I can understand why this would not go over well in the pvp areana, however for pve:
I think it would be quite fun if you could get inherent stun resistance in pve as you level up. Like with the power pips and how you get +1% every level from 10 up to 50? (I think) I think you should be able to get the same thing for stun resistance from say level 50 to level 90.
And inherent stun resistance would add some variety to pve play. I can't tell you how annoying it is to just be stunned out of no where, let alone your entire party. When I see frost giant come out, I think it would be a lot more fun to have just a CHANCE at not getting stunned rather than just knowing it's going to happen. It makes things a little different and significantly less monotonous.
In addition to that, KI could you also maybe please fix how stun block works? I noticed this running darkmoor: When players have the same % to block a stun, if that stun goes through, they ALL get stunned. It's like it's one role for that percent rather than per player. When I get stunned in the first battle with conviction up, fine. But when everyone does with conviction up? That's a problem. It's clearly one role rather than one per each player.
This would also need to happen should pve get that inherent stun resist. If no one has any other stun resist on besides that and they have the same resistance, if that first person is stunned or not stunned, that shouldn't tell me what will happen to the others. It should be stun, resist stun. Stun, stun, resist. Resist, stun, stun. Or even stun, stun, stun, provided any of the previous outcomes could happen.
Would just make the game more fun. I would much prefer variety beyond just "well, my team is just set back a turn now." Because otherwise, stun is pretty much nothing but a nuisance in pve.
Perhaps you'd have gotten a better response from PVEers if you'd placed this in a forum they regularly read. Most PvPers only quest so they can be prepared for PVE and don't much care about enhancements to PVP so likely won't answer this.
I don't think it's necessary as it's rare to be stunned in PVE, and on the occasions that it happens it's a boss not a mob, and Conviction is already up or I've used a round with a stun block. When mobs start stunning more than occasionally, maybe I'd be onboard.
I just don't see the ROI for the development effort.
1st: Stun is very common in mob and boss battles alike past level 50, and with the new elixir out, players with level 50 characters and beyond playing, that's even more. About half of all fights with ice, storm, and myth (boss, mob, or mob within boss) can cast stun capable spells. That's just over 25% of all fights being capable of stun, when you do the math. That number grows when you factor in fights with mixed schools. The chance of those stuns happening grows even more with 3 or more players maxing out possible enemies in a fight.
2nd: It is a single role but on that percent chance of resisting. A full team in Graveyard all with conviction tc up that gets stunned from a Frost Giant, that's clearly a single role for that 95% stun resistance stat from conviction. This happens every time someone is stunned - everyone with tc conviction up gets stunned. But yeah, if you don't have any resist at all, you're not going to resist just because someone before you has conviction. lol