You should not be able to get a free 4k hit off a wand that has a base of 140.

Just heads up best max pvp schools are
1. ICE
2. Balance
Am not so sure about myth being last i think that's storm spot in terms of effectiveness. A lot of players are starting to pick up on the scion of storm effect and are using aegis protected elemental or spirit blades to survive the impact. This kind of makes it twice as hard from storm to try to look for an enfeeble x2, so your better off using other spells as storm. I keep 2 types of pet around on my storm. A max ward rain beetle pet for fire, ice and balance with proof, defy and a storm dealer star jewel(best storm pet) then i use a may cast enfeeble, double resist, storm- dealer and giver rain cloud(mainly for ice, death and myth).