hi I was playing a ranked pvp match with my level 20 fire wizard and the people we faces were all level 60.. why have it ranked at all when its so unfair and chaotically unbalanced? the term ranked makes it sound official and fair it seems rather misleading....
hi I was playing a ranked pvp match with my level 20 fire wizard and the people we faces were all level 60.. why have it ranked at all when its so unfair and chaotically unbalanced? the term ranked makes it sound official and fair it seems rather misleading....
Rank and level are completely seperate things. Ranked PvP matches evenly ranked people with regards to level second.
hi I was playing a ranked pvp match with my level 20 fire wizard and the people we faces were all level 60.. why have it ranked at all when its so unfair and chaotically unbalanced? the term ranked makes it sound official and fair it seems rather misleading....
This seldom, if ever happens unless you stay in the Que too long. When you go in the que, stay there for no more than 2 minutes, then exit. Reque and then mark the time, and drop from the que after another 2 minutes. If you follow this, you won't see the problem again, at least I never have.
hi I was playing a ranked pvp match with my level 20 fire wizard and the people we faces were all level 60.. why have it ranked at all when its so unfair and chaotically unbalanced? the term ranked makes it sound official and fair it seems rather misleading....
Ranked PvP is just like that ... I tried it out to see how good it was when I started a membership after my mom let me, and I ended up regretting it as I was paired up with masters and legendarys, and I ended up having a forever 3 losses engraved into my public profile. I wish I can have some way to reset my ranks and losses and wins to zero, but ranked is ranked, that is how it works out. If you hate it, try out Practice PvP.