I still say dispels should never be allowed in PvP. I hardly see how it is fair to mass stack dispels on a player at the cost of 1 pip each (obtainable from the bazaar in bulk for next to nothing) making a player unable to play their own character class or effectively be permanently stunned in terms of attacks.
If I am playing storm and want to cast leviathan, it will cost me eight pips and I'll want to blade it up with might cost me a pip or two more, which will take me between three to five turns to accomplish. I hardly see how a one pip dispel that takes one turn to accomplish and rids all pips and stays on a player until taken care of is fair, expecially when the person placing it goes first in the turn and there is no way at all to avoid it. Now if a person wants to stack say 5 or so of them on a player, well its going to take a heck of a lot of time to rid them, yet it took only one turn each to place them. This isn't even a far fetched scenerio either, as I've had 5 or 6 upon me at a time many times. Heck in one turn alone I've had the opposing side place three dispels upon me before. I am also sorry to state that if I take the time to level up a character in a school I kind of want to play the character as being that school as opposed to having to polymorph into a different school simply to be able to do anything. Dispels are simply horrible, though if they weren't obtainable at the bazaar and cost at least three pips to cast then they wouldn't be so bad as three pips is kind of expensive pip and turn wise, where as 1 pip or 1 power pip is incredibly cheap and way too effective.
@darthjt I haven't attacked anyone just telling what i see based on the information that has been laid before me and i have backed up everything i've said with fact and on how game mechanics work so you can call it ranting or whatever you like, it's still true.
And i can't help myself but it's not "a great offence is the best defence". The wise man you are referring to is Called Zun Tzu and th phrase you are looking for is "The best defence is sometimes a strong offence" From Zun Tzu the art of war.
Also, lets not forget all the cheating that goes on in 4v4 team play. For some reason Wizard101 deams it unfair for non-friends table players to be able to sit where ever they want, and yet at the friends table you can often find a single person operating all four characters, each with the same name and even the same outfit. Friends are allowed to determine exactly how they will play a match from the start while non-friends don't have such a luxery and don't have what some would term as cheat strategies already ironed completely out.
Another thing I've seen more than a few times is the same player operating characters on opposite sides of the same table. It is never fun to have your selected cards broadcasted outloud when you are playing them by someone who openly states that they are on both sides of the table. But guess what, the game allows them to play as such so apparently they aren't cheating or anything cause they are allowed to do it, at least by the logic that some people use here of if it can be done it must be and is fair and legal and if no one likes it they should change their strategy.
Ohh in case my long reply gets in i forgot to answer why they added the stun shields and why it has nothing to do with earthquake.
It was because people made teams of 3 or 4 storm players in 3vs3 and 4vs4 and tried to win on only casting storm lord round after round making it impossible to survive unless you had 4x storm shields up on each of the defending players which is almost an impossibility.
So yes it has nothing to do with earthquake and the reason for stun shields is by now an old issue from pre CL pvp with storm wizard stacking.
At first, yes, stun shields was added because people used to spam storm lord and frost giant, I agree. However, you say that it has nothing to do with earthquake? You are sadly mistaken! KI even posted in the update notes that Earthquake was fixed and no longer removes stun shields, however, KI did happen to drop the ball on that one.
Now, if KI put stun shields to stop chain stunning with lord and frost giant by putting these shields, would it not go that earthquake could not remove them, because as it stands now, you can chain stun and not even give your opponent a chance to even blink!
Once again, people on here post without thinking of what they are saying. Common Sense, it's not rocket science!
Yes, I have a myth and I could chain stun all day long in PvP, However, I have morals and a code of ethics, unlike some people!
I DON'T like the way this discussion is going. The tone in the conversation remains accusatory and disrespectful. Come on, lay off each other.
I did not make myself clear in my original post, and would like to clarify.
The crux of the problem here is that one person's moral and ethical code and, therefore, definition of cheating, is irrelevant up to the point that a consensus among PvP players forces KI to adapt the rules of the game.
If I may make a suggestion, why don't you focus this discussion on points upon which you mutually agree. Come to a joint definition of cheating strategies. Post a fresh message to the forum, and invite others to join the discussion. I'm sure there is an active discussion of this topic on Wizard101 Central as well. Perhaps take a look there and get a feel for the opinions of players who are talking there, and maybe join in the conversation. Perhaps with a well-rounded understanding of the larger community conversation, you can come to some agreement, and work toward a solution to the problem.
Here are my examples of cheating strategies in PvP.
1) Wild bolting over and over in the first 3 rounds of battle. (KI already fixed that one. However, I learned to avoid losing by stacking my treasures with tower shields and using them while I built up for attacks.
2) Chain stunning. (KI already fixed that one, but PvPers, always clever!, found an innovation in the use of Earthquake to remove stun shields. I'll bet KI is working on this as I type.)
3) Entering ranked PvP to rank down.
4) Using a high level minion in 1v1. IMHO, this makes the match 1v2.
