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Ranked pvp is a joke

Jul 28, 2011
When ranked matches are determined by who has the noobiest treasure card, where's the fun? But the real problem lies within the hiroshima of a matching system that hasnt been touched by KI in months (gathered from various other posts)

As a low level ranked pvper, i encountered countless downrankers who demolished me as soon as they could power up to 4+ pips. This gives players without any 3pip+ cards 4 turns to deal 1000+ damage. Or face a loss.

Having gotten a little higher of a level and having a wider array of cards and spells at my disposal has lessened the strain of being paired against such opponents. But now the problem lies within the level 5s pulling out talos and every other OP treasure they can fit their 10 year old palms around.

Fact is, I pay to play this game. Strictly for the ranked pvp ladder.
Well great. I wish i would have done some more research in to this matter before i gave KI my 10$. Now they have it for a whole month and im not even interested in logging back in until i see an update. Not holding my breath.

Im not sure if this topic has been beaten in to the ground, although if anyone thinks this issue is even half the problem i do i'm sure many have already tried before to get KI to listen to their patrons, but to no avail.
So what is it really? Does pvp need to be strictly rank based? Maybe strictly level based, where players can dominate ladders within their level range if they have the skill.

I would rather not be forced in to days and days of grinding just to reach a level where i can stand 30% more of a chance of winning.

I would like to see treasure cards, (if not taken out of ranked completely) usable by their ranks, with respect to the level range the player is in. No level 5's with talos.

Half of this was a rant, but I would like to see some good discussion generated here on the ups/downs of other methods of ranked pvp, as i touched on above. Not limited strictly to the matching system or treasure cards. Maybe someone from KI will come across it and do something about it

Dec 21, 2008
Talos is a popular dislike, I know what you mean. But how else would low levels be able to do PvP?

Apr 20, 2011
Today was the first time I did PvP. I am a legendary sorcerer. I used spectral blasts with a gargantuan card. I immediately felt cynical about the process. I can see where a bunch of legendaries would have fun with it, using creative uses of treasure cards, etc. But that changed all of my expectations about PvP.

It might be better if KI published more about how they rank the players. It seems we should be handicapped.

Better yet, perhaps a newbie private like me starts out in PvP with a set of parameters that have nothing to do with his experience in the Spiral. You're a private ... you get 1000 health, a small set of spells that is identical with your opponents, etc. That might be more interesting. It would level the playing field, and you'd have to use your wits or plain luck to win. But it would take a lot of creativity out of the game.

Oct 24, 2009
Yesss.. I, was lowered from Rank Knight back down to Private with a score of 509. Why? I was paired up with lower ranks that like to bring out minions out of their own school and treasures from other schools. (I'm positive they are treasure cards) That is a rip-off! I spent soo long to get ranked up so far and now I gotta start all over again, otherwise I would be working on my quests. Somehow please, PLEASE fix this weird bug, let us play fairly, I'm just speaking my opinion. Thanks, P.S: No offense.