Again what your stating is just a contradiction itself. The schools don't have real purpose, the players give them purpose and makes the school adapt to however they wish to play it, hence school diversity. I understand the developers idea to bring back school unique, but that can only go so far towards balancing. Right now clearly every class have a better offensive output than life in pvp.
I still stand by what I say about Life wizards becauses it's true. It's Kingslise's game. They set the game's purpose with reasons. Trying to suggest change for the game's ruling purpose won't be successful. It's the same as trying to change the foundation uder someone elses house without cousing damage. It's not your house. Enjoy your game
I do have a full Crit Pet but I do not have 130% damage.
As I stated before, Crit/block has dropped so my heals do not Crit like they used to. In KH, I did a lot of Crit heals but that has dropped to a very rare chance now.....
You might be able to crit a heal at 6k--8k but I have never crit a heal over 2400 on Rebirth and about 1200 at most on Pigsie.
To avoid an argument contest I will leave my comment then move on. "Nerf all the life heals ( damage compensation)"? No! School of life's profession is a creation of life from death, sustain and promote life. Meaning life specializes in healing themselves and others; not meant to tank or be a hitter in a team. Life wiziards are given attack spells to do low to moderate damage only. For another word the school you choose to play is the type of wizard you get. If that is not what you fully want. than maybe play a dfiierent shcool with a life amulet. Lets all try not to be selfish
An explanation other than the bias claim of life being only a supporting role would be much appreciated, just saying no has zero credibility.
Life is the healing school, lifes heals shouldnt be nerfed so it can just do more damage. I have a life wizard and do not want heals to be nerfed for more damage. If you want to do more damage then pick a different school like storm fire or myth.
Life is the healing school, lifes heals shouldnt be nerfed so it can just do more damage. I have a life wizard and do not want heals to be nerfed for more damage. If you want to do more damage then pick a different school like storm fire or myth.
Or they can use a mastery amulet......that's why the amulets were created in the first place (to use other school unique storm or fire damage output).
I still stand by what I say about Life wizards becauses it's true. It's Kingslise's game. They set the game's purpose with reasons. Trying to suggest change for the game's ruling purpose won't be successful. It's the same as trying to change the foundation uder someone elses house without cousing damage. It's not your house. Enjoy your game
Which is totally find pve wise. In pvp however the rules are bent or broken and school are adjusted to fit the tier meta range.
To avoid an argument contest I will leave my comment then move on. "Nerf all the life heals ( damage compensation)"? No! School of life's profession is a creation of life from death, sustain and promote life. Meaning life specializes in healing themselves and others; not meant to tank or be a hitter in a team. Life wiziards are given attack spells to do low to moderate damage only. For another word the school you choose to play is the type of wizard you get. If that is not what you fully want. than maybe play a dfiierent shcool with a life amulet. Lets all try not to be selfish
I think your mixing up pve with pvp here buddy. This is a pvp related topic and its to help improve life 1v1 viability.
After reviewing most of the replies here to the subject, it is understood that everyone who was against this pretty much took it as a pve backlash, I am easily convince also that none of you life pvp. No one gave a reason or suggestion as to why this shouldn't be applied to life pvp. Heals aren't justified alone and access to damage is necessary for life to keep up with the meta. This is why when life got left out of the scion department they fell really hard. With the new update towards shadow re balancing and shrike nerf i guess in one way or a another life will be some what viable but not truly competitive yet.
After reviewing most of the replies here to the subject, it is understood that everyone who was against this pretty much took it as a pve backlash, I am easily convince also that none of you life pvp. No one gave a reason or suggestion as to why this shouldn't be applied to life pvp. Heals aren't justified alone and access to damage is necessary for life to keep up with the meta. This is why when life got left out of the scion department they fell really hard. With the new update towards shadow re balancing and shrike nerf i guess in one way or a another life will be some what viable but not truly competitive yet.
But this is a huge pve reduction as well. Also as a life pvper, I have tried all three strategies, and they consistently have knocked my rank down. Glass cannon for life just doesn't work since everyone else has way better hits to compensate, and even with the nerfs to other schools spells, this doesn't change the gear at all. Critical heal doesn't work since you have to compensate with lower health, damage, or resist which means you can simply get annihlated by every other school eventually since you have to constantly heal. The attempt at both is the worst of all. The new dragoon gear legit did nothing for life and may have just nerfed them more since normal heal boost isn't useful against fires and storms with 160 damage or any of the other schools that are getting 150 damage. Also, maybe just play with blade stacking against life since not all schools should be able to be handled the exact same way as they should have strengths and weaknesses.
This also kills practice 4v4 since hits still do a lot and if a healer can only heal half of what the damage is without even being infected or some other counter, then healing in group PvP is pointless.
My Life with 128% outgoing and using healing enchants on heals such as Pigsie and Rebirth can barely keep up with 4 pip AOE attacks... heals should not be nerfed. They are in a good spot. I'd argue that Unicorn needs a lot of love.
It doesn't matter if I'm a PVE or a PVP player. Any spell, pet or gear gets nerfed in PVP with affect PVE play. Wizard101 started out as PVE gamee in 2008. PVP came along the following year. Meaning PVP is not the foundation of Wizard101. PVE is. If Life wizard's heal spells gets nerfed across the board in PVP, then Life Wizards will be riuned in PVE in a way that less pl;ayers will play them and I'l be one of them. That is why I'm againt mosts nerfing in PVP untill There's away to fork the 2 gameplay
In the 3rd arc and going forward, these kinds of nerfs would make life school and spells virtually useless.