5) Entering ranked PvP with no strategy other than to heal repeatedly. (However, having encountered this non-strategy, I now know to stack my deck with life dispels and infection :)
Notice that except for the first 2 items on my list, they are subjective, moral and ethical definitions of cheating. While I hope others agree with me, I don't expect them to do so if my issues are based in personal strategy deficiencies. I do wish, however, that I will not be heavily, repeatedly, and sharply criticized. Rather, I would prefer for my fellow wizards to cheerfully share with me better strategies than my own.
For what it's worth, I think you have all brought up valid points, but they are obscured by anger.
Iridian Shadowweaver, Theurgist
Valid points, and actually states what is an opinion! This is how a post should be! This is relavent and informative! The only thing I would change, is the gact that he assumes things are obscured by anger! I have agreed to things on both parties sides and tried to show where both are also wrong in their assumptions! I am not angry, but making my points well known!
Wow, aren't we getting fired up lol. Darthjt please remember that the message boards are moderated and your responses do not get posted right away. I made my post before your post appeared where you disagreed with Mordikay. hence my arguments were based out what you had posted before. i am just seeing your post now.
Issues regarding PVP will always bring heated conversation and name calling (in the case of Mordikay). The people who are doing the things that others are complaining about will be on one side of the argument, defending their actions while the people who are "complaining" will be on the other side driving their point home.
Let me say this; it is ok to have spirited discussions (as Gordon Brown-former prime Minsiter of England opined) but we ought to respect each other and adapt a decorous attitude. I find Mordikay in his responses to be rude and abrasive and I could point out some of his "shortcomings" based on the arguments he proffered but i know better.
Calling each others name or what-not will get us nowhere and the issues that are affecting us will remain unresolved. I think that we can disagree with each other and remain civil. like I said before, there is never an excuse to be rude. If you noticed in my responses, i used words such as "unethical" and "unorthodox", I could have used more colorful words but that would only make me appear rude and abrupt.
We will have to agree to disagree on cheating because the meaning of the word my have escaped some of our intelligences or it could be that we are confounded by our own self-fish view of what is acceptable behavior.
I think Mordikay may have taken an issue with this post because he have been doing the very things that i have pointed out and I may have hit a nerve.
None of us would want to be accused of cheating even if we are indeed cheating lol. I am do not wish to belabor the point so let us move on.
I like when people are fair in their responses and arguments, like queenlyblue bean. But unfortunatley, like darthjt stated, in today's world, no one cares about right or wrong, all they care about is themselves. That is why I created this post. it is not up to me or Moedikay or anyone who plays wizard 101 to decide what is fair and what is not because unfortunately we cannot be unbiased in our responses.
Therefore, the onus is on KI-who is more inclined to look at the big picture and see how exactly these actions are affecting everybody- to decide when, where and how to make the requisite changes in the arena.
I hope no one thinks that this is a wild bolt discussion because it is not. i merely made references to wild bolt and chain stunning to support my argument on cheating in PVP. And since we have now decided to call it "balancing" then let me just say this. Wild bolt didn't need to be changed, all Ki had to do was make it so that you cannot put unstoppable or sniper on it just in the same way you cannot enchanted vampire, wraith and scarecrow, that would be balancing; not wasting 2 pips for a 10 hit damage. there is nothing in the game that does 10 damage so of course wild bolt was turned into a joke.
Once again going first is not a problem, and i cannot reconcile why people think it is all of a sudden, even the great Mordikay! Why is going first a problem- "the major flaw of PVP? One might argue that people put a dispel on you but said person offering that argument will state that they use dispels and nothing is wrong with it. So, where are we going with this?
As for people complaining, guess what? Not everybody has the same level of fighting skill or will catch on to something very quickly. So, we have to understand that because you can make warlord in a day doesn't mean that there aren't problems in PVP that needs to be addressed. No one has the right to go on people's post and try and shut them down.
The responsible thing to do is help the person along and maybe share some of your strategies with them or whatever, if you don't have anything good to say then left well enough alone.
When I did Celestia on test; i didn't have a problem with it except for Astraeus. I saw several threads on central of people complaining that Celestia is too hard. i didn't find it hard but i didn't go on those threads and tell people to "get out of Celestia, you don't belong there". Sometimes these are just little kids who are probably doing the same thing over and over and not winning and all they need is a nudge in the right direction instead of people jumping down their throats.
i often explain to then what i did in order to win against a difficult boos like Talos and they usually return saying, 'ty, ty, I got my spell", or " I completed that quest!"
i know that the world has fallen into greed and selfishness and people are just getting viscous as the seconds goes by. But we do not have to fall victim to inhumane behavior, we can choose to remain kind and helpful persons. i know my words are falling on deaf ears here but we have two choices: jump down each others throats or help each other out. Which will it be?
This post was alright at first, then it turned into a bunch of complaining. You cant cheat in pvp, if you could cheat, then you would probably hack their cards or chain stun which has been taken out. People have strategies in order to win and basically, strategy is probably 75% of what pvp is about. Then people come and complain and make strategy look like 1% and 99% cheating which its not. It's annoying when people who develop strategies and complainers go and complain to KI, and KI changes it sometimes. Chain Stunning and wild bolt was a strategy (but kind of a cheap one, but still was a strategy) and then KI went and did 4 chain stun shields and wild bolt had 33% chance of hitting 1000.
