One more problem to bring to the attention of Kings Isle as the result of my recent match (as a midlevel) against a legend with two smoke screen puppets..........
this guy was actually cheap enough to have a friend talk about feminine products and place the text bubble directly on top of the healer so she couldn't target herself for healing (the text bubble makes it so that when you click it, it pulls up the character menu of the person talking, you can't target yourself for a heal or a shield or anything).
Can someone in Kings heaven turn off this feature of text bubbles? (at least while arenas?) Otherwise we need our clicks to go through the text bubble to target ourselves for heals, buffs and shields, not pull up the character menu of some exploiter.
You can target yourself, teammate, or opponent by clicking on their names (very bottom and tops of the screen). You don't have to click on them to target them. I do this whenever text bubbles crowd the screen, PvP or PvE.
I to have encountered this new strategy that wizards are using nowadays but there is a way around this and its very simple anytime someone is blocking like that you can place your little wand cursor on your name and it will target who ever the person is intending the spell to be. Also comes in handy if your in the arena and your screen loads slow and you cant see the players to target them just click on there names at the top of the screen with the spell you want to use and it will target them. Hope this helps your healer next time she is spammed like that
You can also turn off the bubbles entirely by going into gameplay options and setting "chat balloons" to hide. That way, you will only see text in the chat window (which you can hide and unhide with "O").
You can also turn off the bubbles entirely by going into gameplay options and setting "chat balloons" to hide. That way, you will only see text in the chat window (which you can hide and unhide with "O").