I just want to be the devil's advocate in all of this because I feel pretty strongly on these things. I do not believe PvP is broken. While it is unfortunate, I observe that most people who find it broken are just poor sports. For me to say it's perfect is just false. All you have to do is look at the leaderboards and see that over 52% are balance or ice types (last I checked). However, shadows being broken is also just false. Here's why I feel that: you are literally building gear that gives you shadow pip chance bonus, what's broken about that? Want more shads, build a set with better shadow chance. I get that there is some RNG but that's like going in with 50% critical instead of 90-100% and expecting it to always work when it's convenient. I do understand that we only remember the times that we got unlucky but I try to remember how many times I took somebody out in 3 rounds out of sheer luck. It goes back and fourth. Nobody gets the short end of the stick 100% of the time unless they maybe try a few battles and give up. Let's take bolt (wild and insane bolt) as an example. Ok so that's 100% RNG reliant. I've never once noticed a high rank storm type that just bolts like mad. Sure it may have worked on you once. But that guy probably thinks the game is broken for him too because he just went against 5 people and didn't hit max on a bolt once. It happens. We need to remember this is a game that we are playing to relax (my brother likes to say he gave up being happy in life when he started doing PvP, because he lets it stress him out that much, and I get it, but that contradicts why we started playing the game at all). The game is heavily reliant on RNG, that's what games like these are, that's part of the surprise and intensity of every battle. Am I going to power this mantle for the win? Or is he going to clutch and counter me? This goes for jades too, if you can't find a way to counter it, either find a way, or maybe they just have the better strategy. That's what makes a warlord.
Here's another opinion that I may even feel stronger on. I heard the words "we want your wizard in PvP to be as close to PvE as possible" simply stating that wizards in PvE should follow similar rules to PvP. It's odd that they even say that because they haven't (at least how it appears) even given that an effort. Now I want to be up front and say this does not apply to turn based, turn based should be here to stay as it gives an equal opportunity from second. I am talking mainly about critical, and certain spells like bad juju. I'm not trying to call people out or be negative but it seems like KI kind of caved into people wanting boss fights to be effortless and PvP… well... to be effortless. Either have bad juju take 1/3 health in PvE, or 300 in PvP. Don't have it different. Personally I'd say make it 1/3 and maybe make heavy hitting bosses a little easier on damage output. It's just wild that I can put a wizard to Level 130, and join the queue and be as clueless as I was in PvE at Lv1. The critical is the worse part. 1.33 (I think) for PvE and 2.00 for PvP? That's not even the same video game anymore. If we really need double critical to quest then maybe we need weaker enemies. I just don't see the point to having PvP and PvE differences when there's no reason for it (in the case of turn based, there was reason). But thanks for providing a place to share my opinion, and I'd be glad to hear other opinions, possibly explaining some of these things and why they are this way.