@Nico and anyone else of this belief for that matter. If you can't see why wild bolt needed to be changed i have nothing but /sigh in response. The reason they didn't do as you said with not being able to put sniper and whatnot on it is because they would have to change game coding for that. Even without those argumentation wildbolt would still have had WAY too high accuracy in current CL gear and other non enchant ble spells that boost acc.
Anyways as response to me being rude and calling me a cheater(umm still you need to learn that you cannot cheat in wiz101 so your whole argument is void). I'm not rude really and take this perfectly calm, I just have no issue with pointing out your faulty arguments and telling it as I and other clearly see it that this is a clear case in lack of skill. It's not a rude comment, not everyone can be good at pvp and just because i point out that you are likely not does not make it rude.
As a sidenote i don't even pvp on storm or myth but clearly knows the issue and why things were changed better then you do.
And no we don't have to agree to disagree on the meaning of the word cheating, you can easy look it up in the dictionary. There is a ruleset in place in the form of game mechanics and none of them can be broken unless you actually manage to hack the gaming server...aka no cheating.
As for you hitting a nerve, not really. I play to win abiding by the rules and will use everything i can in my arsenal to do so as would anyone in any competative gaming or sport.
As some final words and to sum up a bit. You call wild bolt a joke now is just futher proof that you don't know the power of your own school or what's good in pvp.
You don't see a problem with the turn based system and going first? Seriously? Actually seriously? For real seriously? Again this arguments my comments from before and any pvp'r with decent skill and above knows this is a huge issue. Dispells, shileding minions before spells land on them, wanding/lower pip, dot spells shields away, Weakness removal, efreet and the list goes on. Seriously if you cannot see a problem here i'm not even going to argue more pvp with you as it would be a waste of typing.
And allmost last i have no idea where all your arguements of greed plays into all this as for gold it would be spend on the side of the person you call cheating so again a faulty argument. I can easy blow away 200k gold on treasure cards and spend a couple of hours in unicorn way enchanting several houdred cards for my upcomming ppv and i'm so happy to do so :-D
Out of all your wall of text you are right about one thing. "Not everyone has the same level of fighting skill or will catch on to something very quickly".
I see the people who say dispels aren't a problem aren't the ones who play 4v4 PvP like I do, but rather play 1v1. I hate it that people keep saying stuff isn't a problem that others are complaining against simply cause they don't see the problem cause they don't play where it happens to be a problem at. Dispels and beguiles are huge problems in 4v4 PvP as they are totally one sided and their play gets pretty obscene.
@darthjt I haven't attacked anyone just telling what i see based on the information that has been laid before me and i have backed up everything i've said with fact and on how game mechanics work so you can call it ranting or whatever you like, it's still true.
And i can't help myself but it's not "a great offence is the best defence". The wise man you are referring to is Called Zun Tzu and th phrase you are looking for is "The best defence is sometimes a strong offence" From Zun Tzu the art of war.
Yes, thank you for pointing out my quotes!
What you still have failed to address, if the fact, that you can still chain stun using earthquake and that is cheating! Any way you want to slice it, dice it, or pretty it up, it is cheating. Hence the reason they put stun shields after the use of frost giant and storm lord! KI has even stated that they are going to make it so that earthquake does not remove stun shields. Now, I do not consider earthquake a cheat, nor stunning a cheat, if they are with in means of normal play. However, to strategize and use earthquake so as not to even give your opponents a turn due to chain stuns, that is Cheating!
You can say until you are blue in the face, there is no cheating in wizard101, but you know, as well as anyone with half a brain or any common sense, or any ethics or morality, that you ARE Wrong!
Now, I have not disagreed with everything you have said and I have also pointed that out. Yes, treasure cards and tower shields is by no means cheating. It is part of a strategy and one must adjust your own strategy to overcome someone else. That is what PVP is all about.
I also agreed that the one thing that is truly wrong about PvP is the fact that one person goes first. I think each and every round, who goes first should be random. That would make PVP very interesting to say the least!
My last and final point, one that I would like to see, is the fact that cloak is not cloaked at all. You can pretty much tell exactly what is cast by where it is placed. That totally defeats the purpose of using cloak!
Now, as far as you stating facts, you have totally ignored my posts and the issues I have addressed that have corrected your assumptions! To me, that is rude and inconsiderate, either admit that you may have errored, or rebuke my claims.
This post was alright at first, then it turned into a bunch of complaining. You cant cheat in pvp, if you could cheat, then you would probably hack their cards or chain stun which has been taken out. People have strategies in order to win and basically, strategy is probably 75% of what pvp is about. Then people come and complain and make strategy look like 1% and 99% cheating which its not. It's annoying when people who develop strategies and complainers go and complain to KI, and KI changes it sometimes. Chain Stunning and wild bolt was a strategy (but kind of a cheap one, but still was a strategy) and then KI went and did 4 chain stun shields and wild bolt had 33% chance of hitting 1000.
