I am putting this out in the open because i believe i am not the only one who you have done this to... I have been in PvP's Mutli teams and single team's and so fair i have lost 21 30 and 29 because of the bugs that you guys have the first and 3rd was due to you saying that it was an invalid password and the second you said i was timed out when i did not leave the the computer and it was right when we where ENTERING the game so i lost over 80 points because of our mistakes.. I Under stand that this is a big game for you but the PvP has stayed the same since it has come out sure the spells change and the clothing but what has that got to do with invalid passwords and such?
first of all, that was not KI's fault, it was you and your typing's fault. Second, why were you logging in to your account in the middle of a pvp match? Third, if you had lost connection and was logging back in, you dont automatically lose, your opponent killed you while you were logged out.
Thats not true happen to me all the time lose connection says invailed on screen try find server and you have log in all to geather you get log out so you lose. Losed so many times by the sever going down happens all the time and no won has fix it yet been over six months. I real think need post some ideas about pvp how fair may be should be banned all to geather and i am a warlord just makes fights with people report people all the time no one does a thing. Please like you to reply why always lose connection does the server not work or what.