Could we please not quote long posts? it takes up too much of the page to read what was already posted before. You can quote and delete the stuff that is not KEY points or just deleted everything and just leave the poster's name.
Well ya know, when you do ladder matches over on central, you usually know what school your opponent is from. I don't hear people complaining. Furthermore, when you do tournaments, you can only use one wiz and soon everyone knows which wizard you using and so when they meet you its no surprise, yet I don't hear any complaints. So that thorn is not so much of a bother. People are spamming tower shields any way you slice it.
I didn't even know you could buy them at the library! Some PvP-er i am.
One thing still bothers me here, no one, and I mean no one, has shown me why Ice is over powered. Will someone show me mathimatically how Ice is over Powered?
Are they saying that the Lowest hitting school in the game has the best Combo's? Are they saying that because Ice is buying Treasure cards with the Best Combo's that it's overpowering.....
I have worked out Combo and Combo, and I can't see it. Try comparing Ice to Fire, Death, Balance or Storm and show me how they are over powered. Take Treasure cards out of the Equation...... Leave crafted gear out of the equation, and then please show me.
I see "almost" all Wizards as being as being dead even. I can't see why the comments are even being made. Ok, I know that a lot of people are complaining on Ice right now, but a while ago it was Storm. After that it was Fire, then later it was Balance.
I see this as just a bunch of people jumping on the Band Wagon on Ice now. Someone jumps on the Site and complains, and then everyone else gets fired up and complains too, maybe just to say something.
How many Ice wizards are playing the game? How many Fire wizrds are playing the game?
How many Ice warlords are there in the game? How many Fire Warlords are there in the game?
Darthjt and others have shown that the Wizards are balanced. Will someone show me how they are really (based on math), unbalanced?
well Lion, I don't think any of us here are saying that Ice is over powered. There are or were several threads on centrals which claims that Ice was OP and as such I sought to have Prof. Greyrose weigh-in on the matter (to no avail of course).
And so darthjt and others have be stating that the statements are not based of ant fact but rather on the players emotions, hence, the argument that ice is OP is invalid.
I have said this time and time again, Ice is the worst school in the game lol, unlike all you guys ice students are faced with the fact the game doesnt spoil us imo it makes us better players. We dont get fancy spells that can insta kill, we dont get any of the special cards. We are honestly the easiest school to beat. If you call ice overpowered time and time again we realize the people are just lazy. Just because it takes you a little bit longer to win doesnt give you the right to complain. My friend felt that way and i told her make an ice and see what you say after. She quit the ice at level 25. And if you ask me the players that are complaining about ice. Would never stop complaining if they were ice lol. If someone knows strategy that doesnt mean they are overpowered. So next time you fight an ice, just battle and you will probably win.
I am a ice and lost to storm and life does that mean i not good or does it mean any school can win when they can use the cards they have correctly? i am a little confused here...
I am a ice and lost to storm and life does that mean i not good or does it mean any school can win when they can use the cards they have correctly? i am a little confused here...
Even the most talented PvP duelist will loose a match. You have not given us sufficient evidence to make any rational conclusion. when I duel I know why I loose, if I lost a match. Sometimes you loose just because you went second, other times you lost because you made a wrong move.
I rarely loose against ice even the ones with the amulets. I did loose to one though and it was because I got life dispells all over me. I should have equipped my life wand. that's the only rason why she won lol.
Anyways, now that everyone has universal resist of about 32% Ice can no longer be considered as OP. In fact a fire and myth wizard will be Ice worst nightmare.
Really? another ice lament? Bother. Ice is not overpowered, such a bunch of krok, and sourcing kids/teens talking and expressing their opinions is not really a true source; not like a source that is backed by scientific research. anyway IMO, it is fire that is overpowered and most fire legends and warlords will agree, it is fire that is dominating in pvp, and that is what I see whenever I go to watch and ice or fire legend battle other schools, it is the fire that always wins.