Chain Stunning is a strategy? Where exactly is the skill in it? KI has not taken out chain stunning, yes, 4 stun shields are placed after a stun and earthquake can immediately remove them. No, I assure you, chain stunning is very much still in place in this game.
However, it is not a strategy. If you and I were on a real battlefield, do you think I would wait for you to hit me or stun me? No, I would knock your block off first! In PvP though, you have turns. One person goes, then the other person goes or one team, then the next. Now, we all like the advantage and of course we all want to go first. And yes, there are times we do and times we don't. However, would you like it, if every time you went second you didn't even get to play a single card? Would it be cheating then? or would that simply be strategy? I Tell you, it is very possible, right now, to kill an entire team (no matter what armor, items, treasures, spells, or anything else they might have) without them playing a single card!
So, please, don't assume, because assumption is the beginning of ignorance. Think about what you say before you post.
Well Seasnake, dispels can be very annoying if you get caught off guard or if as you stated, you get more than one on you. Unfortunatley, life wizards are no longer the big target in PVP because they are not really healing, they are using LORD! So, the default target has become storm and for every team battle that I have been in so far, the storm wizard-whether on my team or the opponents' team- is always targeted. They got traps, weakness, dispels, stun, everything thrown at them lol.
Sometimes they are taken out before they even get a chance to hit. It can be very frustrating but none of those things is against the rules.
let me see if I can help you out here. Um for dispels, storm has a cleanse charm spell that will remove dispels and weaknesses put a few of those in your deck or side deck. if you garden at all, then your pink dandelions should give those as rewards.
Since everyone is spamming tower shields, I have leave to advise you to spam those too. Buy as much as you can and put in your side deck or train it at professor greyrose. Put in prisms and use a myth wand. storm has low health so summon your minion, I know storm minion doe not attack but you can sacrifice the minion for life which will cost you one pip instead of 2 power pips for a pixie which will heal you for less.
Do not bank on Leviathan, it cost too much pip, Triton hardly fizzles so use that with treasure gargantuan and you can hit as big as leviathan for less pips. Don't try to build up for big hit because players won't wait for you to blade up to kill them, they will dispel you or shield or put a weakness on you. Kraken with a garganutan and a single blade or trap can do about 1600 damage i think, and that's just 2 power pips.
I don't think the lvl 58 gear is the best for storm. So you might want to craft the hat and robe or get better ones at the bazaar. people will try to stun you so get that stun spell from diego. That should protect you for 4 rounds but once a player see you put that up they'll probably discard whatever stun spells they had in their deck and try a new strategy.
When you do team battles make sure you ask your team to pack cleanse charms so that if you get dispelled they can bail you out. Also Elucidite is a drop if you have any of those put it on a satyr and put that in your side deck because you will get hit first and hard... um what else? Oh yeah and try to change your strategy from time to time because the same strategy will not work on everyone even if they are from the same school.
I hope this helps. oh and don't leave out wild bolt lol. put gargantuan on it and you'll hit at least 500 with the boost from your gear even if you get the 10 damage and if you critical, well, there you go.
Another thing I've seen more than a few times is the same player operating characters on opposite sides of the same table. It is never fun to have your selected cards broadcasted outloud when you are playing them by someone who openly states that they are on both sides of the table. But guess what, the game allows them to play as such so apparently they aren't cheating or anything cause they are allowed to do it, at least by the logic that some people use here of if it can be done it must be and is fair and legal and if no one likes it they should change their strategy.
I am now aware that people are creating multiple accounts (those who can afford to) and playing wizard101. I have also heard arguments that said persons play on both accounts simultaneously both in PVP and PVE. However, if what you are saying is true then this is an egregious offense and you should take a picture and send a report to KI about it.
It is not right for anyone to be shouting to the other team what spells their opponents are going to use. I seriously hope that you are mistaken but given the fact that PVPers have a proclivity to indulge in unique "strategies" that will give them the upperhand in a duel; i am inclined to believe you.
i hope if any one else has experienced this, they will come forward and let it known so that KI can investigate this matter. (sighs :( )
Unfortunatley, life wizards are no longer the big target in PVP because they are not really healing, they are using LORD!
LOL, not so unfortunate, I think :)
Yes, Forest Lord, mine is named Byron, and critical hits certainly have balanced out the PvP playing field for Theurgists. I plan to enter my Legendary Theurgist in PvP now that I can get decent hits with Byron, Centaur, and Seraph.
Ohh in case my long reply gets in i forgot to answer why they added the stun shields and why it has nothing to do with earthquake.
It was because people made teams of 3 or 4 storm players in 3vs3 and 4vs4 and tried to win on only casting storm lord round after round making it impossible to survive unless you had 4x storm shields up on each of the defending players which is almost an impossibility.
