So, maybe I'm just crazy or upset due to loss of rank, but this is how I see it: the PvP system is entirely unfair nowadays! I didn't PvP at all during the second age, but I know the first age was so much more fair than this - at least in the sense of lower level PvP.
I have a level 5 corporal in 2v2 with a level 5 my exact rank. I'm completely fine going against level 16s that are privates, or maybe even the same rank in 2v2s. That is fair (although the latter may be stretching it). However, going against level 16 commanders - or, recently, level 20 and level 18 knights - is completely unfair. Both being a much higher level with more powerful spells, larger decks, power point chance. and more health as well as being a higher rank is completely outrageous! My partner and I almost got to Veteran until we hit a bunch of these 2v2 teams that are both higher level and rank!
We are still getting -16 points each time as well, which I'm not sure when that changed. Which I agree could be helpful with puppeting and such, or maybe whatever other reason people gave for this to happen, but in these types of cases, we are getting ranked down so fast in battles we don't even have a chance in!
Maybe I am just salty - but I'm also confused as to why this has been introduced to the game. I used to be a major PvPer during the 1st Age, even reaching Commander at one point, but now it's absolutely infuriating to PvP. What happened to PvP?
Does anyone else have this issue or is it solely me?
I play 1v1 ones on my level 40 storm and i constantly get paired and against really high ranks meanwhile i have less that 300 rank. It's a really unfair system and is only giving other people a free win even though they already have an unfair advantage. I'd really like to this fixxed
when i pvp'ed during the second age (on my level 35 fire wizard), the majority of my opponents were level 40-55 knights/commanders (i was only a sergeant at the time, though i suppose it's the price i paid for being a higher-ranking magus).
i haven't been back at all since the last rank reset. thanks to low or no level restrictions on overpowered jewels, pet talents, and expensive crowns items, mid-level pvp is completely broken and i'd likely end up facing a level 10 warlord with critical and better stats than some wizards have at level 100. thanks, but no thanks.