When should I start PvP? I am level 43 Balance wizard and my highest damage spell would be Judgement, or Hydra. I also have helping hands. However, I don't have a good pet, and I don't know how to make one or find one.
I don't really no much about PvP even though I've played for a decade lol, but as for pet hatching, here is some advice
The best way to get good pet stats is to use the Hatchmaking Kiosk (the egg stand in the Pet Pavilion) to search for pets that people have posted, that way you can see which pet has which stats you would want.
It doesn't have to by a balance only pet to have all balance stats, but usually pets that have a theme (such as a life pet but not life only pet) are used for school specific stats. I usually prefer to get the pet I want look wise first before I continue myself: If there is a certain pet you want looks wise, I would hatch with a pet, but try to find the one that you are going for look wise to be as close to the stats you are wanting, if you don't know what stats you want yet, I wouldn't worry as much about how close the pet you hatching for look wise talents are.
After you get the pet you want look wise, its time to hatch! Start hatching with the pet you want stat wise.
If you get another pet you didn't want looks wise, I would recommend not using it to hatch, just hatch the original pets again until you get the one you want looks wise. I would say train the pet to adult, and if the pet has stats that you want, hatch that pet with the one with the good stats instead of continuing to train. This will focus the pet's stats to what you desire.
When you feel comfortable with the stats you have on your pet to be willing to train them up higher past adult (may take 5-10 hatches), you may want to hatch again at ancient or maybe epic before going higher (if you are going higher)
Some pets may only take 5-10 hatches to complete, some (in rare cases) can take up to 30+. However, pets provide great benefits no matter what level you are.
And don't feel bad if you get frustrated with pets that didn't meet your expectations, we've all been there.
As far as good snacks to feed, I would suggest mega snacks from Couch Potatoes or Evil Magma Peas in Gardening, and there are some dungeons as well that drop mega snacks.
Good luck on your pet training and questing! I hope you enjoy the game :)
When should I start PvP? I am level 43 Balance wizard and my highest damage spell would be Judgement, or Hydra. I also have helping hands. However, I don't have a good pet, and I don't know how to make one or find one.
either 130, 120, or 100 as for gear and pets you can just type in guides on youtube and search any questions you have.