So yes it has nothing to do with earthquake and the reason for stun shields is by now an old issue from pre CL pvp with storm wizard stacking.
At first, yes, stun shields was added because people used to spam storm lord and frost giant, I agree. However, you say that it has nothing to do with earthquake? You are sadly mistaken! KI even posted in the update notes that Earthquake was fixed and no longer removes stun shields, however, KI did happen to drop the ball on that one.
Now, if KI put stun shields to stop chain stunning with lord and frost giant by putting these shields, would it not go that earthquake could not remove them, because as it stands now, you can chain stun and not even give your opponent a chance to even blink!
Once again, people on here post without thinking of what they are saying. Common Sense, it's not rocket science!
Yes, I have a myth and I could chain stun all day long in PvP, However, I have morals and a code of ethics, unlike some people!
I have in multipl posts giving my views on chain stunning with earthquake and not onlyin this thread so don't come here and say i didn't because youa re too lazy to read it.
I hate to repeat myself but i have said before there are ways to counter that strategy of chain stunning(and yes it is a strategy and is not as easy to setup for it to work as you might think) and i have also explained about the stun shields. If KI deems after and unsaid amount of time that earthquake is not to remove stun shields to allow this strategy i'm fine with that as i don't use it or face it myself. But until then it's not cheating and stop saying it is.
And again just because you have a certain "morale and ethic" doesn't mean other people should succumb to yours or that you think it's right to force it on them,
@Nico thanks for ignoring my previous post and continue to post stuff that makes me hold strong in my view of you and this matter :D
Ps. It's not cheating or illegal to have multiple account just in case you decide to trow this out even futher and cry wolf over that.
Well Seasnake, dispels can be very annoying if you get caught off guard or if as you stated, you get more than one on you. Unfortunatley, life wizards are no longer the big target in PVP because they are not really healing, they are using LORD! So, the default target has become storm and for every team battle that I have been in so far, the storm wizard-whether on my team or the opponents' team- is always targeted. They got traps, weakness, dispels, stun, everything thrown at them lol.
Sometimes they are taken out before they even get a chance to hit. It can be very frustrating but none of those things is against the rules.
let me see if I can help you out here. Um for dispels, storm has a cleanse charm spell that will remove dispels and weaknesses put a few of those in your deck or side deck. if you garden at all, then your pink dandelions should give those as rewards.
Since everyone is spamming tower shields, I have leave to advise you to spam those too. Buy as much as you can and put in your side deck or train it at professor greyrose. Put in prisms and use a myth wand. storm has low health so summon your minion, I know storm minion doe not attack but you can sacrifice the minion for life which will cost you one pip instead of 2 power pips for a pixie which will heal you for less.
Do not bank on Leviathan, it cost too much pip, Triton hardly fizzles so use that with treasure gargantuan and you can hit as big as leviathan for less pips. Don't try to build up for big hit because players won't wait for you to blade up to kill them, they will dispel you or shield or put a weakness on you. Kraken with a garganutan and a single blade or trap can do about 1600 damage i think, and that's just 2 power pips.
I don't think the lvl 58 gear is the best for storm. So you might want to craft the hat and robe or get better ones at the bazaar. people will try to stun you so get that stun spell from diego. That should protect you for 4 rounds but once a player see you put that up they'll probably discard whatever stun spells they had in their deck and try a new strategy.
When you do team battles make sure you ask your team to pack cleanse charms so that if you get dispelled they can bail you out. Also Elucidite is a drop if you have any of those put it on a satyr and put that in your side deck because you will get hit first and hard... um what else? Oh yeah and try to change your strategy from time to time because the same strategy will not work on everyone even if they are from the same school.
I hope this helps. oh and don't leave out wild bolt lol. put gargantuan on it and you'll hit at least 500 with the boost from your gear even if you get the 10 damage and if you critical, well, there you go.
lol, you obviously don't play 4v4 PvP like ever cause life is always the primary target even when they don't heal as I quite assure you my life's forest lord hits all for over 4000 damage quite a bit and few have life resistance and shields as opposed to everyone having resists and defenses against storm. I cast tempest on first turn and often enough see the entire team take around 1/3rd storm damage without even having a shield.
This post was alright at first, then it turned into a bunch of complaining. You cant cheat in pvp, if you could cheat, then you would probably hack their cards or chain stun which has been taken out. People have strategies in order to win and basically, strategy is probably 75% of what pvp is about. Then people come and complain and make strategy look like 1% and 99% cheating which its not. It's annoying when people who develop strategies and complainers go and complain to KI, and KI changes it sometimes. Chain Stunning and wild bolt was a strategy (but kind of a cheap one, but still was a strategy) and then KI went and did 4 chain stun shields and wild bolt had 33% chance of hitting 1000.
Chain Stunning is a strategy? Where exactly is the skill in it? KI has not taken out chain stunning, yes, 4 stun shields are placed after a stun and earthquake can immediately remove them. No, I assure you, chain stunning is very much still in place in this game.
