They shouldn't let polymorph be used in PvP. It's not fair how someone could use like, Treant to heal themselves. They should truly use like a Satyr, or whatever. Please let polymorphs be unavailable to PvP.
Polymorphs have level restrictions on them... So, a player has to be a certain level to use them... Now, when they use a polymorph card, they are stuck in that mode for 6 rounds, unable to shield, or have their gears resistance...
I don't see much of a problem with Polymorphs, since they have been level capped, now if they would just fix Talos!
They shouldn't let polymorph be used in PvP. It's not fair how someone could use like, Treant to heal themselves. They should truly use like a Satyr, or whatever. Please let polymorphs be unavailable to PvP.
Personally, I have no problem with them. When they polymorph, they become vulnerable. For treants: shield, count the rounds, then hit them hard on the last possible round before they change back to a wizard. That way they can't heal it off and it also allows you to bypass any gear resistance they may have.
it is annoying to me how people sometimes use polymorph in pvp but you can't help it(its not agaainst the rules). but you sort of have the adavantage because when someone uses polymorph they don't have very good attacks,but the gobbler polymorph is probably more annoying then the others because the gobbler has tower shields and can heal. you also could polymorph to so you can even the odds( that is if you have access to celestia and can buy astreal spells).
With the no trade treasure cards and level restrictions it seems pretty fair.
Depends how you look at it. The matching system that makes people above the level cap fight people below the level cap, fair to whom exactly? I agree that in a legend vs legend fight it is fair being that both sides can train and use them. Now in legend vs any level under the cap (happens quite often) is it fair that one can train and use polymorphs but the other is restricted from buying and using polymorph treasures? I'm interested to hear your view.