Really? another ice lament? Bother. Ice is not overpowered, such a bunch of krok, and sourcing kids/teens talking and expressing their opinions is not really a true source; not like a source that is backed by scientific research. anyway IMO, it is fire that is overpowered and most fire legends and warlords will agree, it is fire that is dominating in pvp, and that is what I see whenever I go to watch and ice or fire legend battle other schools, it is the fire that always wins.
I don't think fire wins because they are overpowered. I think they win because there are so many different strategies what you can use with fire. And evne going from second, you cna still regain the advantage if you use your spells wisely. The trick is to keep your opponent on the defensive; healing and shielding instead of attacking. Remeber fire's strength is in prolonged battles. We can still pretty much knock you out with Efreet or a mega pip heck hound.
I really can't see schools as over-powered. There are just some people who are dedicated to pvp and they will win most if not all of the time. When I go in the area and have to face someone with 42% to my school while i have 0 resist to theirs, its a tough challenge and whether i am first or second, the advantage is clearly theirs.
I agree, and if KI would post a PvP board, and keep it updated a few times a year, it would show that Ice is dropping fast. Ice have been getting beat by Fire, Death, and especially Myth on a constant basic since the release of the Myth and Life Amulets.
Nico and Lego,
I clearly have watched too many PvP battles over the last 11-12 weeks, and almost all have been Warlords.
While Ice was doing very well at one time, that is clearly no longer the case. Ice can only win if it can blade, and it can no longer blade with the Myth amulet being released.
Ice needs combinations to take a Wizard out, like using something to take the shields off and then Snow Angel. If they can't boost Snow Angel, they can't win, as they don't have a One punch spell that can do any real damage. The days of the 1600 per round hit of Snow Angel is long gone, but no one seems to understand that. The release of the Amulets has made the Ice Wizard a useless player in PvP. Even the new Ice armour (Level 68 spell) won't make a bit of difference, as no one in their right mind will use it.
Even my own level 60 Ice is in a tailspin and is winning fewer and fewer 1v1 battles. He has lost enough that I have decided to quit using him, and just use my Balance until my Death gets up to Level 58.
If anyone is losing to Ice now, who has the Amulet (either Life or Myth), then they need to change their Strategy today. Ofcourse this does not include the PvP mismatches, where a Private goes up against a Captain or Commander, etc.
If your an Ice, and you are winning (since the release of the Amulets), I consider you a very skilled and hard player.
I agree, and if KI would post a PvP board, and keep it updated a few times a year, it would show that Ice is dropping fast. Ice have been getting beat by Fire, Death, and especially Myth on a constant basic since the release of the Myth and Life Amulets.
Nico and Lego,
I clearly have watched too many PvP battles over the last 11-12 weeks, and almost all have been Warlords.
While Ice was doing very well at one time, that is clearly no longer the case. Ice can only win if it can blade, and it can no longer blade with the Myth amulet being released.
Ice needs combinations to take a Wizard out, like using something to take the shields off and then Snow Angel. If they can't boost Snow Angel, they can't win, as they don't have a One punch spell that can do any real damage. The days of the 1600 per round hit of Snow Angel is long gone, but no one seems to understand that. The release of the Amulets has made the Ice Wizard a useless player in PvP. Even the new Ice armour (Level 68 spell) won't make a bit of difference, as no one in their right mind will use it.
Even my own level 60 Ice is in a tailspin and is winning fewer and fewer 1v1 battles. He has lost enough that I have decided to quit using him, and just use my Balance until my Death gets up to Level 58.
If anyone is losing to Ice now, who has the Amulet (either Life or Myth), then they need to change their Strategy today. Ofcourse this does not include the PvP mismatches, where a Private goes up against a Captain or Commander, etc.
If your an Ice, and you are winning (since the release of the Amulets), I consider you a very skilled and hard player.
Joe, Joseph LionHunter.
