as we all know, the arena does not run on magic, it runs on the cards you have, but due to the rise of celestian gear (PvE for the most part) there is a better suit, i will explain, and not just the commander gear but the Veteran gear as well
Hats (veteran) 3% power pip chance 3% accuracy 4% damage 8% risist all
(commander) 5% power pip chance 5% accuracy 7% damage 10% risist all
(all can buy) lvl54 11% damage (ice) 9% risist all __________ Robe (veteran) 4% power pip chance 4% accuracy 5% damage 10% risist all
(commander) 6% power pip chance 6% accuracy 9% damage 15% risist all
(all can buy) lvl52 11% damage (ice) 17% risist all __________ Boots (veteran) 2% power pip chance 3% accuracy 3% damage 7% risist all
(commander) 4% power pip chance 5% accuracy 6% damage 10% risist all
(all can buy) lvl54 6% damage (ice) 9% risist all __________
if the person does not mind the lack of pip and accuracy boot not being there, this gear is equal in resist, and MUCH more powerful on ice hits
the point is, getting to commander for a lot of people may not be all that easy, but when they do, there suit NOW with celestia out, might be the better one also for street fights, if they are not ice (or can rely on the resist just fine as i can)
but ice can buy the power and nurf the commander gear at the same resist, and the street gear available for tickets is simply obsolete to the boss dropped gear for those lvls, it took my death a lot of foul players and loads of maddening poor sports a lot to get it to warlord, buuuut, now that i have suit and a badge, my pvp spree has ended and i'm also left with a relic gear that can't perform, as we all are now that have gotten it, but the celestia gear can do the same thing, more ice power, and basicly (with no accuracy and pip %) run laps around gear we can not fight outside arena with (fact, it CAN beat commanders)
what it states though is that if celestia was not out, it would still be no issue not having the mana on the gear and strictly being pvp gear, but with all this NEW gear and crown gear flowing like water, this gear in it's current state is somewhat now "unbalanced" ... and is a pointless space eater outside arena that no one can use in any form but no pip spells and wanding
should KI give the Commander and Veteran gear mana with celesita's release?
np, with ice it can take on the commander set if you have none of this gear at your disposal, if you are ice, this gear is much higher in attack and equal in defence, but still, would be awesome to actually use the gear outside the arena on my death, hate throwing money at something not fought for for less. (crown gear) unless it is TRUELY worht what it is ... that does not come often i can assure ya, have a mean collection of boss dropped crown gear, but getting that kind of arena gear takes serious effort (for those who play it the non polymorphed, lvl 42 spell loaded lvl 6-12 wizard way lol)