First of all I am stating some problems here with answers, not complaining just trying to find a solution to these main problems.
What level you are matched up against
FAIR battles, not 3v4
How many points are earned
How many points are lost
Okay first one, i was once doing pvp with one of my characters and my friend, we were both lvl 30, we got matched up against a captain legendary and like a level ten. Long story short we lasted like four rounds before getting killed by angel (i think thats what its called) that was helped by blades, traps and feints. Now that was certainly not a fair match up first of all considering level and then considering rank. Not exactly sure what can be done about this besides just don't pair maguses up against legendary commanders unless the lower levels are warlords or something. There should be a level limit put up that isn't always based on rank.
Next up we have the 3v4 or the 2v3 or the 1v2 I've ended up in a few of these and even though sometimes its possible to win it becomes much harder. The person always ports to the battle about a minute after it started and if they flee they lose points but if their team wins they still get nothing, its not their fault and they shoudln't lose points, PvP should have this thing where if its a 2v2 and there's only one player on the other side the battle should just not take place, should be called a tie with no unfair profits by either team. The people who get ported late didn't flee from the battle, shouldn't lose points for it.
Okay now we go to how many points are gained. When I was still only a grandmaster I would pvp and since I was a high rank i would get paired up against private lengendaries. Most of the time I beat them but when I did I got about 10 points sometimes only 6 or 7. The battles were hard and well fought since I was paired with a higher level and I personally felt a little ripped off when I recieved basically the minium amount of points. My solution to this, give more points to the winner, base the points off of the level they beat not the rank they beat because some privates can be wickedly good at pvp.
Last one, how many points are lost. In the first battle I mentioned I lost about 20 some points, so wasn't cool it was the first battle i had done with that character and I'm going to have to win two for just losing one, and losing one to a legendary for Pete's sake. Once again pvp wins and losses should be based on the level you beat or the level you lost to. I don't even understand how i could lose 20 points when both the people i was fighting were high ranks and i was a private.
PvP is fun though and if one of these misfourtunes doesn't happen to you you can go really far in it, these aren't the most important problems to worry about and the don't ruin the game as a whole. I love playing Wizards101 with or without pvp, way to go KI you made a great game :-)
I TOTALLY agree with you. When my grand myth started pvping( which wasnt too long ago) my first 2 matches i went up against LEGENDARIES and lost due to the HUGE level difference and lost a ridiculous amount of points cause they were in like the 300's while i just started pvping with my myth and i was like SOOO unfair KI should tweek the pvp system more