Let's face it, a lot of players struggle with pvp. Getting defeated in almost every single fight you take part in can be frustrating. You end up feeling down with your confidence taking a hard hit. If you are having a tough day in pvp feel free to share you're grievances.
Here are some of my frustrations.
Loremaster spamming. My opponent having the exact dispel/ school spell shield to perfectly counter my wizard's school. Constant use of "reduce accuracy" spells.
don forget that guardian life spell and if they jade also makes it worse, they really made pvp not fun, when they made that card, I am to the point of quitting the game, they actually took the fun out of pvp, the only good thing is tourneys anymore when you have 3-4 players, rank pvp is nothing more then a joke, if they made it so the guardian life spell can be used only one time in pvp match then that wouldn't be so bad but when they are jade and use that no its not right especially if you kill they come back and use the spell again and heal to full health not right im done in pvp matches now, until they change it, and I might just not go with a membership and start doing free worlds again and quit wasting my money to buy crowns that don't give nothing but junk
My only problem with loremaster is that mantle it gives. Even without mantle lore is OP, it does good damage for the amount of pips and gives a weakness. I would prefer they make the weakness stronger (maybe 30%) and take out the mantle cause thats just too much. Using lore is basically like going three times in one round.
When you PVP often, you will meet up basically the same people and more than likely team up with them over and over.
I have found that a team that plays well together can hold it's own against decent opponents.
I have numerous commander geared chars, yet I chose to make lesser chars and play with my friends that have similar strategies and we do very well as a group.
Everyone cannot be an attacker, everyone has a role to play. Some are attackers, some are healers, some are support.
Shield the life char always, Life is there to heal and shield 80% of the time, the attackers do exactly that and the others can attack and support, shield the life and heal when necessary.
Unfortunately, when you random join there is no guarantee what you are going to get as team mates and it's a lottery from there.
I have bad pvp ratings. Sometimes as a private I get paired with someone higher which is unfair and gives them a edge. I’m also really inexperienced. Luckily I never pvp anymore just do tournaments.
I've not won a singular PVP, not even a tournament with 2+ players (I stay away from 1 play tournaments to hide my shame). I've resorted to only doing ranked pvp in groups (2+) although I've never actually successfully quick matched into a 2+ player ranked PVP match! Frustrating! It's as though the only ones you can do are 1v1, and really, I can't do those to save my life.
Let's face it, a lot of players struggle with pvp. Getting defeated in almost every single fight you take part in can be frustrating. You end up feeling down with your confidence taking a hard hit. If you are having a tough day in pvp feel free to share you're grievances.
Here are some of my frustrations.
Loremaster spamming. My opponent having the exact dispel/ school spell shield to perfectly counter my wizard's school. Constant use of "reduce accuracy" spells.
Brother, I feel your pain. I've played 3000 matches this age, and can only get as far as Commander, and then lose it It's a weird feeling to go from like rank 840, down to 220, up to 600, down to 400, up to 800, down to 300, up to 740, down to 420, up to 599, down to 502, etc. Yeah, it can be a bummer, I know. I hope something is done to help.
Though, I'd like to point out that some of that you can overcome by countering it, i.e. school spell shields. I set shield for storm with my fire wizard, 4 -80% in my main deck and plenty of tc tower shields in side deck because I know storm is going to strike quick and furiously. Most storm wizards have the exact same style of play, i.e. wild bolt, storm lord, insane bolt and/or sultan, followed by wild bolt or insane bolt. For a fire wizard, playing from first or second, I know I just have to do my best to slow down your attack while I build pips. If I get a full count before you defeat me, I'm usually going to win, even without shriek. The combination? Rampage, Efreet, Scorching But I have to counter your attacks to stand a chance, I have to set shield against you.
But I digress, you want to know how to overcome it, set shield back If you know my wiz is going to defend himself during your assault, then conserve pips as well and shield against me. You can train fire shield, or you can buy the tc. You can also buy tc tower if you think that will help. Sorry, you didn't state what type of wizard you are, I was just giving a general example of why someone may set shield against a certain type of wizard, but the same principal applies to all wizards, set for the competitors you have the most difficulties with, if you want to be a defensive player. If you want to be a more offensive player and are willing to risk the pips, set dispels in your deck too. You never know what someone else may be carrying in their deck, so prepare the best you can.
As far as the Lore spam goes, brother, you're not alone
I try to use auras to boost damage with this setup.
I don’t know what I am doing wrong. If I am first, or if they are hoarding pips I will use Mana Burn. I pop auras. Basically try to spam weakness between hits.
I use Loremaster, but try not to lean too heavily on it. It’s mainly for the weakness. I try to control the bubble with Gaze. Gaze and Worm combo usually does the trick. I tend to keep a heal in hand.
Still, I only win half the time.
What is wrong with me?
Some people say I should just spam Lore, which is boring and seems kind of unsporting. Some people say Mana burn every other turn, but that uses up five pips.
I'm a lvl 45 storm private, and I keep getting paired up with higher level and ranking people like captains and warlords. Why is this happening, how can I avoid it, and if I can't, how can I stang a chance against them?