Feeling frustrated about the current ranked matchmaking system (for low lvl pvp), I went on the forums to see what others have to say about it, and I noticed there are two main point of views. 1. Experienced pvpers: matching up with high level low ranks who have previous age gear or are actually good 2. People starting out: matching up with low level high ranked people I’m what most would call an experienced pvper as I have done pvp on all my characters at some point on different levels and different ages, even though now I only do journeyman/adept. To people starting out, it is so much easier now. You say you cannot win against low lvl warlords? That is not true. It’s so easy to get a good pet from the kiosk and farm for Zeus gear or Duelist gear to start out. You will have double the health of the warlords you face, and sometimes even double the damage. You can watch tournaments/ ranked/ videos of experienced players doing pvp and figure out a strategy for yourself. You don’t know how many time I’ve lost to a magus as a journeyman! The key is to be prepared before you enter a ranked match, like all of us “warlords” do when we start out on a new character. My life journeyman started with duelist gear since I obviously didnt have commander gear, but I had a mega pet to maximize damage, and spells from loremaster that I had farmed for. I did a bunch of tournaments to buy the full duelist set. This the kind of preparation that you need to make to start successfully. I developed my own strategy because I already knew what I will do when I made the character, but you probably need to watch some matches or read guides. I can tell you I never lost to the level 10 warlords I faced with this set up. To experienced players like me, the matchmaking is really rigged, because 95% of the matches I get as an adept warlord are magus with commander gear, or those starting out smartly like I mentioned above. I saw a storm magus with 90% damage just using zeus gear and duelist athame and ring. There was no way for me to win before he kills me. The level based matchmaking system doesn’t work anymore in this age. It’s not like before, which i agree it was a little unfair to the newcomers, that we can easily win against high levels becuase they use bad gear and pets. But to be honest, the newcomers to pvp just didn’t know how to prepare for ranked, or they could win anytime. During second age, i got one month member for my alt account and did some reckless magus pvp with zeus gear, no lore spells, ancient pet, and got over 1k rank easily. So my point is, just be prepared. My suggestion for a new system this age will be below.