I’d like to respectfully make a suggestion that I feel is vital for the future of Wizard101 PvP Tournaments. I am an avid tourney player…mostly 2v2, 3v3 & 4v4’s because I like the team play aspect. I find it more enjoyable to kill my opponents with my friends by my side. I've entered a lot of tourneys going back to when tourney's cost crowns to enter. I have had many wins and many losses. I have more arena tickets than I know what to do with. The reason I tell you all this is to let you know I have some history, knowledge and experience when it comes to this subject. My idea is to "lock" the gear you enter a tourney with so that gear can’t be changed once you start. What is happening is, people will create noob accounts or have their friend’s visit every match to report back what schools other teams have. Then, if they see their next match is against your team, they change their gear to set against you, sometimes going super immune making them impossible to kill. When I say super immune, I mean getting 140 to 150 resist against your attacking school. Even with shadow shrike, it’s not possible to kill them. When you enter a ranked pvp match, you don’t get to know who you’re facing or what school they are so you can’t “set”… but with tourney, you can. Obviously, there’s a lot of things that can be changed to make pvp tourney better. Tourney is all we have left for 3v3 and 4v4’s because ranked is dead unless you’re boosting. I feel this is something that NEEDS to be changed because the people that take advantage of match spying and gear setting are (among other things) killing the participation in tourney. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Have a great day!