I recently started playing wiz again and decided to pvp and I have to ask what is the point. I use to pvp a long time ago and have a lot of fun; not anymore. It seems all you have to do is start a toon go buy a crowns pet that gives you a massive card at baby or adult and then sit there and one shot people. I thought pvp was suppose to be about strategy. It seems it is only about having a high ranking pet to do your job for you. Wizard 101 pvp doesn't seem worth it anymore.
I recently started playing wiz again and decided to pvp and I have to ask what is the point. I use to pvp a long time ago and have a lot of fun; not anymore. It seems all you have to do is start a toon go buy a crowns pet that gives you a massive card at baby or adult and then sit there and one shot people. I thought pvp was suppose to be about strategy. It seems it is only about having a high ranking pet to do your job for you. Wizard 101 pvp doesn't seem worth it anymore.
The point is the Challenge, as you are put to the test, a real test in this PvP war. If you don't like hard challenges, then I agree with you, what's the point. If you do like a hard challenge, like a 9th grade advanced math mid-term exam, then PvP is for you.
I think that PvP was designed to be hard, and to put you through a learning curve, just like any sport you play. Plus it's a game of math, which many don't seem to understand. How fast can you add, multiply and divided, to me that is part of PvP. The other players look for any option to win, whether it's treasure cards, the best gear (no auction gear in lower levels), or pets to give them an edge. They look for the best combinations of spells, plus they know what spell the other wizard has and how many pips it takes to use it. The better you know the game, the more you play PvP or watch PvP, the better you will get.
If you are a Fire Wizard (guessing based on your name), you have one of the best wizaards for the pvp side of the game, imo.
If you don't want to spend the time, as many don't, then maybe you should ignore this part of the game for a while. Growing can get you some great things to sell, and or use. Crafting is hard, but can also help you in the game, as time goes alone. Hatching pets and trying to get the perfect pet or a number of rare pets can also be alot of fun. These can all keep you having fun in the game, until the next world.
Then when you are ready for pvp, jump back in with a vengence to win..... Just remember, reading this board can help alot, as there are many very good PvP'ers here that list great data to help.
I recently started playing wiz again and decided to pvp and I have to ask what is the point. I use to pvp a long time ago and have a lot of fun; not anymore. It seems all you have to do is start a toon go buy a crowns pet that gives you a massive card at baby or adult and then sit there and one shot people. I thought pvp was suppose to be about strategy. It seems it is only about having a high ranking pet to do your job for you. Wizard 101 pvp doesn't seem worth it anymore.
The point is the Challenge, as you are put to the test, a real test in this PvP war. If you don't like hard challenges, then I agree with you, what's the point. If you do like a hard challenge, like a 9th grade advanced math mid-term exam, then PvP is for you.
I wasn't aware that any pets could one-hit the opposition. Which pets do that?
Firezilla, hit for around 635 to 725 or about that. When I was in the lower levels, it beat me more than a few times.
Toontown, and after Darthjt's last few postings on respect, you are now the mean guy on the board.....lol.
Joe, Joseph LionHunter.
I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. The word "toon" suggested to me that Toontown is where the opening poster had recently been. Since the PvP system highly favors the wealthy and dedicated players over the less-wealthy and casual players, I suggested an alternative.
However, I see your point. It WAS mean to suggest that anybody ever go play on Toontown. My apologies for that.