But since there has been a call for an ALL spell audit, it would not surprise me in the least to see a lot of this happening.
I agree and because we are now heading into the 4th arc, soon. Life wizards need all the heal power they can get. Hopefully a few good attack spells along the way.
Spellements are pay to win concepts and i don't fully support that logic. Id rather hits doing some form of better effects , whether its giving some type of global control etc. Spellements shift real value of spells and adds pip values to them making them cost more.
I agree in that it seems that the only way to get spellements is to buy them.
As the subject states I proposed a nerf to all life heals, to compensate for damage buffs and utility changes. Nerf Satyr from 860 to 650 Nerf Pigsie from 550 to 450 Nerf Rebirth from 650 to 550 Nerf Dryad from 200 per pip to 160 per pip Nerf Fairy from 420 to 300.
1.Change scion of life from 1100 heal to 1100 damage x2 if your health is higher than the opponent.
2.Change wings of fate to an Aoe of 700 base damage remove heal and dot.
3.Change King art into a dot that does 50+750 over 3 rounds. Gives 10% pierce+ 10% boost-Guiding light.
4.Change Goat monk into a damage over time that does 50+520 over 3 rounds
5.Implement a trainable 2 pip life bubble that gives 25% damage increase through the Arcane scholar Life professor.
Change spirit armor pip cost to 0 spell only tc remains the same at 3 pip cost.
Change Guardian Spirit from revive to a 700 heal to self + Sanctuary.
These are some of the key changes in buff to damage for heal nerf compensation.
That's a good point that I didn't even think about.
It doesn't matter if I'm a PVE or a PVP player. Any spell, pet or gear gets nerfed in PVP with affect PVE play. Wizard101 started out as PVE gamee in 2008. PVP came along the following year. Meaning PVP is not the foundation of Wizard101. PVE is. If Life wizard's heal spells gets nerfed across the board in PVP, then Life Wizards will be riuned in PVE in a way that less pl;ayers will play them and I'l be one of them. That is why I'm againt mosts nerfing in PVP untill There's away to fork the 2 gameplay
PVP may not be the foundation of wiz and can be viewed as an exclusive side activity, but you best believe that there are as much players invested in pvp than so for pve. PVP imo is the best exemplary of what can be done when all of the best hard earn gears and spells and so fort are grinded for and put to the test.
I do also appreciate the strawman arguements and that no one here has offered any alternatives to fixing life pvp, solely on the purpose of keeping the pve life status quo intact.
For a while now, there's been a disgreement what Life Wizards are ment to be. I like to clear the confusion up by saying Life's spell were audited; boosts on some heals and nerfed on a few attack spells except Forest Lord got a small boost do to being the only learnded AOE and not including AOE from packs which shows that Life wizards are meant as a healing class not a hitter or tank in a team battle and never will be. Again, If someone wants to play Life to have their cake and eat it too then I suggest a storn, fire or ice amulet. This is the last post I'm posting on this topic. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy tthe game.
For a while now, there's been a disgreement what Life Wizards are ment to be. I like to clear the confusion up by saying Life's spell were audited; boosts on some heals and nerfed on a few attack spells except Forest Lord got a small boost do to being the only learnded AOE and not including AOE from packs which shows that Life wizards are meant as a healing class not a hitter or tank in a team battle and never will be. Again, If someone wants to play Life to have their cake and eat it too then I suggest a storn, fire or ice amulet. This is the last post I'm posting on this topic. I'm done with this thread. Enjoy tthe game.
First of all lets be clear about one thing, this is a PVP only related post and has nothing to do with any outcomes in pve whats so ever. Second of all if your aware atm, jades heal spammers with near immune stats have been coming out from underneath rocks and bringing that problematic issue we were trying to get away from for the longest of while, simply because k i couldn't find a way to fix a spell or make life school viable.
I am totally convince now that relying on K I to fix anything without taking any attribution what so ever on historical facts of dominant presence of other schools, makes this entire balance update kinda pointless.
Nerfing and trying to adjust spells without taking into consideration schools like ice for example, having the ability to now have 90% resist with brace and then not figuring out why shrike got nerf.
We need someone who can solely direct the board of pvp, who can only devote their time to pvp(MAX) specifically and upcoming new meta to make sure that ALL school has equal opportunity of obtaining a victorious outcome through careful planning and solid effort.
Please don't nerf life heals. The heals are what allow the school to compensate for low damage spells. And strong heals are essential to survival when you have less hitting power. If life was nerfed it would be too frustrating and take longer to play. I only play PvE, so I'm not sure how life fairs in PvP.
Please don't nerf life heals. The heals are what allow the school to compensate for low damage spells. And strong heals are essential to survival when you have less hitting power. If life was nerfed it would be too frustrating and take longer to play. I only play PvE, so I'm not sure how life fairs in PvP.
Although the OP never stated in the original post the comments were strictly related to PvP.....the nerf was requested for PvP.
Since the original post and the spell rebalance over the summer....KI has made it clear that creating conditions for PvP and others for PvE is the exception, not the rule.