However, it is not a strategy. If you and I were on a real battlefield, do you think I would wait for you to hit me or stun me? No, I would knock your block off first! In PvP though, you have turns. One person goes, then the other person goes or one team, then the next. Now, we all like the advantage and of course we all want to go first. And yes, there are times we do and times we don't. However, would you like it, if every time you went second you didn't even get to play a single card? Would it be cheating then? or would that simply be strategy? I Tell you, it is very possible, right now, to kill an entire team (no matter what armor, items, treasures, spells, or anything else they might have) without them playing a single card!
So, please, don't assume, because assumption is the beginning of ignorance. Think about what you say before you post.
KI didn't have it changed back then, did they? And about your "Think about what you say before you post" I read my post over and fix it up and make sure it makes sense. You making a whole big deal out of one little "opinion" in my post. And I even said it was a "cheap" strategy. Back to subject. Many things in pvp is a strategy, Judgement, Old Wild Bolt. You can't cheat in pvp and you were aloud to use anything, Any card was legal, if it wasnt allowed, then they might of had something saying "can't use in pvp" Now look at the descendents of the chain stun, Accuracy decreasing spells. My friends and I kept getting hit row by row of smokescreens and black mantles, and we still won.
Ohh in case my long reply gets in i forgot to answer why they added the stun shields and why it has nothing to do with earthquake.
It was because people made teams of 3 or 4 storm players in 3vs3 and 4vs4 and tried to win on only casting storm lord round after round making it impossible to survive unless you had 4x storm shields up on each of the defending players which is almost an impossibility.
So yes it has nothing to do with earthquake and the reason for stun shields is by now an old issue from pre CL pvp with storm wizard stacking.
At first, yes, stun shields was added because people used to spam storm lord and frost giant, I agree. However, you say that it has nothing to do with earthquake? You are sadly mistaken! KI even posted in the update notes that Earthquake was fixed and no longer removes stun shields, however, KI did happen to drop the ball on that one.
Now, if KI put stun shields to stop chain stunning with lord and frost giant by putting these shields, would it not go that earthquake could not remove them, because as it stands now, you can chain stun and not even give your opponent a chance to even blink!
Once again, people on here post without thinking of what they are saying. Common Sense, it's not rocket science!
Yes, I have a myth and I could chain stun all day long in PvP, However, I have morals and a code of ethics, unlike some people!
I have in multipl posts giving my views on chain stunning with earthquake and not onlyin this thread so don't come here and say i didn't because youa re too lazy to read it.
I hate to repeat myself but i have said before there are ways to counter that strategy of chain stunning(and yes it is a strategy and is not as easy to setup for it to work as you might think) and i have also explained about the stun shields. If KI deems after and unsaid amount of time that earthquake is not to remove stun shields to allow this strategy i'm fine with that as i don't use it or face it myself. But until then it's not cheating and stop saying it is.
And again just because you have a certain "morale and ethic" doesn't mean other people should succumb to yours or that you think it's right to force it on them,
@Nico thanks for ignoring my previous post and continue to post stuff that makes me hold strong in my view of you and this matter :D
Ps. It's not cheating or illegal to have multiple account just in case you decide to trow this out even futher and cry wolf over that.
Well, you certainly have no idea what you are talking about, do you Mordikay? Let me clarify for you then, shall I?
In the update notes of under October! Meaning, if you have done this since then, you have Cheated! It states:
Boys should sound like boys when they take damage, and girls should once again sound like girls. Earthquake will no longer remove Stun Shields. Quests Players will no longer be required to complete a series of side quests to enter the Dojo for the Obsidian Chest Quest called Wizard Tours.
I am not making this up, you can see for yourself. Now, I am not saying it is easy to chainstun, but it is possible, for anyone with a brain! As for you saying you can show how to defend against this? Obviously, you do not have that brain, because as I said, you will not be able to do anything at all, let alone play a card! So, how would you defend against this? You think you are high and mighty and oh so smart, but you are showing how truly ignorant you are. Please THINK before you post, like I said earlier, I hate taking the dog out to pasture!
Ohh in case my long reply gets in i forgot to answer why they added the stun shields and why it has nothing to do with earthquake.
It was because people made teams of 3 or 4 storm players in 3vs3 and 4vs4 and tried to win on only casting storm lord round after round making it impossible to survive unless you had 4x storm shields up on each of the defending players which is almost an impossibility.
So yes it has nothing to do with earthquake and the reason for stun shields is by now an old issue from pre CL pvp with storm wizard stacking.
At first, yes, stun shields was added because people used to spam storm lord and frost giant, I agree. However, you say that it has nothing to do with earthquake? You are sadly mistaken! KI even posted in the update notes that Earthquake was fixed and no longer removes stun shields, however, KI did happen to drop the ball on that one.
Now, if KI put stun shields to stop chain stunning with lord and frost giant by putting these shields, would it not go that earthquake could not remove them, because as it stands now, you can chain stun and not even give your opponent a chance to even blink!
Once again, people on here post without thinking of what they are saying. Common Sense, it's not rocket science!
