Storm pvp In my opinion is flawed in some areas. For example the storm minion is no benefit, it simply cast heal and shields on itself where as the rest of schools minions are an extrem help, for example a ice myth or fire minions are vital to the win of its wizard. The storm minion should be made to cast decent spells and he'll it's wizard who cast him. Also the new storm armaments pet is flawed as the second card it gives is a storm strike for 10 accuracy. For 2,000 area tickets and you have to be warlord to attain the pet it should have a better spell. And galvanic field seems decent but I think most pvp players perfer infallible. Maybe the storm armaments should give an healing current card? Enfeeble? Or a rare card like catch of the day instead of storm strike. Take the balance armaments for example, it's second card deals damage and pops the enemy's aura, that is a rare card and an extreme help to that balance wizard. Thanks for hearing me out, I'd like to see some of these changes.