Hello, i was just wondering if there was anyone wanting to join my pvp team because i am trying to get my raiting back up since my team bailed on me for an ice wiz. there are some requirement to be on the team and i might have to test to see if you qualify. if you are interested reply so we can meet... 1. you must be at least a lvl 65
2. you must have resist like 29 or 28 on all schools
3. you must have at least text chat (sorry)
4. you must not be a constant trash talker or be a team player (NO 1v4 SAVES!)
5. lastly you must have fun Thanks again for reading reply if you are interested
I am a great wizard to 2v2 with. I am a Balabce with a myth mastery. I work well with Death Storm and Myth. its great with any of them but if you are not plz tell me what you are and level. I am an archmage and I will be pvping my butt of untill the fantastic world of Azteca comes out. so just let me know.
~ Aaron HexSphere With out Balance, there would be chaos.
I am looking for a team as well for my Ice, and I would like to join yours as i meet all the requirements except for the lvl one. But on my Ice character I have 40% universal resist, 45% resist to storm, 33% damage on Ice, I can heal and have 4098 health. But by the time you reply I would probably have 4100-4200+ health. I have a Myth mastery amulet and can be extremely supportive while still being defensive (for self) and slightly Offensive in 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. Originally I had gotten to Knight ranking in 1v1 until my rank was crushed by Various spammers (Judgement, Tempest) only because I don't come prepared to fight one tactic but a little of everything. My Ice is only lvl 63, but after hearing this, hopefully you could still accept me into your team? I am currently close to Veteran rank at 582 (Sergeant). If you do, where could we meet??
i am also looking for a team too but you will at least be at lvl 40 and text chat so i can talk to ya and you have to have at least a awesome wand (for attacks sorry but buy one) and i really need to rank so much my heart is at maximum speed so if you wanna help plz do