Yes, I have a myth and I could chain stun all day long in PvP, However, I have morals and a code of ethics, unlike some people!
I have in multipl posts giving my views on chain stunning with earthquake and not onlyin this thread so don't come here and say i didn't because youa re too lazy to read it.
I hate to repeat myself but i have said before there are ways to counter that strategy of chain stunning(and yes it is a strategy and is not as easy to setup for it to work as you might think) and i have also explained about the stun shields. If KI deems after and unsaid amount of time that earthquake is not to remove stun shields to allow this strategy i'm fine with that as i don't use it or face it myself. But until then it's not cheating and stop saying it is.
And again just because you have a certain "morale and ethic" doesn't mean other people should succumb to yours or that you think it's right to force it on them,
@Nico thanks for ignoring my previous post and continue to post stuff that makes me hold strong in my view of you and this matter :D
Ps. It's not cheating or illegal to have multiple account just in case you decide to trow this out even futher and cry wolf over that.
Well, you certainly have no idea what you are talking about, do you Mordikay? Let me clarify for you then, shall I?
In the update notes of under October! Meaning, if you have done this since then, you have Cheated! It states:
Boys should sound like boys when they take damage, and girls should once again sound like girls. Earthquake will no longer remove Stun Shields. Quests Players will no longer be required to complete a series of side quests to enter the Dojo for the Obsidian Chest Quest called Wizard Tours.
I am not making this up, you can see for yourself. Now, I am not saying it is easy to chainstun, but it is possible, for anyone with a brain! As for you saying you can show how to defend against this? Obviously, you do not have that brain, because as I said, you will not be able to do anything at all, let alone play a card! So, how would you defend against this? You think you are high and mighty and oh so smart, but you are showing how truly ignorant you are. Please THINK before you post, like I said earlier, I hate taking the dog out to pasture!
I'm not here to give you strategies on how to combat this you can try to figure that out for yourself.
Funny enought they did nothing with the earthquake removing stun shields in the patch months later...
I do think before i post though not much needed to when replying to you :) But let me ask you this; Since when does players start with 6 and 7 pips the first round? I know there are lower pip stuns but you don't know who will go first and what order your wizards will start in. So even if you got a team setup to use a chain stun strategy odds are extremly against you that you will be able to execute it withing the first couple of rounds if even possible.
So back at you, think before you post and you might one day discover you can defend again this and as long as you are able to play it it's not cheating.
OMG, you are not even intelligent enough to know that even though KI says they fixed something, they don't always get it right!
They said the same thing about the may cast blades/traps before too, on pets. They said, they had fixed the issue, yet, nothing was done.
They are working on it if you have not figured that out yet. Earthquake, my ignorant man, will not be removing stun shields once it is fixed!
As for you and your strategies, I would never, considering your lack of intelligence, ask you for any! You have no idea what you are talking about. You babble, I think, to hear yourself!
No, we don't start out with 6 or 7 pips, and if you are not smart enough to figure out how you can chain stun off the bat, I am certainly not going to show you, since it is obvious, you are one that would exploit this and cheat if you knew how!
You are unethical, immoral, have no intelligence and are simply put, annoying!
Now, since you can't come up with any compelling or actual rebuttles, I will no longer concern myself with your rampant posts!
OMG, you are not even intelligent enough to know that even though KI says they fixed something, they don't always get it right!
They said the same thing about the may cast blades/traps before too, on pets. They said, they had fixed the issue, yet, nothing was done.
They are working on it if you have not figured that out yet. Earthquake, my ignorant man, will not be removing stun shields once it is fixed!
As for you and your strategies, I would never, considering your lack of intelligence, ask you for any! You have no idea what you are talking about. You babble, I think, to hear yourself!
No, we don't start out with 6 or 7 pips, and if you are not smart enough to figure out how you can chain stun off the bat, I am certainly not going to show you, since it is obvious, you are one that would exploit this and cheat if you knew how!
You are unethical, immoral, have no intelligence and are simply put, annoying!
Now, since you can't come up with any compelling or actual rebuttles, I will no longer concern myself with your rampant posts!
Here's an interesting (and to you, apparently, impossible) challenge: try to come up with a full rebuttal that DOESN'T work off the asinine (meaning "stupid or ridiculous") and totally erroneus (meaning "incorrect") assumption that these people are morons and you are intelligent!
OMG, you are not even intelligent enough to know that even though KI says they fixed something, they don't always get it right!
They said the same thing about the may cast blades/traps before too, on pets. They said, they had fixed the issue, yet, nothing was done.
They are working on it if you have not figured that out yet. Earthquake, my ignorant man, will not be removing stun shields once it is fixed!
As for you and your strategies, I would never, considering your lack of intelligence, ask you for any! You have no idea what you are talking about. You babble, I think, to hear yourself!
No, we don't start out with 6 or 7 pips, and if you are not smart enough to figure out how you can chain stun off the bat, I am certainly not going to show you, since it is obvious, you are one that would exploit this and cheat if you knew how!
