if i'm level 10 and i pvp 1v1 someone why is it that they are higher level than me like he or she is level 20 something, that seems unfair a level 10 vs a level 20 and i end up losing the match bring my rank down can someone please explain why that happens and can it be fixed?
The reason why this happens, (and I assume you are playing ranked matches), is just luck. If you don't want to play someone who is a higher level than you, when setting up a match, change the options so that the level of people is 10 and under. Hope this helps! :)
if you are playing ranked matches(which is what it sounds like), generally higher leveled players do those, so it doesn't surprise me that you got an opponent who is higher level. if you do practice matches, then you can set the level requirements so this wouldn't happen.
yea i agree with the previous posters, but one question what rank are you? the reson you might be put up against higher levels are because you are fairly high rank. like me, i am a private(around 300!) and i sometimes get put up against like level 30s 40s and mostly 50s and they are like veterans and up(i legendary) so that may also be a factor in your problem.
When my ice was level 12 I was beating level 24's pretty easily. A more unfair thing is magus 2v2 battles. I always fight a legendary and a level 2-12. I can only win if the legendary isn't good at pvp.
when ever i play i always lose to higher lvl than me and when i play again i always face them and lose my rank down i want to start at 600 instead of 500