Ya i mean its good to see someone have sense and i never find this things that hard i mean its really easy to defend something that is proven true, while they defend something that has no evidence at all lol
This post was created before wintertusk when ice's gear was out of balance with the rest of the schools. In my opinion, KI has addressed the issue with gear obtainable in the waterworks dungeon. Something needed to be done and i think KI did an amazing job listening to the community with the new world and updates. Those who are having a hard time winning with their ice wizard after the gear balance were exploiting this before wintertusk and need to better their strategy in the arena. Remember, iCe still has the MOST health and MOST resist of the new gear, KI even gave them critical chance and block but some choose not to see it and complain about a non issue. With the amulets and so much gear to choose from one can make ice hit as hard as storm if they choose to, they are just going to have to sacrifice like the rest of us. Seasons have changed in the arena, roll with it.
All the people who I know who say ice isin't op probably say it because they love having huge health and over 30% resist to all schools, no offence.
Its just truth my friend. The thing thats different for the people that say ice is underpowered actually have facts to back it. If you look at charts for damage per pip, ice has been dropping steadly, while you do see rises in our general health and resist, its not like it used to be, if you chart it out you will see schools are steadily rising to where we should be, and you can say its fair but it crossing into a realm that always was ice, every school has its advantage and its not cool that ice's one advantage is being using by every school now, its just not fair you dont see wizard giving the ability to do 82% extra ice to an ice, because thats storm gear benefit. But some how a storm can get up to +40% resist.
I myself am a man of logic if you have any fact, which as proven the people who say is OP dont( sorry but an ice beat you in pvp doesnt count as fact, everyone loses get over it) But if you look at lay outs to overall or a general performance of students based on gear, resistance, critical, health etc. your seeing either a decline in ice, or a rise of all other schools. So we are losing our school edge while other schools keep it. Now tell me does that sound fair at all? Read this and i want to see you say ice is OP
All the people who I know who say ice isin't op probably say it because they love having huge health and over 30% resist to all schools, no offence.
WoW, just WoW, you are stating this now? after the release of Wintertusk! When all schools now have universal resistance! Really? lol the nerve of some people... lol
All the people who I know who say ice isin't op probably say it because they love having huge health and over 30% resist to all schools, no offence.
What is hugh health, my Ice has 200 over a typical Life and 300 over my Balance? Huge Health, I could understand this if you are compairing a Storm to a Ice..... but then Ice has no hitting Power when compared to an Storm. Storm can do a lot more damage that an Ice ever thougth about.
Plus the big 30% percent resist, Ice no longers has this with level 60 gear, it's gone. Ice now is much like any other wizard, it has resist to two schools, and a higher Critical rating, and the only thing it has is higher health, nothing else.
So, for all your friends that say they love the defense and Health of Ice, now they only have Health, that's it, nothing else.
Ice wizards can have up to 4,000+ of health! Is that even fair?
A Storm health can go up to 2,500 of health, but storm is still stuck in the 2,000's. Unlike Ice who went from 3,000 to 4,000 of health....
They have 30% or even higher resistance to all schools, they can use a lot of shields, and can Heal super fast with the Life Amulet. Tell me if that's not overpower?
All the people who I know who say ice isin't op probably say it because they love having huge health and over 30% resist to all schools, no offence.
ummm... why else play ice, lol... ice peope don't play ice for its amazing damage, or for its amazing cards, they play ice for its health and surviveability when everyone else were to die. Since I see no problem with any class defeating ice, or ice defeating any other class, I just don't see the problem here. If they want large resists and huge health at the cost of damage and speed then I say let them have it, ice just doesn't fit how I play though they offer good support damage and defenses so I don't mind playing with them.
I think the release of Wintertusk and the new level 60 gear have put the argument to rest. Ice can no longer be considered as over powered.