You are unethical, immoral, have no intelligence and are simply put, annoying!
Now, since you can't come up with any compelling or actual rebuttles, I will no longer concern myself with your rampant posts!
Funny man! I enjoy when people lack good arguments and then have to resort to name calling and insulting people as a last resort. :D
I know how to stun right off the bat i got all the spells in wizard memorized and seeing from your previous post you don't I feel quite confident i know how to stun right of the bat but i already exaplained (as you plainly ignored) that there is no way to secure going first or what order your team wizards are going to be placed in so chances of you succesfully being able to do it are very slim.
Anyways i don't really care to "exploit" this as you call it as i only do 1vs1 and working up to do 2vs2 with Ice. I don't even have a myth or storm. I'm quite comfertable with my 3 legendarys sitting at 1200+ rating and don't need chain stunning or a team to carry me.
Did you ever consider it's a programming thing that KI will not bother to fix...like earthquake also removing your own weakneses?
Again if you can do it it's not cheating. Please find me a reference of anything KI has written saying chain stunning is illegal(aka banable offence), the use of tresure cards, wild bolt, minion and what else you people call cheating simply because you are not good enough to combat it.
I beg you please find a reference anywhere!
I take you comments about me being unethical, immoral and have no inteligece as compliments as i know it gets to you and you have to resort to this due to lack proof to what i'm saying is actaully correct :D I am glad that i don't feel the need to succumb to other peoples ethics, making my own and yet know i'm good enough not to come whine on the forums about cheating because i can't handle it :D
So where are those written rules from KI saying you can be banned for any of this and that it's cheating? Ohh wait there isn't any :D
@ Mordikay, you obviously only do 1v1 so you are most likely ignorant of the problems that we are highlighting on here. Yes, it is possible to chain stun, seen it, done it, won the duel, end of conversation. Doesn’t matter who goes first, one you go into duel with chain stunning as your strategy, then you will chain stun. Given that fact that you behave as if you know everything about the arena, I am surprised that you don’t see how this can be done. Maybe you should do 4v4 sometimes.
Once again my references to bolt was to support my arguments, the wild bolt issue has already be resolved even though I have an idea of how to still make it hit 1000 but have to test out my theory in unicorn way once I become a legend and get the necessary gears.
Not sure why you so adamant that people can’t cheat in wizard101. Anything that has to do with technology allow room for cheating or whatever YOU wanna call it. It’s a computer based game and loads of techies and computer geniuses playing this game. And I’m sure they’d laugh at you for saying that.
Um, you win by abiding by what rules? Please elaborate. Which rules in PVP do YOU abide by? Last time I checked the arena was a free-for-all: you do what it takes to win until someone complains about it (eg. Bolt/stunning). So enlighten me about these rules.
Storm is not my school, fire is. I just started on my storm 2 weeks ago and I only did PVP one day when he reached lvl 39. Sorry if I don’t hog the arena, I’m busy crafting, gardening and doing loads of other stuff but if I feel like PVP, I shouldn’t have to put up with people like you who come in with your hit-below-the-belt cheap strategies and pretend you that good.
I still can’t believe YOU of all people have a problem with who goes first or not. I hate when people loose and say, “It’s because you went first”. If you are as good as you claim to be then you should be prepared for any eventualities. I will admit that going first does give you an advantage but it is not an unfair one. The person going second can tip the duel in their favor; you have to watch your opponents pips. Stun them if you have or whatever but going first is not a problem.
I have gone second against most of the schools and I still won. Usually you can read your opponents play based on which school they are.
No one is going to read your post on chain stunning because based on your attitude here, they are not interested.
As for you comment about multiple accounts; I guess you didn’t understand seasnake’s post and my response to it. You can revisit those posts and try to understand what was written.
@ darthjt, about time somebody said it lol. I do not like when people act all high and mighty and refuse to listen and acknowledge other people’s point of view. I could not have said it any better than you (referring to your last post)-very disagreeable fellow.
@ Seasnake, I play all different types of PVP duels; from 1v1-4v4. I always have a life person on my team but if we have a storm then they target the storm, usually if we loose then the life is usually the last man standing, storm is first to go. ATM I only took my storm into the arena one day and I only did 1v1.
In closing, everyone have different experiences in the arena and not because we do not experience something doesn't mean it is not happening. I keep hearing guard against this, guard against that but you only have one deck. There is no way you can guard against everything. And even if you do have a big deck with lots of different spells, there is no guarantee that the spell will show up when you need it. I personally favor a small deck for pvp, that way I pack just what i need in order to win.
Let us get away from the attitude of putting down other people because they may have an issue with a particualr PVP strategy or spell. Let us adapt a more helpful disposition. As far as I know, you can do alomst anything in PVP, but it doesn't mean that what you are doing is right. Unless someone points it out to KI then it will be business as usual. If no one had complained about wild bolt and stunning then they would not have attempted to fix it or "create a balance" or whatevger you wanna call it.
Fact is somebody had to complain before anything was done. if no one had said anything then wild and stunning would have remianed how they were.