So i'm experimenting with a certain stunner deck for 1v1. In this deck, I keep a small number of spells, no more than about 32. My main spells are 3 gargantuan, 4 medusa and 3 stuns along with low pip finisher spells like frog or minotaur and lots of sprites, shields and other defenses along with a pierce, wooden puppet NO life amulet. You are going to want 1 pip cost spells here to get as many power pips as quickly as possible.
The plan for this deck is to focus on pinning my opponent to the wall with stuns. The goal is to fill up completely with power pips, plant an infection and time of legend sometime before I hit with the first and the most plain medusa (which will act partly as a throw away if I have to charge through a shield or stacked shields) which will activate the first two stuns. Now I only start when I at least have two medusas in hand along with one stun spell. This can take time because of pip building, spell shuffling at start of matches may not be perfect, healing, etc.
So it goes like this: fully loaded on pips cast snake 1 then stun spell to pop that block off. Back to 4 power pips or if not, doesnt matter,you are at 7 pips and get your chance next turn. second stun turn you hopefully have another power pip so you are back to ten or 9 pips, hit with second medusa that should have the gargantuan on it. Now you are back to a single power pip, enemy is stuck for two more turns, time of legend is feeding your hits. By now you can just gargantuan a minotaur, put up a myth blade and if you get that one last pip needed, finish it with a bladed garg bull.
Or if you dont get a power pip, you could use an amulet feint then gargantuan frog for victory.
This method has proven useful but the big dangers are of course the set up time may take really long in some situations. And when you are fighting a quick opponent like storm, you might run for a satyr slowing you down.
This is definitely not an ideal perfect deck and has many risks involved. I'm still working on ways to fine tune it so I'm testing out its limits and contemplating whether the risk of playing turtle defense and heals for all those pips is worth the pay off which almost looks like a guaranteed victory against anyone with myth resist around 34% or less.
So it goes like this: fully loaded on pips cast snake 1 then stun spell to pop that block off. Back to 4 power pips or if not, doesnt matter,you are at 7 pips and get your chance next turn. second stun turn you hopefully have another power pip so you are back to ten or 9 pips, hit with second medusa that should have the gargantuan on it. Now you are back to a single power pip, enemy is stuck for two more turns, time of legend is feeding your hits.
Sounds like a great idea up until the point you realize that Medusa drops 4 stun shields on a player.
Anyway, considering the 4 stun blocks, how about this instead...
Shield and blade up until you have 10 pips.
Now cast snake considering it as Round 1 for sake of this discussion, and assuming you get a power pip each round, are going first, and the enemy hasn't cast a myth shield or stun block.
It sounds plausible, but what happens if you go second? Lots of shields. What happens if your enemy has a good minion? One more thing to kill. What happens if they change the global spell to their advantage? A harder time for you. What happens if the stuns fizzle? You need to wait for another, or at least spend another turn.
Most of this stuff hurts most decks, but those can be positively crippling to this one. If two or more of these things happen, then a good opponent can win easily.