Arguably, though, balance could still be consiedered as such
Arguably though, any school can be considered as overpowerful. Storm hits like a tank and can mass kill in a hurry, but I won't be solo'ing with it as it is prone to dieing too easily. Balance plays strong but you don't feel overpowered or have any inkline of being so when playing with or against any other school. Life feels weakend as its forest lord no longer hits as hard as it did before when few players had a lack of life resistance. Myth players seem to consider themselves at the top of the heap, and the better death players are simply overjoyed at their strength while looking at the vast majority of death players and being amazed at simply how bad the majority of death players really are at the game. Ice still hits hard and is hard to kill and their side is even made more difficult to kil, but in light of extremely high damage to defenses it doesn't seem to matter much. Fire seems to continue to be given the best type of cards of every school, which makes little sense given its school description.
I one hit kill Sylvester and the gang with my storm wizard by the second trap round.
The damage was Sylvester : 47,000 (rounded to the nearest thousand) Fire Fish : 25,000 (rounded to the nearest thousand) Death Shark: 20,000 ( rounded to the nearest thousand)
There is no other school that can do that, not balance, not fire, not ice, not death, not life or myth. And even if they did, it would take more than 4 rounds of blades and 3 rounds of traps to accomplish that.
Anyways, fire is just the best school and fire wizards usually know their spells and how best to use them; the same doesn't go for the other schools. Myth is powerful too but more so in 1v1 than anywhere else. Balance can be unstoppable in 1v1 if you forget or run out of towers.
I really don't see how ice was over powered at all. Only thing i cna say is that fighting an ice or life wizard can take hours but that does not translate to being over-powered.
Ice wizards can have up to 4,000+ of health! Is that even fair?
A Storm health can go up to 2,500 of health, but storm is still stuck in the 2,000's. Unlike Ice who went from 3,000 to 4,000 of health....
They have 30% or even higher resistance to all schools, they can use a lot of shields, and can Heal super fast with the Life Amulet. Tell me if that's not overpower?
It's not overpowered. Since you compared it to storm... storm can get 40% resist to all schools, they can have damage boost of 90% or more with a critical rating of 151. They can use a healing amulet, or myth amulet. Everyone can use 0 pip pierce card to remove ice armor, frozen armor, or any of their shields. Or, they can cast shatter to drop every shield and keep their traps intact. Meanwhile, ice does the lowest damage of any school. They cannot do real damage without a lot of blades and traps, which everyone can now quickly remove with an earthquake and myth amulet. Yes... I'd say they're not overpowered.
Remember, iCe still has the MOST health and MOST resist of the new gear, KI even gave them critical chance and block but some choose not to see it and complain about a non issue. With the amulets and so much gear to choose from one can make ice hit as hard as storm if they choose to, they are just going to have to sacrifice like the rest of us. Seasons have changed in the arena, roll with it.
Hey Travis. Starting out by being clear... I firmly believe that mathematically, the schools are not unbalanced. However, what you say here is misleading. Ice does not have a big critical block edge (and in most cases, I don't even think it has an edge), and they're critical chance is still low compared to everyone else. Additionally, they can never ever hit as hard as anyone else, amulets or otherwise. They do not have any gear options that would ever allow them to have the same kind of damage boost every other school enjoys.
I think we all can jump off the Ice is overpowered band wagon now. I have one word for you; WATERWORKS. Get with the program, the times have changed and the and the ebb and flow of arena dueling is a constant maze. The strong are those who have harnessed the flow of the currents and have mastered the art of their respective schools.
If anyone still thinks that ice is over powered then i will say thats your classic whiner; always complaining about any and everything. Its best to put them on snooze and continue with what you were doing.
And any ice wizard you see running around with 4000+ health is probably some kid who doesn't care about pip chance and dueling.
Everyone knows that resistance is better than high health. There is a ring and athame that gives ice 350 health each but they both comes with 9% pip chance. why not go for the new wintertusk wolf claw and bear ring and athame that gives 217 health each and 14% pip chance each? Plus 7 critical block about 12% incoming heal and I think 4% boost each.
Your health will never reach the 4000 mark but you will have increased your pip percentage and critical block which are essential to surviving in the arena.